Introduction to Scientific Research on Chan Ding 禪定  Probing the new brain manifested in Diamond Sutra 禪定科學研究導論 Pei-Chen Lo 羅佩禎 生醫訊號研究實驗室.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Scientific Research on Chan Ding 禪定  Probing the new brain manifested in Diamond Sutra 禪定科學研究導論 Pei-Chen Lo 羅佩禎 生醫訊號研究實驗室."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Scientific Research on Chan Ding 禪定  Probing the new brain manifested in Diamond Sutra 禪定科學研究導論 Pei-Chen Lo 羅佩禎 生醫訊號研究實驗室 國立交通大學 電機工程學系、電控所 教授

2 The mainstreaming of mindfulness meditation April 5, 2014 The Week
Stressed-out Americans, from war veterans to Google workers, are doing mindfulness meditation --- Pentagon leaders, General Mills, Silicon Valley entrepreneurs Evan Williams, co-founder of Twitter says, "Meditation is a way to think more clearly and to not feel so swept up." …Others are concerned that Fortune 500 executives are pushing meditation so that overworked employees can be even more productive without melting down. But Westerners clearly need some sort of strategy to cope with a world now filled with the inescapable distractions of technology. The average American now consumes 63 gigabytes of content, or more than 150,000 words, over 13.6 hours of media use every single day — and all indications are that those numbers will keep climbing

3 Futurology Beyond the Mainstream 「無所住而生其心」的科學觀  從原子到宇宙、從腦科學到陰陽五行
「無所住而生其心」的科學觀  從原子到宇宙、從腦科學到陰陽五行 腦科學看「住色聲香 味觸法」的人腦  I/O關係理論、Chaos 現象理論 腦科學看「禪定般若」質能轉換 從科學看「五蘊皆空」到「般若」 系統upgrade的機制、軟體與硬體的最佳化 Futurology Beyond the Mainstream 禪中無他心、定中無他相;從系統理論與腦科學看「當下」 「外離相為禪、內不亂為定」系統的暫態(大腦)與穩態(本心) 人腦通達心靈智慧的門戶發現神經網路的新功能區 「著境即煩惱,離境即菩提」的腦科學CNS的SNR特性 「著境即煩惱,離境即菩提」的腦科學從共振現象來解說

4 Futurology

5 Do we correctly utilize our brain and mind
Do we correctly utilize our brain and mind? How to revitalize and upgrade our body, mind, and spirit? No Operational Manual !! Man-made ?-made

6 Brain evolution ! Brain plasticity Frog Cerebrum Bird Olfactory bulb
Cerebral hemisphere Fish Optic lobe pituitary cerebellum medulla ●cerebellum ●optic lobe ●cerebrum ●cerebral hemisphere ●pituitary ●olfactory bulb ●medulla Brain plasticity

7 However ~ our brain often malfunctions !!
Bottom-up control by sensory cortices during stress conditions Top-down control by PFC Alert, non-stress pFC DMPFC: Dorsomedial prefrontal cortex DLPFC: Dorsolateral PFC rlPFC: VMPFC: Ventromedial PFC Right view

8 大腦劣根性! Math anxiety Negative cycling
frontal lobes (vmPFC): fear of failure  limbic system triggers fear responses, causing performance anxiety Amygdala (react in 20 ms) triggers your emotions faster than your conscious awareness (300 ms)! Transient vs steady state Math anxiety Performance anxiety Negative cycling Positive: 12 sec Negative: 0 sec

9 粗息 散亂心  專注  微息 精神力 超高頻 (>40Hz)gamma波 額葉低頻波 枕葉高頻波
粗息 散亂心  專注   微息 精神力 超高頻 (>40Hz)gamma波 枕葉高頻波 額葉低頻波 Peak performance: Being in the zone 

10 People with very high levels of gamma activity are exceptionally intelligent, compassionate, happy, and have excellent memories and strong self-control High gamma activity corresponds to a state of peak performance High levels of Gamma exceptionally intelligent  being in the Zone (you can do anything) Increased focus and processing speed , mindful  a brain state of peak performance compassionate, happy, calm and peace (best anti-depressant), feeling of blessings exceptionally vivid and rapid memory recall Increased sensory perception … Normal EEG 

11 定  versus 散亂 禪定組 非禪定組 30-ch EEG recording montage

12 Cardiorespiratory synchronization
Average  for the entire meditation Average  for DcRR  2 min Average  for DcRR  3 mi DcRR: duration of consistent RR

13 Unification heart & brain
禪定 Turn off your Brain and Turn on your Heart Operational manual True Expert  本心之內 方寸之間 Normal consciousness Subliminal consciousness Alaya consciousness Nirvana Samadhi Unification heart & brain CHAN 5 senses

14 In preparation for Chan Ding
ChanXin-FaYan-ZhiHui Harmonize all brain neurons Adjust doorway of thalamus Cleanse emotional, mental, spiritual realm Transcend time, space, physical state ChanXin Third Ventricle Corpus callosum Thalamus Pineal gland Pituitary gland At Princeton University, a team of researchers has found a way to crystallize light— or transform light waves into crystalline solids.

15 Thank You

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