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屬靈操練 Spiritual Disciplines 第三部 Part III

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1 屬靈操練 Spiritual Disciplines 第三部 Part III
集體的 操 練 Corporate Disciplines

2 三種屬靈操練 Three Kinds of Disciplines
內在的 Inward 外在的 Outward 集體的 Corporate

3 回顧 Review 內在的 Inward 默想 Meditation 禱告 Prayer 研讀 Study 禁食 Fasting

4 外在的 Outward 儉約 Simplicity 獨處 Solitude 降服 Submission 服事 Service
回顧 Review 外在的 Outward 儉約 Simplicity 獨處 Solitude 降服 Submission 服事 Service

5 集體的 Corporate 認罪Confession 敬拜Worship 引導Guidance 慶祝Celebration
大綱 Outline 集體的 Corporate 認罪Confession 敬拜Worship 引導Guidance 慶祝Celebration

6 認罪 Confession 說比做容易 Easier said than done
個別的與集體的 Individual vs. Corporate 雅各書 5:15-17 不順服此命令的結果是假善 James 5:15-17; disobedience will result in pervasive hypocrisy 真實的哀傷與悔改 Genuine sorrow & repentance 歌林多後書 7:10 不要逃避屬靈的哀傷,沉浸在當中直到聖靈的釋放 II Corinthians 7:10; don’t shy away from Godly sorrow, wallow in it until relieved by the Spirit

7 當你認罪 Giving Confession
自我懲罰 Penance 歌林多前書9:27 若是讓我們與神靠近並遠離罪惡… I Corinthians 9:27; if it moves us toward God and away from sin... 當你認罪 Giving Confession 歌林多前書 10: I Corinthians 10:31-32 當你接受認罪 Receiving Confession 約翰福音 2-:23 John 20:23 真實的認罪帶來敬拜 Genuine confession leads to worship 路加福音 7:47 Luke 7:47

8 敬拜 Worship “若耶穌是敬拜主領,我們必會期待神蹟奇事在敬拜中發生。內在與外在的醫治必是常態而非例外,使徒行傳中的記載將不是故事而是經驗。” “If Jesus is our [worship] leader, miracles should be expected to occur in worship. Healings both inward and outward will be the rule, not the exception. The book of Acts will not just be something we read about, but something we are experiencing.” -Celebration of Discipline, p. 165

9 敬拜Worship 星期天不是敬拜的開始, 而是高峰 敬拜是神榮耀透過不同形式的彰顯 以神為中心就是榮耀祂, 而不是對祂說我們以為祂想聽的話
Worship does not start on Sundays, it culminates there 敬拜是神榮耀透過不同形式的彰顯 Worship is the outward glorification of God via a multitude of forms 以神為中心就是榮耀祂, 而不是對祂說我們以為祂想聽的話 God is glorified by Godwardness, not by telling Him what we think He wants to hear 敬拜應同時兼具理性與情感 Worship is both rational and emotive

10 敬拜是屬靈的 敬拜是肢體的 敬拜是聖徒的團契 敬拜讓我們更順服! Worship is spiritual
Worship is physical (Disciplines, pp ) 敬拜是聖徒的團契 Worship is the communion of the “saints” (Disciplines, pp ) 敬拜讓我們更順服! Worship leads us to obedience! (Disciplines, p. 173)

11 引導 Guidance 個別的與集體的 Individual vs. Corporate 使徒行傳 13:1-3 巴拿巴與掃羅(集體的)
Acts 13:1-3; Barnabas and Saul (Corporate) 使徒行傳 15 保羅的爭戰(個別的) Acts 15; Paul’s battle (Individual) 使徒行傳 保羅的艱難(集體的?) Acts 20-28; Paul’s hardships (Corporate?) 沒有一人能明白神全部的旨意;互相依靠 None of us has the whole counsel of God alone; interdependence 集體的優於個別的 (聖經) Corporate is superior to individual (The Scriptures)

12 Democracy is not God-ordained 階級不是神的系統
民主不是神的系統 Democracy is not God-ordained 階級不是神的系統 Hierarchy is not God-ordained “神主”才是神的系統 Theocracy is God-ordained 真實的領導與指引發生在彼此降服尋求神旨意 True leadership and guidance characterized by an eager subservience

13 慶祝 Celebration 申命記 28:47-48 “神威脅我們若不以祂為樂則會有壞事發生” –John Piper
Deuteronomy 28:47-48; “God threatens terrible things if we will not be happy in Him!” –John Piper 約翰福音15:11 福音的終極目的與本質就是喜樂 John 15:11; the purpose and ultimate destination of the Gospel is joy! 路加福音 11:27-28 順服帶來喜樂 Luke 11:27-28; obedience results in joy

14 慶祝 Celebration 慶祝是喜樂最自然的結果 Celebration is the natural result of joy
慶祝不應是強迫的, 應該自然流露 Celebration should not be forced, it should overflow 慶祝是一個操練, 我們應定睛在屬天的事物上Celebration is a discipline; we must choose to set our mind on the things above

15 Money offering is a form of celebration (the tithe)
奉獻是一種慶祝的方式(十一奉獻) Money offering is a form of celebration (the tithe) 基督教節日應該是慶祝的日子,而不是工作Christian holidays should be great celebrations, not work 安息日應該要慶祝而非工作;我們敢信靠神而守一個真實的安息日嗎? The Sabbath should be celebration, not work; dare we trust God enough to keep a genuine Sabbath? 慶祝時會大聲、有音樂、 歌曲、 舞蹈、 藝術、 智慧、 明哲與啟示 Celebration takes form in noise, music, song, dance, art, wisdom & understanding, and revelation!

16 操練 The Disciplines 我們已經看見默想讓我們更具屬靈敏感力, 並引導我們進入禱告。很快我們會發現禱告需要禁食的配合。 有了這三種操練,我們將能更有效的研讀,使我們對於自己與所處世界有更深入的瞭解。 “We have seen how meditation heightens our spiritual sensitivity which, in turn, leads us into prayer. Very soon we discover that prayer involves fasting and accompanying means. Informed by these three Disciplines, we can effectively more into study which gives us discernment about ourselves and the world in which we live.

17 操練 The Disciplines 透過儉約我們能正直的與他人相處;獨處使我們與他人更真實同在。透過降服我們不操弄他人;服事讓我們成為別人的祝福。 Through simplicity we live with others in integrity. Solitude allows us to be genuinely present to people when we are with them. Through submission we live with others without manipulation, and through service we are a blessing to them.

18 操練 The Disciplines 認罪讓我們釋放自己並帶出敬拜;敬拜打開引導的大門。所有屬靈操練的實行帶出榮耀的慶祝。
Confession frees us from ourselves and releases us to worship. Worship opens the door to guidance. All the Disciplines freely exercised bring forth the doxology of celebration.”

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