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Knowledge Hub@NTHU 知識匯:創新思維翻轉知識舞台

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Presentation on theme: "Knowledge Hub@NTHU 知識匯:創新思維翻轉知識舞台"— Presentation transcript:

1 Knowledge Hub@NTHU 知識匯:創新思維翻轉知識舞台
林福仁 國立清華大學圖書館 服務科學研究所 05/04/2015

2 Some Observations

3 Within an arm’s length (咫尺天涯)
Plagiarism checker One day, Prof. Yang came to me to share his initiative to create a plagiarism checker using the encrypted text as the input, so that it protect the authors’ intellectual property. He would like to take the thesis repository as the test set. I mentioned this request to the deputy director, Prof. Sun, and found out that Prof. Sun actually has built a system to be able to encrypt the plain text for plagiarism checking. I need a quick reference of each professor’s up-to-date academic profile.

4 Indirect link (一切都是緣分)
One day, Qian-min, a master student in the Institute of Service Science is working on the data mining project to identify brainwave using EEG device aiming to design a self-awareness of learning status in MOOCs context. She mentioned two professors in the Dept. of EE, Prof. Lee and Prof. Cheng, who may be also working on the similar research topics through the referral from people attending the same church with Qian-min. Social tide to bring people to interact

5 Team up (有志一同) One day, a student in the Institute of Service Science would like to develop an audio service system to enable recording, editing, indexing, searching, and streaming according to the geographical locations. However, he is not technical guru to implement this system. Then, who else in campus may be interested in working on this project?  Need some approaches to team up effectively and efficiently.

6 Express delivery (即時投遞)
I am a researcher in the domain of service science, which is an interdisciplinary study of service systems. I expect that someone can deliver the up-to-date new arrival journal papers to me, and I can also pass them to my graduate students. Then, we can digest the newly arrival knowledge. An automatic recommendation service is expected.

7 Research life in campus
Idea formation Ask research questions Specify research objectives Decide research methods Research agenda Conduct research activities Analyze and explain the results Write the research papers and submit to conferences or journals Publish the papers or write the books Library

8 Literature Search

9 What I, as a researcher, may need?
Introduce me relevant literatures even more accurate than google search. Automatically maintain my publication list up to date. Recommend my research outcomes to those who may be interested in the topics. Inform me the newly generated knowledge which I don’t know but I may be interested in.

10 What we can do to fulfill these needs?
Knowledge Hub

11 Objectives Facilitate the knowledge sharing and creation within Tsing Hua and between Tsing Hua and the world. Promote Tsing Hua’s research outcomes to corresponding communities to increase the visibility of Tsing Hua research. Integrate knowledge service systems to co-create value for research and education.

12 Knowledge Hub Framework
Global knowledge repositories R denotes “researcher”

13 Knowledge creating spiral circle: SECI Process
(Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1995)

14 Transactive Memory System Virtual Organization V1
Double Loop Learning Single Loop Learning Knowledge Map Knowledge Allocation Social Network Updating Knowledge Maintenance Collaborative Knowledge Retrieval Mnemonic Function Transactive Memory System External Component External Component External Component …. Declarative Procedural Declarative Procedural Declarative Procedural Internal Component Internal Component Internal Component Private Private Private Accessible Accessible Accessible Individual A1 Individual B1 Individual N1 Virtual Organization V1 A2 A1 A3 B2 B1 B3 …. N2 N1 N3 GA2 GB2 GN2 Group GA1 Group GB1 Group GN1 (Lin & Lin, 2001) Organization A Organization B Organization N

15 Knowledge Hub Structure
Individual KN portal Departmental KN portal Tsing Hua Knowledge Hub Institutional repository Journals databases others

16 任務 任務四、協助產學合作 任務三、提供研發新知 任務二、強化研發資源網絡 任務一、建置研發動能庫 連結 加值 掌握 行銷 匯聚
輔助並提升校友使用清華研究及教學等資源及業界的競爭力。 提供校內跨領域研發團隊資訊 協助產學合作,橋接企業需求 任務四、協助產學合作 任務三、提供研發新知 任務二、強化研發資源網絡 任務一、建置研發動能庫 連結 加值 分項任務 提供其相關領域之研發新資訊 提供關於其相關領域之國內外研究者資訊 提供研究計畫相關資訊 掌握 行銷 搜尋潛在合作對象或研究追隨者 將研發成果行銷予同領域之研究者 整合呈現研發能量及成果之影響性 建置清華研發知識地圖 提供研究產出清單與統計數據 匯聚

17 Researcher’s Portal 被引用次數 下載次數 社群關注 提及 使用 研發成果清單

18 查詢研究領域 搜尋「雲端」之研發領域 查得研發領域為「雲端」之相關教師

19 Collaborative networks

20 預期效益 強化清華校園跨領域的對話與合作 拓展清華之國際學術網絡 連結學術研究與產業與社會需求 充分使用圖書館之學術資源
成為知識創造與學習的活水源頭  成為清大對社會的價值共創者 

21 清大圖書館活水計畫 半畝方塘一鑑開, 天光雲影共徘徊, 問渠那得清如許? 為有源頭活水來。
半畝方塘一鑑開, 天光雲影共徘徊, 問渠那得清如許? 為有源頭活水來。 昨夜江邊春水生,艨艟巨艦一毛輕,向來枉費推移力,此日中流自在行。 (朱熹觀書有感)


23 清大圖書館活水計畫 「知識匯」(Knowledge Hub @ NTHU) 「學習會」(Learning Commons @ NTHU)
「匯」是匯集、轉換與加值的樞紐 「學習會」(Learning NTHU) 「會」是菁英之所聚與價值共創之場域 「文化薈」(Cultural NTHU) 「薈」是文化精粹之典藏。

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