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國小英語多元評量 Multiple Assessment

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1 國小英語多元評量 Multiple Assessment
臺中市南屯區惠文國民小學 盧炳仁(Ben Lu)

2 Ice Breaker A junior high English teacher once had her students translate a famous KFC commercial “We do chicken right!” Here are the 28 answers:

3 “We do chicken right!” 15.向右看!有雞! 16.我們要對雞好! 17.我們願意雞好! 18.我們的材料是正宗的雞肉! 19.我們公正的做雞! 20.我們做雞正點耶 21.我們只做正版的雞! 22.我們做雞做的很正確! 23.我們正在做雞好不好? 24.我們一定要把雞打成右派! 25.我們做的是右派的雞! 26.我們只做右撇子雞! 27.我們做雞最專業! 28.我們叫雞有理! 1.我們做雞是對的! 2.我們就是做雞的! 3.我們有做雞的權利! 4.我們只做雞的右半邊! 5.我們只作右邊的雞! 6.我們可以做雞,對吧? 7.我們行使了雞的權利! 8.我們主張雞權! 9.我們還是做雞好! 10.做雞有理! 11.我們讓雞向右看齊! 12.我們只做正確的雞! 13.我們肯定是雞! 14.只有我們可以做雞!

4 Five Universal Learning Stages
Process a meaningful sample of the language. Learn it. Assimilate it into the English system of vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar and discourse. Develop facility in its use in conversation, reading, listening, speaking and writing. Utilize the language for some purpose beyond learning the language itself. Robert Lado, 1992

5 The classroom language lesson
A unit in a planned curricular sequence An instance of a teaching method in operation A patterned social activity An encounter between social activity and human personalities Kachru

6 “English” bicycle

7 New Generation Trend

8 Meaningful Inputs

9 Who you really are?

10 Are you a teacher like this?

11 Ten signs that you’re a good teacher

12 What Albert Einstein taught us

13 What Jeremy Lin taught us

14 What Chien-Min Wang Taught Us
大樹葛格 無尾熊妹

15 And the winner goes to…

16 The best things in life are FREE!

17 Listening Resources Who’s Got What easy version advanced version
fruit version grammar songs Lend Me Your Ears In My Dream (human rights issue) 30 countries with 1 million English speakers

18 Speaking Activities Children in Asia Higher/ Lower
What do you want for breakfast? Where is Ben? Simon Says Charades The Best Artist---What is it? Headline News Anchor Find someone who Who Wants to Be A Millionaire?

19 Reading Is EVERYTHING!

20 六大文體 Text Types / Genres
Recount—to tell what happened, to retell events Narrative—to entertain, create, stimulate emotions, motivate, guide, teach Procedure—to tell how to do or make something Information Report — to organize and present information about a class of things Explanation—to explore how things work or how something came to be, to explain phenomena Exposition—to argue or persuade a case for or against a particular point of view or position

21 英語課堂進行「箱書閱讀」活動 Title: Silly Willy Steps: Top Down
1. It’s DEAR time. (Drop Everything And Read) 2. Cover talk. (prediction) 3. Outline the story. (skimming and scanning) 4. Read aloud (variously) the text. 5. Q & A. (group discussion) 6. Word recognition & sentence pattern practice.

22 閱讀教學流程 Reading Run-down
SQP2RS S—Survey 瀏覽 Q—Question 提問 P—Predict 預測 R—Read 閱讀 R—Respond 回應 S—Self evaluation 自評

23 運用「提問」策略 Questions about pronunciation Questions about vocabulary
Questions about sentences Questions about paragraphs Questions about the gist Questions about the characters Questions about the plot

24 Reading Activities Another Apple in the Barrel Twelve Animal Signs
The Story of the Little Mole Fish Is Fish A Porcupine Named Fluffy Animal Olympics Stone Soup

25 Introduction of Writing
Good writing doesn’t happen by accident. Writing strategies are the tools writers use to do their work. 模仿是創造的開始 Teachers need to encourage young children’s first attempts at writing by focusing their intentions and the meaning of their messages. Quality, not quantity. Though practice makes perfect.作業太多,作品太少

26 Acronym Family: Father and mother I love you.
Name, Personality, Nationality, Occupation, Animals… Brilliant, Brazil, Butcher, Beaver Energetic, Egypt, Engineer, Emu Narcissistic, Norway, Nurse, Nightingale Joyful, Japan, Jester, Jaguar Amazing, Argentina, Architect, Antelope Muscular, Malaysia, Magician, Moose Intelligent, Israel, Inspector, Iguana Natural, Nepal, Navigator, Newt Ben is from Brazil. He’s a brilliant butcher. He likes beavers.

27 LOVE A~P 女孩問男孩:ABCDEFG是什麼意思? 男孩說:A boy can do everything for girl. 女孩說:別忘了後面還有HIJK. 男孩說:He is just kidding. 女孩說:就算你騙我也沒關係,因為後面還有LMNOP. 男孩說:Love must need our patience. 女孩說:How about QRSTUVWXYZ? 男孩說:I give up!

28 Writing Activities 課文仿作(Dialogues & Pictures) 中翻英練習(Review Unit) 改編繪本
Diary of a wimpy kid Comic strips (speech bubbles) Linsanity! Linderella! Super Lintendo! Taichung, my hometown My winter/summer vacation Songs, films, stories… 作品,不是作業;Project,not Paperwork.

29 Top Ten Grammatical Errors
Chinese expressions Wrong tenses Wrong word forms Adjectives with –ed/--ing S+V agreement Combining Be verbs and main verbs Countable/Uncountable nouns Unnecessary/ Missed/ Misused prepositions Sentence fragments Run-on sentences and comma splices

30 破除英文寫作六大迷思 用字越難越好 句子越長越好 句子越複雜越好 文章越長越好 標點符號不重要 將中文翻譯成英文

31 國小英語補救教學計畫 臺南大學ASAP線上檢測系統(國、英、數) 攜手計畫、教育優先區整合 各縣市補救教學種子/督導教師培訓
國小英語基本學習內容編製(公聽會) 國小英語補救教學評量試題建置工作坊:與臺南大學ASAP檢測系統整合 國小英語補救教學手冊編製 縣市輔導團英語補救教學資源:ProCET (國中小英語專業社群網; Professional Community for English Teachers)

32 國小英語基本學習內容 字母(3年級) 字母拼讀(4~6年級) 字詞句型 (4~6年級) 常用語(3~6年級)

33 何時進行補救教學? 課堂(差異性教學;同質分組~homogeneous grouping) 課間:晨光、下課、午休(佛心!)
減課:桃園縣、新北市(實驗計畫) 資源班、支援教師 民間資源:英語科技大學志工、家長、教會、補習班、永齡希望小學 課後:補救教學計畫(強制?)、周三下午/周末加課 寒暑假英語營 在家自學:網路、媒體、Moodle course、K12

34 他山之石,可以攻錯 北一、北二、中、南一、南二: 5區工作坊 成果觀摩 分組討論 分組實作 各組報告 綜合座談


36 Globalization vs. Localization

37 Last but not least

38 Thank you for listening!

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