Watershed Management--10

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Presentation on theme: "Watershed Management--10"— Presentation transcript:

1 Watershed Management--10
Ground water Groundwater is the water that occurs in saturated zones beneath the soil surface is. 97% of all fresh liquid water on the earth 30% of streamflow in the United States 50% of drinking water in the United States 2018/11/28 Watershed Management--10

2 Watershed Management--10
Two forces Capillary force (matric force) – physical attraction of soil or rock particles to water; water flows from wetted particles (high-energy potential) to drier particles (low-energy potential). Gravity force 2018/11/28 Watershed Management--10

3 Watershed Management--10
Basic concepts Zone of aeration Soil water zone Vadose zone Capillary fringe Zone of saturation 2018/11/28 Watershed Management--10

4 Watershed Management--10
Basic concepts Zone of aeration (unsaturated zone, 0-300m) Soil water, 0 -15m Intermediate water Capillary fringe water Zone of saturation (saturated zone) Ground water Internal water (90m - several miles) Chemically combined water 2018/11/28 Watershed Management--10

5 How to learn this chapter Read brooks’s book chapter 6
2.5 Land use and land cover How to learn this chapter Read brooks’s book chapter 6 Read Heathcote’s book chapter 2 Read 周年生’s book chapter 2 2018/11/28 Watershed Management--10

6 Watershed Management--10
2.5 Land use and land cover Land use determine the economic benefits of land user Land use often changes the infiltration of land surface and the ET process, thus affecting hydrologic pattern Land use impact the environment Land use determining the applicable legislation 2018/11/28 Watershed Management--10

7 Watershed Management--10
2.5 Land use and land cover In arid and semiarid regions, 85-95% of the annual precipitation is evaporated or consumptively used by plants. Water yield usually increases when Forests are clearcut or thinned Vegetation is converted from deep-rooted species to shallow-rooted species Vegetation cover is changed from high interception capacities plant to lower one 2018/11/28 Watershed Management--10

8 Watershed Management--10
2.5 Land use and land cover Wetland The hydrologic characteristics: Shallow water tables and flat topography are dominant features The depth of the water table governs evapotranspiration and streamflow discharge from wetlands– the deeper the water table, the lower the evapotranspiration and discharge 2018/11/28 Watershed Management--10

9 Watershed Management--10
2.5 Land use and land cover 3. Annual evapotranspiration far exceeds annual discharge for most wetlands 4. Wetlands tend to be groundwater discharge areas more often than groundwater recharge areas. 2018/11/28 Watershed Management--10

10 Watershed Management--10
2.5 Land use and land cover 5. Largely because of flat topography,wetlands function much like simple reservoirs; they attenuate flood peaks by temporarily storing or detaining water. 6. Wetlands that are linked to regional groundwater systems exhibit less seasonal fluctuations in water table and streamflow discharge than do wetlands that are perched or otherwise isolated from regional groundwater. 2018/11/28 Watershed Management--10

11 Watershed Management--10
2.5 Land use and land cover Water table in the clearcut peatland rose as much as 10cm higher during wet periods and dropped during dry periods to a level 19 cm lower than those of a mature forested peatland (control). Why? 2018/11/28 Watershed Management--10

12 Watershed Management--10
2.5 Land use and land cover Differences in interception explain the wet period response Differences in transpiration explain the dry period response. Differences in evaporation and transpiration explain the dry period response. Constituent 2018/11/28 Watershed Management--10

13 Watershed Management--10
2.5 Land use and land cover Federal land Non- Federal land Rural land Agricultural land Cropland Rangeland Forestland Pastureland Transportation, water, other Urban land 2018/11/28 Watershed Management--10

14 Watershed Management--10
2.5 Land use and land cover Land use change land use change 2018/11/28 Watershed Management--10

15 Watershed Management--10
2.5 Land use and land cover 2018/11/28 Watershed Management--10

16 Watershed Management--10
2.5 Land use and land cover 吴传钧,郭焕成。1994。中国土地利用。科学出版社。1: 中国土地利用分类系统。 耕地 园地 林地 牧草地 水域和湿地 城镇用地 工矿用地 交通用地 特殊用地 其他用地 2018/11/28 Watershed Management--10

17 Watershed Management--10
2.5 Land use and land cover 马克伟。2000。中国土地资源调查技术。中国大地出版社。 耕地 园地 林地 牧草地 居民点及工矿用地 水域 未利用土地 2018/11/28 Watershed Management--10

18 How to learn this chapter Read Heathcote’s book chapter 2
2.6 Social economic How to learn this chapter Read Heathcote’s book chapter 2 Read 周年生’s book chapter 2 2018/11/28 Watershed Management--10

19 Watershed Management--10
2.6 Social economic 人口 劳动力 文化、教育、卫生 宗教、风俗习惯 市场和消费 城镇发展 国民生产总值 2018/11/28 Watershed Management--10

20 Watershed Management--10
2.6 Social economic 行业构成 农、林、牧、副、渔和水利服务业 工业 地质普查和勘探业 建筑业 交通运输、邮电通讯业 商业、公共饮食业、物资供销和仓储业 2018/11/28 Watershed Management--10

21 Watershed Management--10
2.6 Social economic 房地产管理、公用事业、居民服务业、咨询服务业 卫生、体育和社会福利事业 教育、文化艺术和广播电视业 科学研究和综合服务事业 金融、保险业 国家机关、党政机关和社会团体 其他行业 2018/11/28 Watershed Management--10

22 Watershed Management--10
2.6 Social economic 职业构成: 各类专业技术人员 国家机关、党群组织和企事业单位负责人 办事人员和有关人员 商业工作人员 服务性工作人员 农林牧渔劳动者 生产工人、运输工人和有关人员 不便分类的其他人员 2018/11/28 Watershed Management--10

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