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Literature Members:莫晓轶 吴婉婷 郑夏倩 罗娇飞 金建敏.

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Presentation on theme: "Literature Members:莫晓轶 吴婉婷 郑夏倩 罗娇飞 金建敏."— Presentation transcript:

1 Literature Members:莫晓轶 吴婉婷 郑夏倩 罗娇飞 金建敏

2 Tang Poetry Vocabulary: military life 军旅生活 patriotism 爱国主义
sentiment 感情 corruption 腐败 satirical 讽刺的 allegorical 讽喻的 lament 悲叹 oppression 压迫 narrative ballad 叙事性诗歌 frontier poets 边塞诗人 pastoral poets 田园诗人 Friendships across the world make near neighbours of far horizons 海内存知己天涯若比邻 deterioration 恶化,退化,堕落 splendour 光耀 nostalgia 乡愁,怀旧之情 Vocabulary: pre-eminent杰出的 pioneer 开发者,先驱者 refined 精炼的 tonal 声调的 rhyme 押韵 lingering 逗留的 sorrow 悲痛,悔恨 prosperity 繁荣,兴旺 exaggeration 扩大,夸张 diction 措词 sonorous 洪亮的 meticulous 一丝不苟的 seclusion 隐居

3 Tang Poetry Proper Nouns: Sage of Poems 诗圣 immortal of poems 诗仙
Three Officers 三吏 The Xin’an Officer 《新安吏》 The Shihao Officer 《石壕吏》 The officer at Tongguan Pass 《潼关吏》 Three Partings 三别 Parting of the Newly-Wed 《新婚别》 Parting of the Old 《垂老别》 Parting of the Homeless 《无家别》 The Old Charcoal Seller 《卖炭翁》 Song of Eternal Sorrow 《长恨歌》 Song of a Pipa Player 《琵琶行》 Proper Nouns: The Complete Anthology of the Tang Poetry 《全唐诗》 Thinking in the Silent Night《静夜思》 The Road to Shu 《蜀道难》 Dreaming of Sightseeing in the Tianmu Mountains 《梦游天姥吟留别》

4 Song Ci Poetry Vocabulary: delicate 微妙的 verse 诗节
sophisticated 久经世故的,复杂的 aristocratic 贵族的 prominence 显著,突出 lyrics 抒情诗 grief and woe 悲痛 extraordinarily 非凡的 vigorous 有力的 scope 范围 elevate 提升 remarkable 卓越的 enriching 浓缩;使…富足

5 Song Ci Poetry Proper Nouns:
xiaoling(小令:short, less than 59 characters) zhongdiao(中调: medine, characters) changdiao(长调:long, more than 90 characters) The Beautiful Lady Yu 《虞美人》 Moon on the Western River 《西江月》 Butterfly Loves Flowers 《蝶恋花》 Immortals Meeting on the Magpie Bridge 《鹊桥仙》 Soft and Tuneful School 婉约派 Slow Slow Song 《声声慢》 Powerful and Free School 豪放派 To the Tune of Charm of a Maiden Singer: The Red Cliff《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》 To the Tune of water Melody:The Mid-Autumn Festival《水调歌头·明月几时有》 To the Tune of a Riverside Town: Dreaming of His Deceased Wife《江城子·十年生死两茫茫》 Song of Southern Country《南乡子》 Dance of the Cavalry 《破阵子》

6 Yuan Dramas in the Yuan Dynasty
Vocabulary: sketch 素描 wilderness 荒地;大量 evolve into 使逐步形成 acts 折子 prelude 前奏;序幕 interlude 插曲;幕间节目 tune 曲调 rhyme 旋律 masterpiece 杰作 tragedy 悲剧 poignantly 深刻地

7 Yuan Dramas in the Yuan Dynasty
Proper Nouns: Powerful and Free School 豪放派 Yuan dramas 元剧 sanqu 散曲(non-dramatic songs) zaju 杂剧 (poetic dramas) xiaoling 小令(short tonal poem) santao 散套(a sequence of sanqu songs of a certain musical mode) Autumn Thought 《秋思》 The Injustice to Dou E《窦娥冤》

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