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Presentation on theme: "PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW"— Presentation transcript:

Law School of Fuzhou University Huang Hui

2 Teacher Huang Hui Law School of Fuzhou University

Period :54 Textbook and References : 《国际私法论》 北京大学出版社 张潇剑 著 《国际私法》 北京大学出版社 高等教育出版社 韩德培主编 《Private International Law 》 Cheshire and North’s 《国际私法学》 北京大学出版社 李双元主编 《国际私法》       法律出版社 李旺著 《国际私法》      中国政法大学出版社 赵相林主编 《国际私法原理与案例》 中国政法大学出版社 崔峰 著 《国际私法教学案例》  中国政法大学出版社 杜新丽主编

Part I :Introduction Part II :Subject of private international law Part III:Pandect of private international law Part IV:Particular branch of private international law Part V:International civil procedure and commercial arbitration

5 Particular branch Introduction Subject Private international law
1、general survey of private international law 2、history of private international law Introduction 3、natural person 5、state and international organization 4、legal person 6、civil legal status for foreigners Subject 7、conflict rules and applicable law 8、characterization 9、renvoi 10、reservation of public order 11、evasion of law 12、ascertainment of the content of foreign law Private international law Pandect 13、legal act and agency 14、real right 15、obligation 16、marriage and family 17、succession Particular branch 18、international civil procedure 19、international commercial arbitration Procedure

6 Part one Introduction of private international law
Chapter 1 General survey of private international law Chapter 2  History of private international law

7 Chapter 1 General survey of private international law
Section 1 Adjusted object of private international law Section 2 The definition of Section 3 The scope of private international law Section 4 Sources of private international law Section 5 Fundamental principle of Section 6 Private international law vs. other laws

8 What is the difference between public law and private law?
 Question:   What is the difference between public law and private law?

9 Section 1 Adjusted object of private international law
Foreign-related civil or commercial legal relations are the adjusted object of private international law (foreign element)

10 Question: How do you define the term “legal relationship”?
What is the difference between legal relationship and social relationship?

11 Section 1 Adjusted object of private international law
Civil / Commercial legal relations involving foreign elements: 1. Subject 2. Object 3. Cause

12 Section 2 The definition of private international law
1、Conflict of law and the causes 2、Methods of adjusting 3、Definition and name of private international law

13 Question:   Private international law is also called conflict of laws. Does it mean there exist many conflicts in different laws?

14 1、 The causes of conflict of laws
1) Different states have different regulations on the same issue. (case 1) 2) More and more foreign-related civil or commercial legal relations have been established among states. (case 2) 3) On certain conditions, one state admits the extraterritorial validity of foreign regulations. (case 3)

15 2、Methods of adjusting 1)Indirect Regulating Method

16 3、Definition and name of private international law
Conflict of laws Private international law International private law

17 Section 3 The scope of private international law
Civil legal status for foreigners Conflicts law Uniform substantive laws International civil procedure and rules on international arbitration

18 Question:   Does legal source mean the history of law?

19 Section 4 Sources of private international law
A striking feature of private international law is the dualism, which includes both domestic and international source. Domestic legislation Source of private international law Domestic source Judicial precedence International treaty International source International practice

20 Section 5 Fundamental principles of private international law
Principles of national sovereignty Principles of equality and mutual benefit Principles of respecting international treaties and international customs

21 Question:   Is private international law international law or domestic law?

22 Section 6 Private international law vs. other laws
Private international law vs. international public law Private international law vs. international economic law Private international law vs. domestic civil law

23 Chapter 2 History of private international law
Section 1 Creation of private international law Section 2 Main doctrines of Section 3 History of legislation of

24 Section One Creation of private international law
Background Doctrines Bartolus( ) “the theory of statutes”  

25 Section 2 Main doctrines of private international law
1. The theory of statutes in France (Charles.Dumoulin, ) 《Commentaire sur la coutume de Paris》 2. “Comitas gentium” Holland (Ulicus Huber, ) “Three principles of Huber” 3.Sitz des Rechtsver-haltnisses Theory of “Seat of Legal Relationship” (Savigny, ) 《System des heutigen Romischen Rechts》

26 Section 2 Main doctrines of private international law
4.Doctrine of vested right (Dicey, ) 《A digest on the law of England with reference to the conflict of laws》 5. Local law theory (Cook, ) 《Logic and base of conflict of laws》 6. Governmental interest analysis (Brainerd Currie, )

27 Section 3 History of legislation of private international law
1、Internal history of legislation 2、International history of legislation 3、Development of private international law in China

28 案例一 一名22岁墨西哥人李查蒂在法国向巴黎珠宝商用期票购买价值100万法郎的珠宝,到付款之日,墨西哥人李查蒂说,依照墨西哥法, 23岁成年,具有完全民事行为能力,自己还未成年,所签订的购买合同无效,没有约束力。但依法国法,21岁即成年。 (返回)

29 案例二 中国一名20岁的男子与一个19岁的俄罗斯女士在中国申请结婚,依中国法律,该婚姻不能成立,因为当事人未达到法定婚龄(我国法律规定男22周岁,女20周岁方可结婚)。但依俄罗斯法律,该婚姻关系可以成立,当事人双方的年龄符合俄罗斯规定的标准(注:俄罗斯规定男18岁,女18岁,女子年满16经父母同意也可以结婚)。对这起涉外婚姻,适用中国法律和俄罗期法律会产生不同结果。中国法律和俄罗斯法律的不同适用即产生冲突。 (返回)

30 案例三 一位中国留学生在伦敦时,被一位逆行(右行)的英国人驾车撞伤。这名留学生回国治疗,不久这名英国人也到了中国,留学生向法院起诉,称该英国人违章行驶,撞伤了他,要求赔偿。但该英国人答辩说:中国的交通规则,车辆一律靠右行驶,我在英国就是靠右行驶,没有过失,不须承担责任。该英国人的辩解是否有道理? (返回)


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