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Presentation on theme: "赞美之泉."— Presentation transcript:

1 赞美之泉

2 从天父而来的爱和恩典 把我们冰冷的心溶解 让我们献出每个音符 把它化为赞美之泉 让我们张开口 举起手 向永生之主称谢 使赞美之泉流入 每个人的心间


4 赞美之泉 Stream of Praise

5 把它化为赞美之泉 Mercy and grace from the Father above
从天父而来的爱和恩典 把我们冰冷的心溶解 让我们献出每个音符 把它化为赞美之泉 Mercy and grace from the Father above Come soften our hearts and fill us with love Let ev’ry song that we offer to you Flow out as a stream of praise. 1/2

6 让我们张开口 举起手 向永生之主称谢 使赞美之泉流入 每个人的心间 C2/2 With our voice we praise,
hands we raise In thanksgiving to our God In worship, our spirit overflow With stream of love and praise C2/2

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