2010 Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange 2010 郑州商品交易所

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1 2010 Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange 2010 郑州商品交易所
Joseph J O’Neill September 10, 2010 2010年9月10日 2010 Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange 2010 郑州商品交易所

2 Futures- Electronic Options-Floor 期货-电子交易-现场

3 Trading Ring交易场所

4 Cotton on ICE ICE 棉花走势

Price Discovery价格发现 Risk Shifting or Hedging 风险转移或套期保值

Fundamental 基本分析 Technical 技术分析

7 Fundamental Analysis基本分析
Supply and Demand 供求关系

8 Fundamental Factors基本因素
Prices of other commodities其他商品价格 Battle for crop land 耕地征用 Price determines winner 价格决定胜负 Wheat-Russia 小麦-俄国 Corn-Ethanol 玉米酒精生产 Cotton-high demand-shrinking supplies 棉花-高需求-低供给

9 Fundamental Factors基本因素
Size of US crop 美国农作物规模 Chinese production 中国生产 Chinese supply 中国供给 Indian situation 印度状况 Floods in Pakistan 巴基斯坦洪水 World Supply 世界供给 World demand 世界需求

10 There is a battle for cropland… 耕地征用
Price is how we determine which crop wins 价格决定何种作物胜出 Next slide is contrast between stocks of cotton and other crops


12 Technical Analysis技术分析
Technicals are the Leading Indicator of Fundamentals 技术是基本法则的首要指标


14 Call sales and its relationship to price 卖出合约及其与价格的关系

15 Call Sales卖出合约 Call Sales- Sales of cotton-Price not yet fixed 卖出合约-棉花销售-价格未定 Price fixed at the discretion of mill buyer 价格根据工厂买方而定 Assures supply without having to fix price确保供给无需定价

16 Futures Based On: Call Cotton Based Open Futures Contracts ICE Futures Unfixed Call Sales Change From Previous Week Unfixed Call Purchases At Close 08/13/2010 October 2010 585   -77   13   0   964   53   December 2010 18,287   706   4,704   -786   139,144   11,311   March 2011 25,082   2,352   713   177   48,566   4,630   May 2011 14,495   1,238   205   115   3,021   101   July 2011 20,437   3,549   1,217   408   9,779   729   October 2011 420   1   10   December 2011 6,561   565   2,046   281   2,729   353   March 2012 1,172   38   26   59   May 2012 682   15   50   -1   5   July 2012 344   157   55   25   December 2012 266   3,074   163   35   March 2013 216   Totals 88,547   8,386   12,206   194   204,495   17,242 


18 Volatility易变性

19 Volatility易变性 Since 2008 volatility for cotton has increased dramatically 自2008年来棉花价格波动剧烈 Price ranges for December futures 12月棉花期货价格范围 1991 thru cents per pound 1991至2007年:每磅21美分 cents per pound 2008年:每磅61美分 cents per pound 2009年:每磅65美分 2010 to 29/8/ cents per pound 2010至08/29/2010:每磅47美分

20 Market Volatility市场易变性

21 Risk of not using futures and options 不采用期货期权的危险性

22 MILL HEDGING 套期保值 In general, mills are: 总体来说,工厂是:
Hedging exposure to raw cotton acquisition cost 原棉收购成本的套期保值暴露 Hedging net exposure套期保值净暴露 Hedging consistently throughout calendar year套期保值持续整年

23 MILL CHOICES工厂选择 Hope and don’t fix cash 期望和不固定现金
Fix cash and hope固定现金和期望 Buy futures against unfixed cash need 购买期货抵制不定现金需求 Buy call options, cash unfixed 购买看涨期权,现金不定 Fix cash cost, buy put options固定现金成本,购买看跌期权

24 Hoping is like 相同期望

25 HOPE & DON’T FIX CASH 期望和不固定现金
Advantage - no up-front cost for cash purchase or hedging 优点—无现金购买或套期保值的预先成本 Disadvantage - You don’t always get what you want 缺点—无法达到期望

26 BUY FUTURES购买期货 Advantages优点 Disadvantages缺点
Eliminate outright risk 全面消除风险 Disadvantages缺点 Basis risk remains基本风险依旧存在 Eliminates benefit from lower prices以低价消除利益 Margin calls 追加保证金

Advantages优点 Eliminates outright price risk消除价格风险 Preserves potential benefit from price decline 在价格下降过程中保持潜在利益 No margin calls无追加保证金 Disadvantages 缺点 Basis risk 基差风险 Cost of options期权成本

28 Fix Cash Cost & Buy Put Options 固定现金成本和购买看跌期权
Advantages 优点 Eliminates outright/basis price risk 全面消除价格风险、消除基差价格风险 Preserves potential benefit from price decline 在价格下降过程中保持潜在利益 No margin calls 无追加保证金 Disadvantages缺点 Cost of Options 期权成本

29 Mill Hedge Example 工厂套期保值示例 Assumptions假设
Mill is hedging cotton for Dec/January delivery 工厂正为12月和1月交付的棉花实施套期保值 Cash/futures basis is 10 cents 现金/期货基差为10美分

30 Buy Cotton 20/08/10 购买棉花08/20/2010 Fix price basis futures 84 cents固定价格期货基差84美分 Basis 10 cents on 基差10美分 Total cost 94 cents 总成本94美分

31 Protect with Put Option 带看跌期权保护
Cotton cost 94 cents 棉花成本为94美分 84 cents futures + 10 cents on 84美分期货+10美分 Buy 84 cent put option 购买84美分看跌期权 Cost of option 3.92 cents 期权成本为3.92 美分 Maximum cost cents 最高成本97.92美分

32 Futures Price goes to 110 期货价格至110
Maximum Price is already fixed 最高价已定 Cost of cotton cents 棉花成本为97.92美分

33 Price goes down to 58 cents 价格降至58美分
Price of futures is now 58 cents 当前期货价格为58美分 + basis 10 cents on +基差10美分 +3.92 option cost +3.92期权成本 Your cost 您的成本是71.92美分

34 Results 结果Cost of Cotton 棉花成本
Futures Price w/o option w option 期货价格 无期权 带期权 84 cents cents 84美分 美分 美分 110 cents cents 110 美分 美分 美分 58 cents cents 58 美分 美分 美分

35 Thank You 谢谢

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