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載貨證券課程 于惠蓉.

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Presentation on theme: "載貨證券課程 于惠蓉."— Presentation transcript:

1 載貨證券課程 于惠蓉

2 載貨證券是如何作成的?

3 載貨證券是進口時製作,還是出口時製作? 載貨證券究竟是如何形成的? 影片放映

4 載貨證券簽發之流程

5 載貨證券之簽發 1.訂立運送契約 2.收受貨物並確認其外表情狀、數量等 3.作成並交付之 ps. 若貨物已裝船:裝船載貨證券;

6 載貨證券之簽發-1.訂立運送契約 一般契約成立之要件
當事人互相表示意思一致者,無論為明示或默示,契約即為成立。 (民153)亦即契約經當事人要約(Offer)及承諾(Acceptance)一致即成立。 件貨運送契約--諾成契約 實務流程 : Booking Note→ Shipping Order→Dock Receipt or mate’s receipt→ B/L S/O經由託運人或其代理人(如報關行)填妥並交予運送人或其代理人(書面之要約),經其接受時,可視為運送人對託運人要約之承諾,契約即為成立 傭船契約—我國要式契約 海39

7 載貨證券之簽發- 2.收受貨物並確認其外表情狀
Booking Note→ Shipping Order→ Dock Receipt or Mate’s Receipt→ B/L 收受貨物 海53 海53 運送人或船長於貨物裝載後,因託運人之請求,應發給載貨證券。

8 載貨證券之簽發- 裝載、待裝(待運) Hague Rules Article 3
7. After the goods are loaded the bill of lading to be issued by the carrier, master, or agent of the carrier, to the shipper shall, if the shipper so demands, be a "shipped" bill of lading, provided that if the shipper shall have previously taken up any document of title to such goods, he shall surrender the same as against the issue of the "shipped" bill of lading, but at the option of the carrier such document of title may be noted at the port of shipment by the carrier, master, or agent with the name or names of the ship or ships upon which the goods have been shipped and the date or dates of shipment, and when so noted, if it shows the particulars mentioned in paragraph 3 of Article 3, shall for the purpose of this Article be deemed to constitute a "shipped" bill of lading.

9 新興航運公司載貨證券 “ SHIPPED on board the ship, the goods as indicated below, in apparent good order and condition unless otherwise stated herein, ……” 長榮海運載貨證券 “ RECEIVED by the Carrier form the Merchant in apparent good order and condition unless otherwise indicated herein….”

10 載貨證券簽發之時間 簽發待裝提單 裝船 收貨 簽發裝船提單

11 載貨證券之簽發 運送人與託運人之間,有貨物之收受及裝船行為之存在,其所簽發之裝船載貨證券始為有效,實務上下列情況下之簽發,應為違法行為:
1.未有收受貨物,逕行發給載貨證券 2.雖有收受貨物,在未裝船前簽發已裝船之載貨證券 3.載貨證券上所記載之裝船日期與實際上裝船日期有異,亦即倒填裝船日期(Back Date)之行為(P.11)

12 空單 預借提單 倒填提單 預借提單 倒填提單 空單 預借+倒填 簽發裝船提單 廣義預借 收貨 簽發待裝提單 裝船

13 問題 貨物未收受前,運送人可以簽發提單嗎? 貨物收受未裝船前,運送人可以簽發提單嗎? 簽發提單有時間限制嗎?

14 載貨證券之簽發- 2.收受貨物並確認其外表情狀、數量等
海54Ⅰ 載貨證券,應載明下列各款事項,由運送人或船長簽名: …….. 三 依照託運人書面通知之貨物名稱、件數或重量,或其包裝之種類、個數及標誌。 Ⅱ 前項第三款之通知事項,如與所收貨物之實際情況有顯著跡象,疑其不相符合,或無法核對時,運送人或船長得在載貨證券內載明其事由或不予載明。 海60Ⅰ-- 民627 、海60 Ⅱ、 海74 Ⅰ

15 載貨證券之簽發- 2.收受貨物並確認其外表情狀
海牙規則Article 3 3. After receiving the goods into his charge the carrier or the master or agent of the carrier shall, on demand of the shipper, issue to the shipper a bill of lading showing among other things: (a) The leading marks necessary for identification of the goods …. (b) Either the number of packages or pieces, or the quantity, or weight, as the case may be, as furnished in writing by the shipper. (c) The apparent order and condition of the goods.

16 載貨證券之簽發- 2.收受貨物並確認其外表情狀
海牙規則Article 3 3. After receiving the goods …. Provided that no carrier, master or agent of the carrier shall be bound to state or show in the bill of lading any marks, number, quantity, or weight which he has reasonable ground for suspecting not accurately to represent the goods actually received, or which he has had no reasonable means of checking.

17 載貨證券之簽發- 2.收受貨物並確認其外表情狀
具體批註方式 例如 5 packages in short in dispute, Case damaged, Hook holed, Wet by sea water, Broken, Insufficient packing, Frail cases, 5 bottles empty & 25 O.K. 等等

18 Dock Receipt or Mate’s Receipt
Booking Note→ Shipping Order→ Dock Receipt or Mate’s Receipt→ B/L

19 載貨證券之簽發- 2.收受貨物並確認其外表情狀
如未批註,即為表面情狀良好。此係因一般載貨證券正面有如下之條款 : 新興航運公司載貨證券 “ SHIPPED on board the ship, the goods as indicated below, in apparent good order and condition unless otherwise stated herein, ……” 長榮海運載貨證券 “ RECEIVED by the Carrier form the Merchant in apparent good order and condition unless otherwise indicated herein….”

20 清潔提單 不清潔提單 例如 5 packages in short in dispute, Case damaged, Hook holed, Wet by sea water, Broken, Insufficient packing, Frail cases, 5 bottles empty & 25 O.K. 等等 Said to contain, Said to weight, Shipper’s Load and Count→ 非批註,為保留文句。

21 認賠書(Letter of Indemnity)
狹義:認賠書(L/I)係託運人因其貨物於B/L上若被運送人記載有瑕疵時,將不能持至銀行押匯,乃填具L/I交付於運送人,請求簽發清潔B/L,擔保日後若因貨物之瑕疵,致運送人受損時,賠償於運送人之契約,為海運實務上廣為應用之文件。(載貨證券認賠書) 託運人以認賠書或擔保函(Letter of Indemnity)與運送人協議簽發清潔提單,運送人有什麼風險?

22 認賠書之效力 對第三人之效力:依海牙規則第3條(8),海商法第54、55、61、74條觀之,自應為無效。亦即對第三人仍應負賠償責任。

23 認賠書之效力(對託運人) a. 英國:早期認為運送人不得以之向託運人請求補償,蓋L/I本身係一種詐欺性虛偽之陳述,又違public policy,對託運人而言構成非債之債,不生法律效力之故。晚近則因海運業界普遍之運用,且託運人亦願依L/I予以賠償,因之判例認為若僅作為該貨物確係有瑕疵之證明時,亦准運送人據以主張向託運人要求賠償。

24 認賠書之效力(對託運人) b. 美國:認為有違public policy公序良俗而無效,依其1972年之判例,運送人不得以L/I向託運人索賠。 c. 法國:若運送人明知託運人之企圖而發行B/L時,不得以L/I向託運人索賠;反之,若簽發當時無適當方法可確認是否有毀損而發行者,仍得以之向託運人索賠。

25 Hamburg Rules 1978 Article 17 - Guarantees by the shipper
1. The shipper is deemed to have guaranteed to the carrier the accuracy of particulars relating to the general nature of the goods, their marks, number, weight and quantity as furnished by him for insertion in the bill of lading. The shipper must indemnify the carrier against the loss resulting from inaccuracies in such particulars. The shipper remains liable even if the bill of lading has been transferred by him. The right of the carrier to such indemnity in no way limits his liability under the contract of carriage by sea to any person other than the shipper. 2. Any letter of guarantee or agreement by which the shipper undertakes to indemnify the carrier against loss resulting from the issuance of the bill of lading by the carrier, or by a person acting on his behalf, without entering a reservation relating to particulars furnished by the shipper for insertion in the bill of lading, or to the apparent condition of the goods, is void and of no effect as against any third party, including a consignee, to whom the bill of lading has been transferred.

26 認賠書之效力(對託運人) d. 漢堡規則:非意圖詐欺受貨人而發行時,有效(17條)。
e. 我國:依最高法院63年台上字202號判決,似認為有效。 81台上2114「免責函,除託運人與運送人間為有效外,對第三人是否有效, 非無疑問」 (張新平P.247)

27 Hamburg Rules 1978 Article 17 - Guarantees by the shipper
3. Such letter of guarantee or agreement is valid as against the shipper unless the carrier or the person acting on his behalf, by omitting the reservation referred to in paragraph 2 of thisArticle, intends to defraud a third party, including a consignee, who acts in reliance on the description of the goods in the bill of lading. In the latter case, if the reservation omitted relates to particulars furnished by the shipper for insertion in the bill of lading, the carrier has no right of indemnity from the shipper pursuant to paragraph 1 of thisArticle. 4. In the case of intended fraud referred to in paragraph 3 of this article the carrier is liable, without the benefit of the limitation of liability provided for in this Convention, for the loss incurred by a third party, including a consignee, because he has acted in reliance on the description of the goods in the bill of lading.

28 載貨證券之簽發--3.作成並交付之 海53 運送人或船長於貨物裝載後,因託運人之請求,應發給載貨證券。
海53 運送人或船長於貨物裝載後,因託運人之請求,應發給載貨證券。 海54Ⅰ 載貨證券,應載明下列各款事項,由運送人或船長簽名: 一 船舶名稱。 二 託運人之姓名或名稱。 三 依照託運人書面通知之貨物名稱、件數或重量,或其包裝之種類、個數及標誌。 四 裝載港及卸貨港。 五 運費交付。 六 載貨證券之份數。 七 填發之年月日。

29 載貨證券之簽發-3.作成並交付之 簽名 公司名稱 WAN HAI LINES LTD.
AS CRRIER, FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE MASTER, FOR THE MASTER, Signed on behalf of the Carrier, As Agent for… 收取運費及收貨單(例如:Dock Receipt) 交付載貨證券 載貨證券之簽發與否,不會影響運送人之義務及責任。

30 載貨證券簽發之四要素 (P.14) 運送人 託運人 貨物 運送契約

31 93年台上1720 載貨證券之名稱、定義、歷史 載貨證券之性質及各欄位之作用
下次預告 93年台上1720 載貨證券之名稱、定義、歷史 載貨證券之性質及各欄位之作用

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