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Presentation on theme: "PEACE IS POSSIBLE 和平是可能的﹗"— Presentation transcript:

我們一起工作就能使它發生﹗ Working together we can make it happen! 2005~08年間第4B地帶 地域扶輪基金協調人邵偉靈RRFC Dens Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator , Zones 4B,

2 For Rotarians, peace is more than a word – it’s a philosophy.
年達成一百萬名社員的目標 決心在2005年前於162個國家和地理區域中共同去努力撲滅小兒麻痺症 全世界的社員已擴大他們對和平的熱誠 對扶輪社員而言, 和平不僅是文字而是一種哲理。 For Rotarians, peace is more than a word – it’s a philosophy.


4 有一天我們必須瞭解到和平不再僅僅是一個久遠的目標 ... 而是要藉由它讓我們達到那個目標的一種方法。 我們必須透過和平方法來從事和平的目的。
One day we must come to see that peace is not merely a distant goal ... but a means by which we arrive at that goal. We must pursue peaceful ends through peaceful means.   - The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 昔日預言於大聲聲稱戰爭是刻出明日和平的貧窮的鑿刀。 有一天我們必須瞭解到和平不再僅僅是一個久遠的目標 ... 而是要藉由它讓我們達到那個目標的一種方法。 The past is prophetic in that it asserts loudly that wars are poor chisels for carving out peaceful tomorrows. One day we must come to see that peace is not merely a distant goal ... but a means by which we arrive at that goal. 我們必須透過和平方法來從事和平的目的。 We must pursue peaceful ends through peaceful means. 可敬的馬丁路德‧金博士 The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 以可敬的馬丁路德‧金博士的話來說…〝必須透過和平方法來從事和平的目的〞 In the words of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King.. “we must pursue peaceful ends through peaceful means”

5 今天在那裡從事解決衝突有經驗的調解人仍然太少。急需產生另一代將來能擔任調停角色的人們。
保羅‧羅傑斯, 布拉德福得大學和平研究學教授。 Today there are still far too few mediators who are experienced practitioners in conflict resolution. There is an urgent need to produce another generation of people who can play a mediating role in the future. Paul Rogers, Professor of Peace Studies, University of Bradford. 今天在那裡從事解決衝突有經驗的調解人仍然是太少。急需產生將來能起調停作用另一代的人們。 Today there are still far too few mediators who are experienced practitioners in conflict resolution. There is an urgent need to produce another generation of people who can play a mediating role in the future. 保羅‧羅傑斯, 布拉德福得大學和平研究學教授。 Paul Rogers, Professor of Peace Studies, University of Bradford. 布拉德福得大學的保羅‧羅傑斯教授強調需要解決衝突有經驗的調解人。 Professor Paul Rogers of the University of Bradford stresses the need for mediators experienced in conflict resolution.

6 Rotary Centers: Peace is Possible
The Rotary Centers have been selected by the Trustees as the highest educational priority for the Foundation 除了透過協助發展未來的世界領導人去致力於實踐和平與瞭解之外--還有什麼更好的方法來促成世界和平。 What better way to contribute to world peace-- than by helping to develop future world leaders committed to achieving peace and understanding. 年度扶輪基金會主委當選人陳裕財Bhichai Rattakul與保管委員會在即將到來的年度裡,繼續將〝和平〞作為主要的重點…… Chairman-elect ( ), Bhichai Rattakul and the Trustees will continue in the upcoming year with peace as a major emphasis…. 實際上扶輪基金會主委當選人陳裕財Bhichai業已在他的最重要的三個夢中強調〝和平是可能的〞。 In fact Chairman-elect Bhichai has emphasized PEACE IS POSSIBLE in his top three dreams for TRF. 除了透過協助發展未來的世界領導人去致力於實踐和平與瞭解之外──還有什麼更好的方法來促成世界和平。 What better way to contribute to world peace-- than by helping to develop future world leaders committed to achieving peace and understanding.

2005年10月扶輪基金會採用扶輪中心作為一個永久的計畫並且批准一種特別的籌款的行動。 扶輪中心巨額捐獻行動 THE ROTARY CENTERS MAJOR GIFTS INITIATIVE (RCMGI) 扶輪社員與扶輪中心夥伴們午安! Good afternoon Rotarians and Rotary Center Partners! 因為你們知道,扶輪中心計畫不再只是一個夢想,而它正在產生實際且有意義的結果。不過,這個計畫真正的承諾不被知曉已有好幾年,或許有幾十年吧。 As you know the Rotary Centers program is no longer a dream but is producing tangible and meaningful results. However, the true promise of this program won’t be known for several years, perhaps decades. 在2005年10月扶輪基金會有把握採用扶輪中心作為一個永久的計畫並且批准一種特別的籌款的行動。一年半以後我們發現我們自己正處在將這個策略性籌款計畫完成的關鍵時刻。 It was with confidence that The Rotary Foundation adopted the Rotary Centers as a permanent program and approved a special fundraising initiative in October One and a half years later we find ourselves at a critical juncture for bringing this strategic fundraising plan to fruition. 這個行動計畫讓我們要去尋找出1800位準捐贈人。就此點而言我們僅只找出200位有能力的準捐贈人。我們為了對扶輪中心巨額捐獻行動做一個重要的巨額捐獻,我們正以財務能力與對扶輪要有一種關係以及承諾方式來尋找扶輪社員。 This initiative plans for us to identify 1800 prospective donors. At this point we only have identified 200 capable prospective donors. We are seeking Rotarians with the financial capacity and having a connection and commitment to Rotary in order to make a significant major gift to the Rotary Centers Major Gifts Initiative. 扶輪中心巨額捐獻行動保證要在2015年6月30日以前籌募到9,500萬美元。並且在我之前的所談論裡曾提及我的妻子帕蒂與我是這個計畫的值得誇耀的支持者。我們已經捐贈了一個扶輪世界和平獎學生。 The Rotary Centers Major Gifts Initiative is committed to raising US $95 million dollars by 30 June And as I mentioned in my previous remarks my wife Patti and I are proud supporters of this program. We have endowed a Rotary World Peace Fellow. 保證要在2015年6月30日以前 尋找出1800位準捐贈人 籌募到9,500萬美元。

8 Volunteer Structure RCMGI Committee: Dr. Edward Blender, Chairman
PRID John Germ, Vice-Chairman PRIP William E. Skelton TRF Trustee Ron D. Burton PRID G. Kenneth Morgan RRFC John Smarge 上個秋天扶輪基金主委季愛雅請我擔任扶輪中心巨額捐獻行動主委並且任命John Germ擔任副主委。在1月,主委當選人陳裕財指派四位 另外的卓越的扶輪社員與我們一起工作。 Last fall Chairman Luis Giay asked me to chair the Rotary Centers Major Gifts Initiative and appointed John Germ to serve as co-chair.  In January, Chairman Elect Bhichai Rattakul appointed four additional distinguished Rotarians to work with us.

9 Volunteer Structure RCMGI Committee: 向保管委員會提出有關這個行動進展的建議
分享扶輪中心的故事與分享我們和平的夢想 與職員一起工作以保證藉由幫助尋找潛在的捐贈人、培養他們並且請求他們支持來達到目標 而我們的委員會將 向保管委員會提出有關於這個行動進展的建議 分享扶輪中心的故事以及我們分享和平的夢想 與職員一起工作以保證藉由幫助尋找潛在的捐贈人、培養他們並且請求他們支持來達到目標 Our committee will advise the Trustees on progress on this initiative Share the Rotary Centers story and our shared dream for peace work with staff in making sure that goals are met by helping identify potential donors, cultivate them and ask them for support 根據2001年10月保管委員會決議,〝地域扶輪基金協調人有全面協調所有義工募款的努力成果以對地帶層級的扶輪基金會有所助益。〞 In accordance with the October 2001 Trustee decision, "Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinators have overall coordination of all volunteer fundraising efforts benefiting The Rotary Foundation at the zone level." 扶輪中心巨額捐獻行動將利用並且加強現有的義工架構。自20世紀90年代中期建立永久基金行動以來,為了扶輪基金會籌募巨額捐獻在扶輪社、地區、地帶和國際層級業已任命、訓練與支援了大規模的扶輪社員網絡。我們委員會將尋求你們的幫助我們努力成果並不想要同貴地帶正進行中的籌款努力成果來相互競爭。這是有一些方法能讓我們一同工作: The Rotary Centers fundraising initiative will utilize and reinforce the current volunteer structure. Since establishing the Permanent Fund Initiative in the mid-1990s, a large network of Rotarians have been appointed, trained and supported at the club, district, zone and international level to raise major gifts for TRF. Our committee will be seeking your help with our effort and does not want to compete with ongoing fundraising efforts in your zones. Here are some ways how we can work together: 邀請扶輪和平獎學生至地帶研習會演講 請在扶輪基金會研習會包括了扶輪中心行動的討論 參加培養捐贈人的活動例如在和平中心年度研討會的巨額捐獻歡迎會、世界和平專題討論會以及由扶輪資深領導人所舉辦的〝百萬美金晚宴〞 尋找新的潛在的捐贈人(在這點在行動中,這是我們的最優先要做的) 要向巨額捐獻準捐贈人敞開大門,以便我們能試探出扶輪中心如何能夠適合於他們的慈愛心。 Invite Rotary Peace Fellows to speak at Zone Institutes include discussion of the Rotary Centers Initiative at Foundation Seminars participate in donor cultivation events such as major donor receptions at Peace Center annual seminars, the World Peace Symposium, and "million dollar dinners" hosted by Rotary Senior Leaders identify new potential donors – (at this point in the initiative, this is our top priority) open doors with major gift prospects so that we can explore how the Rotary Centers can fit into their philanthropy

10 Volunteer Structure Zone level and above
Senior Rotary Leaders including: Current and past RI Presidents and Trustees, RRFCs, Major Gift Advisors (MGA), Annual Programs Fund Strategic Advisors (SA), Rotary Foundation Alumni Coordinators (RFAC). 合作和聯合作業是必要的。而交流和分享資訊在這個層級是最重要的。 Cooperation and teamwork are essential. Communicating and sharing information at this level is of prime importance. 在這個義工結構網絡裡,核心領導人是地域扶輪基金協調人們RRFCs。 In this volunteer structured network the Core leaders are the RRFCs. 根據2001年10月保管委員會決議,〝地域扶輪基金協調人有全面協調所有義工募款的努力成果以對地帶層級的扶輪基金會有所助益。〞 In accordance with the October 2001 Trustee decision, "Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinators have overall coordination of all volunteer fundraising efforts benefiting The Rotary Foundation at the zone level." 資深扶輪領導人為促進此次募款的努力並且延伸到地區和扶輪社,而在地帶層級和在上一層級擔任核心網絡。 Senior Rotary Leaders at the zone level and above will serve in the core network for promoting this fundraising effort and reaching into the districts and clubs. 核心領導人是地域扶輪基金協調人。地域扶輪基金協調人是扶輪中心巨額捐獻行動、保管委員會以及全世界地區內的扶輪社員們──必要的連結(核心領導人)。 The Core leaders are the RRFCs. The RRFCs are the essential links (the CORE LEADERS) -- the conduits for the Rotary Centers Major Gifts Initiative, the Board of Trustees and Rotarians in districts around the world. 如果每位資深領導人尋找出10位巨額捐獻準捐贈人,我們將超過所需的1,800位準捐贈人。資深扶輪領導人包括:現任和前國際扶輪社長與保管委員、地域扶輪基金協調人、巨額捐獻顧問、年度計劃基金策略顧問與扶輪基金前受獎人協調人。 If each senior leader identifies 10 major gift prospects, we will surpass the 1,800 prospects necessary right there. Senior Rotary Leaders include: current and past RI Presidents and Trustees, Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinators, Major Gift Advisors, Annual Programs Fund Strategic Advisors and Rotary Foundation Alumni Coordinators. 然而當一項最初的任務是尋找需要的巨額捐獻準捐贈人的同時,則發展培養與懇求策略將緊緊跟隨其後。 While an initial task will be to identify the major gift prospects needed, developing cultivation and solicitation strategies will follow closely behind.

11 Volunteer Structure District level (Selective):
DGs, PDGs, ADGs, DRFCs, etc. Club level (Selective): Club Presidents and Foundation Chairs 使這個義工架構增大也會幫助消除在規畫確保項扶輪中心與年度計畫基金的支援之間任何可察覺或者真正的競爭。當扶輪社員對年度計畫基金重大的巨額捐獻時,被鼓勵中止他們的〝每位扶輪社員,每年〞的支持或將這些捐獻轉到扶輪中心,這對扶輪基金會來說並未實質獲益。 Building upon this volunteer structure also helps eliminate any perceived or real competition between the plan to secure endowed support of the Rotary Centers and the Annual Programs Fund. The Foundation does not gain when Rotarians who make substantial major gifts to the Annual Programs Fund are encouraged to suspend their support of “Every Rotarian, Every Year” or redirect those gifts to the Rotary Centers. 我們必須敏感到這個問題。 We must be sensitive to this issue. 我希望強調這點,尋找與懇求這個準捐贈人精英群的正面益處是更加了解和對於有關希望支援扶輪基金的其他計畫特別興趣的肯定回答。因為,與許多最高層級巨額捐獻準捐贈人開始一種有關捐獻的選擇和優先順序的對話將會正面提升對扶輪基金會整體的捐獻與計畫的支持。 I wish to stress the point that a positive benefit of identifying and soliciting this elite group of prospects is learning more about and responding positively to the special interests of these supporters who may wish to support other programs of the Foundation. Because, beginning a dialogue about gift options and priorities with many top-level major gift prospects will positively enhance overall giving and program support for TRF.

12 地域扶輪基金協調人RRFC是義工結構網核心領導人(the CORE LEADERS) 。
根據2001年10月保管委員會決議,〝地域扶輪基金協調人有全面協調所有義工募款的努力成果以對地帶層級的扶輪基金會有所助益。〞 地域扶輪基金協調人是扶輪中心巨額捐獻行動、保管委員會以及全世界地區內的扶輪社員們──必要的連結(核心領導人)。

13 扶輪中心巨額捐獻行動 Rotary Centers Major Gifts Initiative (RCMGI)
尋找 Identification 培養 Cultivation 懇求 Solicitation 我們的挑戰,是要去尋找有能力且對扶輪承諾與有所關係的準捐贈人,並接著要去協助培養與懇求這些巨額捐獻。 Our challenge, will be helping to identify prospective donors who have the capacity, the commitment and the connection to Rotary and then to help cultivate and solicit these major gifts. 順序為︰ The sequence: 尋找──針對參與扶輪和對扶輪承諾個別的扶輪社員,地域扶輪基金協調人將承諾盡力去尋找出5、10或15位的凖捐贈人。 Identification – focus on individual Rotarians because of their involvement and commitment to Rotary. RRFCs will you commit to identifying 5, 10 or 15 major gift prospects for this endeavor? 培養──對於這些準捐贈人你將擔負發展一種培養計畫的重責大任?你將保證他們被邀請參與特別的培養活動並且尋找增加他們參與扶輪基金會的方法? Cultivation – Will you take on the primary responsibility for developing a cultivation plan for these prospects? Will you make sure they get invited to special cultivation events and look for ways to increase their involvement with TRF? 懇求──研究顯示一種由一位受敬重〝同僚〞親自的懇求是募款最有效的方法。對於要求一個巨額捐獻你感到自在嗎?如果是的話,那真是太棒啦──運用地域扶輪基金協調人的職務為這個計畫來要求一個巨額捐獻。如果你覺得不自在,我們能做什麼來幫助你到達這個想法?不要不敢請求幫助。第一次要求一個巨額捐獻可能會有所畏懼;不過,它也將可能是你在你扶輪的生涯裡最令人滿意的經驗之一。 Solicitation – Research has shown that an in-person solicitation from a respected “peer” is the most effective way of raising major gifts. Do you feel comfortable asking for a major gift? If yes, great – take advantage of your position as a Rotary Regional Foundation Coordinator and ask for major gifts for this program. If you aren’t comfortable, what can we do to help you get to this point? Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Asking for a major gift for the first time can be daunting; however, it can also be one of the most rewarding experiences you’ll have in your Rotary career. 讓人們知道我們正在尋找並且對這個計畫需要顯著的財務的支持。在不同的通訊聯繫當中使用你的活頁資料夾裡全部或部分的籌款計畫。 Let people know we’re seeking and need significant financial support for this program. Use all or parts of the fundraising plan contained in your binder in different communications. 在整年度期間,尋找方法去強調並且分享扶輪中心計畫成功之處。你從來也不知道誰會聽到你的演講或者讀到由你那裡來的一則特別的通訊。 Throughout the year, look for ways to highlight and share the successes of the Rotary Peace Centers program. You never know who will be listening to your speech or reading a special communication from you.

14 扶輪中心巨額捐獻行動 Rotary Centers Major Gifts Initiative (RCMGI)
2015年6月30日以前尋找到價值9,500萬美元的冠名與捐贈捐獻和承諾 (named and endowed gifts and commitments) 每年資助120位獎學金學生 Major gifts based 扶輪國際研究中心The Rotary Centers for International Studies: 投資未來的調解計畫──在2015年6月30日以前尋找到9,500萬美元的冠名與捐贈捐獻和承諾。 Investing in the Future of Peacemaking Plan -- seeks named and endowed gifts and commitments worth US$95 million by 30 June 2015. ※ 這將保證每年達到120位獎學金的基金。This will assure the funding of up to 120 fellows per year. 這扶輪中心籌款的努力方向不同於〝每位扶輪社員,每年EREY〞的推展亦不同於〝根除小兒麻痺募款活動〞,因為並非向每一位社員來呼籲的。 我們將集中於一種特有指標的群眾;主要是有財務能力、承諾並且與扶輪有所關係而考慮要做有意義捐獻的扶輪社員。 The Rotary Centers fundraising effort is different from the “Every Rotarian, Every Year” push and the Polio Eradication Fundraising Campaign because it won’t be an every member appeal. We will focus on a very targeted audience; mainly Rotarians who have the financial capacity, commitment and connection to Rotary to consider making significant gifts. [9,000萬美元乘以4%(永久基金可使用大約的比率)等於平均一位獎學生研究兩年(60,000美元)的獎學金。每年60位新的兩年獎學金或者是每年120位現職的獎學生。 ] [US$90 million multiplied by 4% (approx. Permanent Fund spending rate) equals the average award for a fellow studying for two years ($60,000). 60 new two year awards per year or 120 active fellows a year.]

15 投資於未來調解的工作: 9,500萬美元 Phase I (2005 – 2010) Phase II (2010 – 2015)
US$50 million endowed US$5 million named Phase II (2010 – 2015) US$40 million endowed 9,500萬美元的目標包括了9,000萬美元的捐贈獎學金以及500萬美元提供作冠名獎學金。 The US$95 million target is comprised of US$90 million to endow fellowships and US$5 million to provide named fellowships. 該計畫是由兩個5年階段所組成︰ The Plan consists of two five-year phases: 在第一階段期間,我們正在尋找5,000萬美元永久基金捐獻與承諾(2005年7月1日至2010年6月30日),以及額外500萬美元的一次冠名扶輪世界和平獎學金。 During Phase I, we are seeking US$50 million (1 July 2005 – 30 June 2010) in Permanent Fund gifts and commitments, with an additional US$5 million in contributions for one-time named Rotary World Peace Fellowships. 在第二階段期間(2010年7月1日至2015年6月30日),將尋找至少4,000萬美元新的捐贈捐獻與承諾。這個階段將主要集中於在第一階段期間尋找到具備條件的準捐贈人(有能力且承諾過)的〝懇求solicitation〞的工作。 Phase II (1 July 2010 – 30 June 2015) will seek a minimum of US$40 million in new endowment gifts and commitments. This phase will focus primarily on the solicitation of qualified prospects (Capable and committed) who were identified during Phase I. [※注意:該目標主要的部分是以鉅額捐獻的保證、終生收入協議和遺贈協會承諾的方式。而這些捐贈與承諾的資產需要很多年方可兌現捐贈於該扶輪中心計畫。 ] [Note: A significant portion of the target will be in the form of major gift pledges, life income agreements and Bequest Society commitments. It will take many years before assets represented by these gifts and commitments are available to endow the Rotary Centers program.]

16 巨額捐獻準捐贈人 Major Gift Prospects
360 major gifts needed 5 solicitations for each gift received 1,800 major gift prospects required Focusing on 0.2% of all Rotarians 我們已經估計為了實現我們籌募9,500萬美元的目標,應該有至少要有1,800位準捐贈人。迄今,令人遺憾的是我們只有不到200位準捐贈人!我們的確還有很長的一段路要走。而我們有一項可怕的任務就在我們面前。我的朋友,我們需要你的幫助來尋找扶輪社員和非扶輪社員的準捐贈人。 We have estimated that there should be at least 1,800 prospects in order to attain our goal to raise $ 95 million.  So far, unfortunately we have only less than 200 prospects! We have indeed a long way to go. We have a formidable task ahead of us. My friends, we need your help to identify Rotarian and non-Rotarian prospects. 至於需要捐贈數量的估計是來自何處?我們發展一個籌款表──基於籌款研究和原則──來概述那我們到達目標所需不同數量的捐贈。 Where does this estimate of number of needed gifts come from? We have developed a gift table – based on fundraising research and principles – outlining how many gifts of different amounts we will need to reach the target. 根據這個計畫,我們將保證需要獲得360個巨額捐獻。 According to this plan, we will need to secure 360 major gifts. 由經驗顯示必須做出5到8個巨額捐獻的懇求被才保證一個捐贈。 Experience shows that five to eight major gift solicitations must be made to secure one gift. 假設每平均5個懇求有一個捐贈的成功率,為了得到360個巨額捐獻則巨額捐獻準捐贈人必須被發展出至少1,800位具備條件的準捐贈人。 Assuming an average success rate of one gift per five solicitations, major gift proposals will have to be developed and presented to at least 1,800 qualified prospects in order to receive 360 major gifts. 請注意:1,800位巨額捐獻準捐贈人聽上去好似很大的數字,記住這還不到我們社員人數的0.2%。 Please note: While 1,800 major gift prospects sounds like a large number, keep in mind it represents less than 0.2% of our membership.

17 投資於未來調解的工作 NUMBER OF GIFTS AMOUNT OF GIFT TOTALS 40 $ 500,000 (+)
320 $10,000 to $500,000 (+) $22.5 M 360 Grand Totals $95 Million 9,500萬美元目標的達成取決扶輪基金會去尋找、培養與懇求具備有至少500,000美元財務能力與承諾條件的準捐贈人的能力而定。估計全部基金的百分之75將來自40筆最大的捐款。 The achievement of the US $95 million target hinges on TRF’s ability to identify, cultivate and solicit qualified prospects with the financial capacity and commitment to contribute at least US$500,000. An estimated 75 percent of the total funding will come from the 40 largest contributions. 沒有足夠的時間讓我去討論所有冠名捐獻的機會(這些列在〝和平是可能的〞小冊子的封底內頁)但是足以談到重點強調要以至少捐贈500,000美元的捐獻,那是有機會從50,000美元到150萬美元。 There won’t be enough time for me to go through all of the Gift Naming Opportunities (these are listed on the inside back cover of the Peace is Possible Brochure) but suffice to say that there are opportunities from $50,000 to $1.5 Million with an emphasis on the minimum endowed gift of US $500,000. 250,000美元──現場實習經驗的申請 捐贈至多10件申請現場實習生的職務或一個扶輪中心一屆獎學生的研究計畫。捐贈人會收到有關獎學生他們的實習生職務或者研究計畫和他們的研究機構的年度報告。 $250,000 — Applied Field Experiences Endows up to 10 applied field internships or research projects for a class of fellows at a Rotary Center. Donors receive annual reports on the fellows, their internships or research projects, and their study institution. 1,000,000美元—中心的客座教授 捐贈一位有外交經驗或者一個聯合國代辦處或者在一些和平與解決衝突的其他方面的客座教授,而在教課計畫擔任指導者。 $1,000,000 — Center Visiting Lecturer Endows a visiting lecturer who has diplomatic experience, either with a United Nations agency or in some other aspect of peace and conflict resolution, to teach courses and serve as a mentor for program. 100,000美元—中心年度研討會 捐贈一個扶輪中心年度研討會。 $100,000 — Center Annual Seminars Endows annual seminars at a Rotary Center. 50,000美金 —中心一般的支援 捐助一項具捐贈人名字的基金並且提供對該計畫一般的支援。 $50, — Center General Support Endows a fund bearing the donor's name and provides general support to the program. 一次付清冠名捐獻Outright Named Gifts 60,000美元 —世界和平獎學生 提供至多二年一個冠名扶輪世界和平獎學生。捐贈人會收到關於他們的實習生職務或者研究計畫和研究機構的年度報告。 $60,000 — World Peace Fellow Funds a named Rotary World Peace Fellow at a Rotary Center for up to two years. Donors receive annual reports on the recipients, their internships or research projects, and the study institution. 50,000美元 —現場實習經驗 $50,000 — Field Experiences Names up to 10 applied field internships or research projects for a class of fellows at a Rotary Center. Donors receive information on the recipients, their internships or research projects, and their study institution. ※更多有關冠名機會和捐贈的方法的資訊,請與扶輪基金會聯繫 For more information on naming opportunities and ways of giving, please contact The Rotary Foundation

18 New Brochures, Rotary Centers Newsletters and DVDs
許多有用的資源──以及特別而且立即地──扶輪基金會專門職員。 Many resources, are available – and especially and immediately - TRFs dedicated staff. 簡報用的數位視訊影碟、國際扶輪網站、扶輪中心通訊與小冊子。 PowerPoint's, DVDs, RI website, Rotary Centers Newsletters and brochures. 並且請注意……在猶他州鹽湖城6月14日到16日安排了有史以來的第一次超過200位現任和前世界和平獎學生參加的世界和平討論會。 And please note … that scheduled from 14 to 16 June at Salt Lake City, Utah will be the first ever WORLD PEACE SUMPOSIUM with over 200 present and past WPF attending.

19 我們由這兒往哪裡走? 達成第一階段5,500萬美元的目標
GIFTS PLEDGED 2006 to FEB 2007 $15M March to June 2007 + $2M $9M 2008 – 2009 $13M 2009 – 2010 $16M GRAND TOTAL PHASE I 2010 US $ 55M 依照在規劃和巨額捐獻階段當中我們已經知道捐獻能以各種方式──現金、股票、多年承諾保證、遺贈和在北美洲透過各式各樣規畫捐贈的工具。 As we’ve heard during the Planned and Major Gifts section, gifts can be made in a variety of ways – cash, stock, multi-year pledges, bequests and in North America through various planned giving vehicles. 自2007年2月28日,到目前為止業已收到超過1,500萬美元的巨額捐獻和承諾用來支持扶輪中心這次努力的成果。 As of 28 February 2007, over US$15 million in major gifts and commitments have been received thus far to support this effort for the Rotary Centers.

20 Jackson Hsieh , Zone 4B Endowments for Rotary Centers
Hartley B. and Ruth B. Barker, Zone 25, USA Edward and M. Patricia Blender, Zone 25, USA Paul G. and Jean Elder, Zone 28, USA Masafumi and Hatsumi Fukui, Zone 3, Japan Gerald L. and Vicki Harp, Zone 29, USA Bill Huntley, Zone 17, UK Charles C. Keller, Zone 28, USA Noboru and Yasuko Ohkubo, Zone 3, Japan Kyu Hang Lee and Hee Sung Park, Zone 9, Korea A. R. Ramachandra and Suseela Reddy, Zone 22, Canada Paul F. and Carolyn C. Rizza, Zone 28, USA Rajendra K. Saboo, Zone 5, India Philip J. and Kathleen M. Silvers, Zone 25, USA Shigeo and Megumi Takayama, Zone 2, Japan Sakuji and Kyoko Tanaka, Zone 2, Japan Marilyn and William P. Tennity, Zone 24, USA Anonymous, Zone 4B, Hong Kong Al Jubitz, Zone 23 Jackson Hsieh , Zone 4B 我要感謝那些扶輪社員,他們藉由捐贈他們自己的財務的支持或者去幫助鼓勵其他人去捐贈……和坐下在這裡你們中的一些人業已親自支持我們的扶輪中心巨額捐獻行動的努力成就。 I would like to thank those Rotarians who have already personally supported our RCMGI effort by giving their own financial support or helped encourage others to give… and some of you seated right here have already done that. 最近非常新的捐贈而沒被列在這裡。除在螢幕上的名字之外,我深表謝意的是從第23地帶艾爾‧Jubitz那裡新近的承諾,台北的理事提名人謝三連Jackson Hsieh和來自肯塔基的一對非扶輪社員的夫婦的。 There have been very recent gifts that are not listed yet listed here. In addition to the names on the screen, I would like to acknowledge recent commitments from Al Jubitz, from Zone 23, Director-nominee Jackson Hsieh of Taipei and a non-Rotarian couple from Kentucky. 所有這些慷慨捐獻人支持著這個計畫的決定將會鼓勵其他人去追隨他們。 The decisions of all of these generous donors to support this program will encourage others to follow their lead. 看到在螢幕上這個目錄。如同讓我們分享了和平中心和我們對和平的承諾的重要性—這個目錄肯定會增長。有什麼比扶輪服務導致世界和平還要好的地方以及有什麼比扶輪基金會在那裡使這個募款的計畫得以實現還要好之處。 Look at this list on the screen. As we share the importance of the Peace Centers and our commitment to Peace -- this list surely will grow. What better place is there than Rotary to serve the cause of world peace and what better place than TRF is there to bring this fundraising plan to fruition. 我們的任務是發現並且詢問其他人加入在尋求和平中的他們與扶輪。這是一種持續捐贈的捐獻─一代又一代。 Our task is to find and ask others to join them and Rotary in this quest for Peace. This is a gift that keeps on giving – generation after generation. Jackson Hsieh , Zone 4B

地域扶輪基金協調人你是團隊的最前線以及扶輪基金會的核心領導人。 RRFCs you are the front line troops and the CORE LEADERS of The Rotary Foundation. 你是核心領導人需要去教導、訓練並且領導你的年度計劃基金策略顧問和巨額捐獻顧問從事〝扶輪中心巨額捐獻行動RCMGI〞。 You are the CORE LEADERS needed to teach, to train and to lead your team of Strategic and Major Gifts Advisors to this ROTARY CENTERS MAJOR GIFTS INTIATIVE. 你是核心領導人要能尋找出哪些人有 財務能力、關連和承諾去捐獻於這個非常重要的扶輪計畫行動 You are the CORE LEADERS who will can identify those who have the financial capability, connection and commitment to contribute to this so very important Rotary Program Initiative 我的扶輪社員夥伴們,我告訴你們──由於你的領導…… 我們一起工作就能使它發生﹗ 和平是可能的﹗ My fellow Rotarians I say to you -- with your leadership … Working together we can make it happen! Peace Is Possible!

我們一起工作就能使它發生﹗ Working together we can make it happen!

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