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尋找 seeking.

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1 尋找 seeking

2 我曾經像一隻小小飛鳥,飛躍在這藍天海上 我無時無刻徬徨無助,找不到可以傾訴。 I was once like a small fluttering bird, flying through this blue ocean sky. I could never find a good friend, to whom I could open my heart.

3 我曾經像一隻小小飛鳥,穿梭在這城市之中。
我正在尋找那慈愛雙手,那就是主耶穌。 I was once like a small fluttering bird, winding through these loud city streets. I'm still seeking for those loving hands, they're those of Jesus Christ.

4 主啊!我要回到你身旁,我要回到你身旁。那慈愛雙手正等著我,來擁抱我。
主啊!我要回到你身旁,我要回到你身旁。那慈愛雙手來擁抱我那就是主耶穌 Lord, I want to go back to Your side, want to go back to Your side. Those loving hands awaiting me, to embrace me. Those loving hands embracing me, are those of Jesus Christ.

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