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研究生修業期間相關須知 Q & A 國立屏東科技大學 教務處 • 研教組.

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1 研究生修業期間相關須知 Q & A 國立屏東科技大學 教務處 • 研教組

2 目錄 Content 序 Preface 新生入學 Enrollment
註冊與選課 Registration / courses selection 休學、退學與復學 Suspension / discharge / re-admission 論文與畢業 Thesis / graduation Regulations that applicable to International students are translated into English in this pamphlet.

3 序 Preface 本須知訂定的目的,在於協助新進研究生瞭解修業期間與其自身權益相關的規定,以減少不必要的困擾。凡是本須知說明不清楚之處,教務處研教組所有工作人員,竭誠歡迎並樂意提供必要的諮詢。 The purpose of this Q & A pamphlet is to help graduate students understand all related regulations that may affect their legal rights granted by the corresponding Graduate Institutes and the University so that possible confusion can be eliminated. Please stop by Graduate Education Division for further assistance.

4 Suspension / Discharge Re-admission
Q & A 3. 休學、退學與復學篇 Suspension / Discharge Re-admission

5 問: 應令退學等規定 逾期未完成註冊手續或休學逾期未復學者。 一學期中曠課達四十五小時者。
研究生除論文外,學期學業平均成績連續二學期均不及格者(低於70分以下)。 修業年限屆滿,經依規定延長年限仍未修足應修之科目與學分者。 研究生學位考試不及格,修業年限未屆滿,經重考一次仍不及格者。 本校研究所博士班研究生入學後四年內應通過資格考核,屆時未能通過者應予退學。 32

6 Q: Regulations regarding discharge
Unable to complete the registration or unable to be re-admitted in time after suspension Number of absence exceeding 45 hours in a semester The average grade of two consecutive semesters being lower than 70 Unable to complete the required courses within the approved extension period 33

7 問: 應令退學等規定 (續) 操行成績不及格(70分以下)者。
同時在他校註冊入學(雙重學籍)者。本校學生不得有雙重學籍,若在修讀學士學位期間同時考上本校研究所(碩士班),則需擇一自請退學,如未主動申報而於事後被查覺,註銷二個學籍並勒令退學。 34

8 Q: Regulations regarding discharge (Cont.)
Unable to pass the degree exam twice Grade of moral fortitude being lower than 70 Holding additional student status at other Institute 35

9 問: 休學相關規定 學生因故申請休學,以一學期、一學年或二學年為限。休學累計滿二學年,因重病或特殊事故無法及時復學者,得經專案簽准後,再予延長一學年。 但欲辦理續修須提請續修申請,且須於註冊前提出申請並獲核准者,可不必註冊,否則應先行註冊復學。未續辦休學且未復學者,以退學論。 36

10 Q: Regulations regarding suspension
Students are allowed to file suspension due to unexpected causes. The period of suspension is limited to one semester, one or two academic years. Special approval is needed when a student fails to re-admit after total of two academic-year suspension. Students need to submit applications and have them approved prior to registration; otherwise, re-admission is required. 37

11 問: 休學相關規定 (續) 休學期間應徵服役學生,得檢具徵集令影本申請延長休學期限,於服役期滿後檢同退伍令申請復學。服役期間之休學,不列入休學年限併計。 學生於學期中途休學者,最遲應於學期考試之規定時間以前提出申請並獲核准。 38

12 Q: Regulations regarding suspension (Cont.)
Students who file for suspension yet required to fulfill military obligation are required to submit military service notices for extension. The extension will not be counted in the entire duration of suspension. Military discharge notices are required for re-admission. Application shall be submitted and approved before the final exam if suspension is implemented during the semester. 39

13 問: 申請復學時間 凡經本校第一學期核准休學學生,須於次學年度八月十五日前以書面提出復學申請,第二學期核准者,則在次學年度二月一日以前提出申請。 40

14 Q: When to apply for re-admission?
Students who file for suspension in the fall semester are required to submit re-admission applications before August 15 of the subsequent academic year, and before February 1 for those file for suspension in the spring semester. 41

15 問: 於休學期間受征召服役,請問要如何辦理延長休 學時間,及復學時應如何辦理?
問: 於休學期間受征召服役,請問要如何辦理延長休 學時間,及復學時應如何辦理? 學生於休學期間,受征召服役,而欲延長休學期限時,須於入伍之初,即行檢附征集令影印本及休學證明書,以書面向學校提出申請。俟服役期滿再檢同退伍令、休學證明書申請復學,否則概以退學論。 42 Not applicable to International students.

16 備忘錄 Memo 43

17 發行人:周昌弘 Publisher:C.-H. Chow 主編:張念台 Editor:N.-T. Chang
國立屏東科技大學 教務處 • 研教組 編印 National Pingtung University of Science and Technology Office of Academic Affairs • Graduate Education Division 發行人:周昌弘 Publisher:C.-H. Chow 主編:張念台 Editor:N.-T. Chang 彙整:吳嘉俊 • 陳淑斐 Assisting editors:C.-C. Wu • Sufia Chen 黃瓊霞 • 張順發 C.-S. Huang • Alfa Chang Tel: (886-8) • Fax: (886-8) •

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