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Engineering Village™ EV compendex 数据库 培训 Welcome.
This presentation will provide a tour of the basic features and functionality of the Compendex database on Engineering Village 2. No prior experience with either Compendex or Engineering Village 2 is assumed or necessary.
Engineering Village 获取路经
1. 通过图书馆网站链接 2. Engineering Village 的网址 Welcome to Engineering Village 2, the premier web-based discovery platform for the engineering community. Engineering Village 2 offers premium bibliographic databases and features Ei’s Compendex, Inspec from the IEE, and the U.S. government’s National Technical Information Service’s (NTIS) Database Engineering Village 2 also offers users the ability to search engineering reference sources comprised of electronic books, including: CRC handbooks, Referex Engineering Engineering Village 2 also enables users to access other engineering sources, including News provided by Lexis-Nexis, Patent sites, and the All Science Web search, Scirus. All of these sources are tied together with an easy-to-use interface that supports both novice (end-user) searchers and experienced information professionals.
Engineering Village平台简介
Engineering Village是一个多数据库的检索平台,总共包括约12个数据库,其中EV Compendex 就是我们常说的Ei数据库。 Ei 是一个文摘和引文数据库,不是全文库 Welcome to Engineering Village 2, the premier web-based discovery platform for the engineering community. Engineering Village 2 offers premium bibliographic databases and features Ei’s Compendex, Inspec from the IEE, and the U.S. government’s National Technical Information Service’s (NTIS) Database Engineering Village 2 also offers users the ability to search engineering reference sources comprised of electronic books, including: CRC handbooks, Referex Engineering Engineering Village 2 also enables users to access other engineering sources, including News provided by Lexis-Nexis, Patent sites, and the All Science Web search, Scirus. All of these sources are tied together with an easy-to-use interface that supports both novice (end-user) searchers and experienced information professionals.
Ei Compendex数据库简介 1100万项记录(1969年至今); 工程索引过刊:1884-1968年 (超过170万项记录)
Ei Compendex 就是我们常说的Ei数据库 Ei 是 Engineering Index的简称 EI数据库是由ELSEVIER ENGINEERING INFORMATION 公司出版,为工程类文摘数据库。 收录期刊、会议论文、技术报告等的文摘,是工程技术领域权威检索工具,其中大约22%为会议文献,90%的文献语种是英文。 1100万项记录(1969年至今); 工程索引过刊: 年 (超过170万项记录) Welcome to Engineering Village 2, the premier web-based discovery platform for the engineering community. Engineering Village 2 offers premium bibliographic databases and features Ei’s Compendex, Inspec from the IEE, and the U.S. government’s National Technical Information Service’s (NTIS) Database Engineering Village 2 also offers users the ability to search engineering reference sources comprised of electronic books, including: CRC handbooks, Referex Engineering Engineering Village 2 also enables users to access other engineering sources, including News provided by Lexis-Nexis, Patent sites, and the All Science Web search, Scirus. All of these sources are tied together with an easy-to-use interface that supports both novice (end-user) searchers and experienced information professionals.
Easy Search 界面介绍 “简单检索”可在单个检索框中输入检索表达式(包含检索词及AND/OR/NOT等逻辑算符),检索范围为数据库中所有内容。
Quick Search 界面介绍 I II 选项卡 数据库介绍 III 检索区 IV 使用说明
Quick Search界面
特色分类内容 派生词检索:检索以所输入词的词根为基础的所有词汇。Autostemming off。如检索manage可检出manager, managers, management, managed, managing等 索引检索:可以在作者,作者机构,受控词表(controlled term)等索引词表中勾选需要查找内容,勾选内容将自动出现在检索框中
Quick Search 检索技巧 1. 逻辑算符和截词符 2. 关键词的检索 逻辑算符 : AND OR NOT NEAR
截词符: * ? Wom?n 代表: woman or women 2. 关键词的检索 以太阳能: solar energy 为例 solar not energy “solar energy” {solar energy} Solar* energ* Solar energy solar and energy Solar NEAR energy solar or energy
Kung Cheng Je Wu Li Hsueh Pao/ gongcheng re wuli xuebao
Quick Search 检索技巧 3. 作者的检索 EI数据库的作者有九种写法: 以张靖煊(Zhang Jingxuan) 老师为例 Zhang jingxuan or Zhang jing-xuan or jingxuan zhang or jing-xuan zhang or Zhang jx or Zhang j-x or Zhang j or jingxuan z or jing-xuan z 建议大家采用截词符 “ * ”,以三种形式来代替,并用其他检索字段来限制 Zhang J* or jingxuan z* or jing-xuan z* 4.作者机构的检索 只有第一作者机构 ( 现在有其他作者机构 ) 5.刊名的检索 注意中国期刊和英文期刊的差异 如:工程热物理学报 有两种写法: Journal of Engineering Thermophysics Kung Cheng Je Wu Li Hsueh Pao/ gongcheng re wuli xuebao
检索结果的输出和管理 精简检索和统计分析 输出格式和管理 结果显示
Refine results的作用 • 了解你的同行吗,他们又有哪些成就呢? • 了解你关心的课题所涉及的领域,是否能发现新的研究方向 • 了解课题所处的生命周期,通过文献计量的年代分析 • 了解课题的核心期刊,作为投递文章的选择 • 通过文献类型了解论文的分布
Refine results 了解课题专业词汇 了解课题相关分类 了解课题核心人员 了解课题核心期刊 了解课题生命周期
优化检索—二次检索 二次检索
文摘显示 输出方式选择 作者链接 Scopus信息 词链接 全文、馆藏及Google链接
收录论文的统计分析 After hitting SEARCH, a list of citations appears.
The number of hits found appears at the top of the list – here, 143. Select checkboxes for records to manage, or select ranges. Management options appear at top of page: Choose format: Citation: author, title, source & publication details Abstract: Citation, abstract & controlled terms Detailed record: full bibliographic record, with indexing, etc. Choose output options: View selections: Read records onscreen selected references to yourself or colleagues Print: Format for paper printing Download: Save as RIS (for Reference Manager, Procite or EndNote), RefWorks or ASCII text file Save to Folder: Save references in folder for later viewing Upper right: 25 results per page appear; use pull-down menu to see next 25. If you wish, you can specify a range of references to view or download Up to 400 records can be selected. In the citations, author names appear hyperlinked; click on a name to retrieve more papers by that author. Yellow “Full Text” buttons link to full documents online (availability subject to your institution’s subscriptions). To see individual Compendex records online, click Abstract/Links for a medium record (citation, abstract, controlled terms) or Detailed Record/Links for a fuller bibliographic record (incl. treatment type, additional bibliographic details, etc.)
Search History 的使用 检索记录 组合检索
Expert Search 输入检索式 Browse Indexes 在专家检索中还增加了论文类型、文献类型和语言的浏览索引 字段代码
电子控词辞典 Thesaurus 输入检索词 选择控词 进行检索
Suggestions for “tweaking” searches – to get answer set from thousands of references to a manageable number. 进行检索
主题词表 点击“i”查看与 该词条相关的更多信息 选择的词条会自动添加到搜索表 里
Boats is the controlled term. Click the yellow (I) to see the term’s history in the thesaurus and any broader Ei classification code that might be associated with the term. “Used for” = synonym To pick up a term to search, check the Select box to post it to the Search box at the bottom of the page.
Ask an Expert 界面 交互检索帮助 Ask an Expert 界面
Ei收录中国期刊 Ei 中国网站:
Suggestions for “tweaking” searches – to get answer set from thousands of references to a manageable number.
谢谢! 010-85208800
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