Self Knowledge 自我知識 梁益堉 教授 第四單元:

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1 Self Knowledge 自我知識 梁益堉 教授 2012.3.19 第四單元:
(I)Self-awareness, Self-knowledge, and some related issues 自我覺察、自我知識及其相關議題 (II) Historical background: Descartes 歷史背景: 笛卡兒 梁益堉 教授 【本著作除另有註明外,採取創用CC「姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享」台灣3.0版授權釋出】 本課程指定教材為Brie Gertler (2011). Self-knowledge. London ; New York : Routledge。 本講義僅引用部分內容,請讀者自行準備。 本作品轉載自Microsoft Office 2007多媒體藝廊,依據Microsoft服務合約及著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。

2 Self-knowledge and perceptual knowledge
1.The acquaintance theory 自我知識是metaphysically direct: feeling of pain就是pain本身。 知覺知識是indirect,認知者和外 在事物之間有中介物。聽到下雨聲 不一定蘊含外面在下雨。 對外在世界的知識總是需要透過知 覺來獲知(veil of perception),是間 接的。 Flickr,作者: Linzi Clark /。 第四單元 Self-knowledge and some related issues自我知識與相關哲學議題 00:00:00~00:11:15 ACQ:

3 Self-knowledge and perceptual knowledge
2. The inner sense theory 內省沒有比感官知覺更特別。 Mental states do not constitute a veil of perception between thinkers and the world beyond the mind. p. 16 Perceptual knowledge occurs when one’s belief is appropriately linked to , …, is appropriately caused by the presence of a table. p.17 Perceptual awareness gives us , …, introspective awareness gives us to our own mental states. 00:11:15~00:15:40 以上著作轉載自Brie Gertler (2011). Self-knowledge. London ; New York : Routledge,頁16,17,依據著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。

4 Self-awareness and personal identity
Theories of Personal identity 不同時間的兩個個體是不是同一個個體。 1. Psychological approach to personal identity Introspection: Conceiving of myself as the thing with the states that I introspect, or could introspect. Psychological approach to personal identity: individuates persons by relations among their mental states. 不同心智狀態為什麼會屬於同一個person或屬於不同 person。 藉由內省。 Bearing some important psychological relation to each other 00:30:45~00:35:15 00:35:15~00:42:35

5 Self-awareness and personal identity
2. Bermúdez’s sensory account of self-awareness 利用知覺而不是內省來回答自我意識的問題。 自我作為在空間中運動的東西。 P.18 an adequate self-conception, …, can be observed by others as well. We conceive ourselves, most basically, as physical beings located in space and time, …, capacity for navigating through the world. Bodily approach to personal identity: individuates persons by relations between physical features. 00:42:35~00:44:25 以上著作轉載自Brie Gertler (2011). Self-knowledge. London ; New York : Routledge,頁18,依據著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。

6 Self-awareness and personal identity
Self as an object: Psychological approach to personal identity & Bermúdez’s sensory account Self as an subject 3. The situated subject account: our basic self-conception derives from our capacity to be aware of, and refer to, particular things other than ourselves. P.18-19 Since such awareness requires that, …, we must be so situated. 本著作轉載自Brie Gertler (2011). Self-knowledge. London ; New York : Routledge,頁18,19,依據著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。 00:44:25~00:51:40 1.上述把person視為對象as an object,Self是內省或知覺的對象。 2. the situated subject: self as subject

7 Self-awareness and personal identity
4. The rational agency account: basic self-conception is as a thing that is capable of shaping one’s own attitudes through such reasoning. self as subject: 意識自己時不是意識 到一個object,而是subject,Do something。有能力把自己和其他東 西區分開來。 Flickr,作者:Jim Linwood。 00:51:40~00:56:20

8 Chapter 2. Historical Background
R. Descartes J. Locke I. Kant L. Wittgenstein G. Ryle

9 Chapter 2. Historical Background
Flickr,作者:pittigliani2005。 René Descartes ( ) 《沉思錄》 Meditation 1&2. 00:58:10~01:19:30

10 Descartes: self-knowledge as an epistemic foundation
1. 自我知識和知覺知識有本質上的不同嗎? 2. 自我知識做為知識的基礎 3. 心物二元論(mind-body dualism) The methodology in the Meditations: first-person 00:24:50~

11 Introspection and the doctrine of innate ideas
The wax argument 你知道蠟可以有很多種變化,但你知覺到的很少,所以很多變化的知識不是由感官而是由理性而來。 It must be innate. Essence of any physical thing is spatial extension. 但是只用spatial extension似乎不足以來identify同一個物體。 Ex: 銅像與銅。是不是同一個雕像,是不是同一塊銅?兩者 Persist conditions不一樣。 P. 30 since spatial extension is a mathematical notion, …, but is an innate intellectual concept. 01:27:20 本著作轉載自Brie Gertler (2011). Self-knowledge. London ; New York : Routledge,頁30,依據著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。

12 Introspection and the doctrine of innate ideas
Descartes 某些自我知識比對物質物體的知識更容易獲得。 Ex: pain v. s. the piece of wax But is this correct? Ex: 畫與美學理論 P.31 It seems unreasonable to require, …, despite the fact that I use innate ideas to comprehend the wax. 01:40:58~01:44:25 本著作轉載自Brie Gertler (2011). Self-knowledge. London ; New York : Routledge,頁31,依據著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。

13 版權聲明 頁碼 作品 授權條件 作者/來源 1-14 本作品轉載自Microsoft Office 2007多媒體藝廊,依據Microsoft服務合約及著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。 2 Flickr,作者: Linzi Clark /。 本作品轉載自 版授權釋出。 3 Perceptual knowledge…… mental states. 本著作轉載自Brie Gertler (2011). Self-knowledge. London ; New York : Routledge,頁16,17,依據著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。 5 an adequate self-conceptio…..physical features. 本著作轉載自Brie Gertler (2011). Self-knowledge. London ; New York : Routledge,頁18,依據著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。 6 Since such awareness ……so situated. 本著作轉載自Brie Gertler (2011). Self-knowledge. London ; New York : Routledge,頁18,19,依據著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。 7 Flickr,作者:Jim Linwood。 本作品轉載自 版授權釋出。

14 9 11 12 頁碼 作品 授權條件 作者/來源 Flickr,作者:pittigliani2005。
2.0 授權釋出。 11 since spatial ……intellectual concept. 本著作轉載自Brie Gertler (2011). Self-knowledge. London ; New York : Routledge,頁30,依據著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。 12 It seems unreasonable……comprehend the wax. 本著作轉載自Brie Gertler (2011). Self-knowledge. London ; New York : Routledge,頁31,依據著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。

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