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Presentation on theme: "X-射线荧光分析."— Presentation transcript:

1 X-射线荧光分析




5 Do acupuncture points exist?

6 经络与腧穴 经络是运行气血、联系脏腑和体表及全身各部的通道,是人体功能的调控系统。 经络主运行血气。《论语·季氏》:
-- 少年:“血气未定” -- 壮年:“血气方刚” -- 老年:“血气既衰” “经脉者,所以决死生,处百病,调虚实,不可不通”(《灵枢·经脉》) In traditional Chinese medicine, a life force, “Qi”, is believed to flow through these meridians. If the meridian network is disturbed such that the flow of “Qi” is blocked, illness is the result. (to appear in Physics in Medicine and Biology)

7 经络与腧穴 经络系统:十二经脉、奇经八脉、十二经别、十五络脉、十二经筋、十二皮部。
腧穴是脏腑经络气血输注于躯体外部的特殊部位,也是疾病的反应点和针灸等治法的刺激点。也称穴位。 属于十二经脉以及奇经八脉中的任脉和督脉等十四经的腧穴,称经穴,共361个。 腧穴:经穴、奇穴、阿是穴。

8 腧穴定位法 同身寸 拇指横寸 四指横寸

9 条口 下巨虚

10 12 cun 间使 郗门


12 X-ray fluorescence station in BSRF, with an energy range between 3
X-ray fluorescence station in BSRF, with an energy range between 3.5 keV and 35 keV. A lithium drifted silicon (Si(Li)) detector and spectrometer system were used to record the fluorescence spectra with an energy resolution of 134 eV at 5.9 keV approximately. The maximum counting rate was 30,000 per second. An ion chamber was used for monitoring the beam intensity. The oval beam spot size at the sample was 0.7 mm vertically and 1 mm across. 24 points were scanned along one meridian of the arm. Mapping: 7 points along the meridian and 4 points perpendicular to it. The separation of points parallel to the meridian was 1mm and 1.4mm perpendicular to the meridian.






18 Acupoints CCu:CFe:CZn Jianshi 1:3.7:4.3 Tiaokou 1:3.3:17.5 Xiajuxu 1:3.5:17.9

19 [(Ncenter-N)/Ncenter]x100%

20 Conclusion Contents of Ca, Fe, Cu and Zn were significantly higher at three out of four acupuncture points examined than in the surrounding tissue. With closely similar ratios of Cu to Fe at the points Jianshi, Tiaokou and Xiajuxu, but not Ximen. Each acupuncture point seems to be elliptical with the long axis along the meridian.

21 谢谢

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