项目注册 CDM Project Registration

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1 项目注册 CDM Project Registration
中国CDM能力建设项目培训讲义 Training Material Building Capacity for the CDM in China 2018/12/7

2 CDM项目流程:The CDM Project Cycle
设计 审定/注册 监测 PP: 项目参与方 DOE:指定经营实体 EB: 执行理事会 CER: 经核证的减排 核查/认证 签发CERs 2018/12/7

3 完成审定:Validation conclusion
若DOE审定确认该项目活动后,会将下列资料提交EB,并将审定报告公开: 项目注册申请函 项目主办国书面批准函 对该项目审定所受到的意见以及如何考虑的说明 对CDM-PDD中所述,因项目活动达成预期温室气体减排的可能性说明 项目设计文件 If the DOE determines the proposed project activity to be valid it submits to the EB and make validation report publicly: a request for registration the written approval of the host Party an explanation of how it has taken due account of comments received; a statement of the likelihood of the project activity to achieve the anticipated emission reductions stated in the CDM-PDD. the project design document. 2018/12/7

4 注册:Registration CDM项目注册亦即执行理事会(EB)正式接受一个经审定的CDM项目
The formal acceptance by the EB of a validated project as a CDM project 注册是项目核查、认证及签发项目活动核证排减量(CERs)的先决条件 The prerequisite for the verification, certification and issuance of CERs related to that project activity. EB收到注册申请之日8 个星期之后视为自动确定,除非参与项目活动的一个缔约方或执行理事会的三名成员(含)以上提请对拟议的CDM项目活动进行复审。 The registration by the EB is an automatic step unless a review of the proposed CDM project activity is requested within eight weeks by one party involved or three members of the CDM EB (4 weeks for small-scale projects). 2018/12/7

5 注册复审:Registration reviews
EB对注册请求的复审应符和下列条件: 仅针对涉及与审定要求相关的问题进行复审 在提出复审要求后的二次会议内完成,并将复审的结果和理由通知项目参与方和公众 如果项目被拒绝,复审的费用(约USD4500)则DOE应承担。反之,则由EB承担此笔费用 Such a review by the EB shall be made in accordance with the following provisions: It shall be related to issues associated with the validation requirements; It shall be finalized no later than at the second meeting following the request for review, with the decision and the reasons for it being communicated to the project participants and the public. in case of rejection of a project, the costs of a review (estimated at 4500 USD) shall be borne by the DOE. The EB will bear the costs if the project is not rejected. 2018/12/7

6 注册费用:Registration Fees
EB会在项目注册阶段收取一笔初始行政管理费 注册费用乃根据CDM-PDD所提供的信息计算,项目参与方所要求的入计期间的减排程度需由 DOE审定确认 The EB will charge an initial administration fee at registration stage Registration fee is based on the information provided in CDM-PDD, the level of reductions over the indicated crediting period will be estimated by the project participants and confirmed by the DOE. 入计期间的CO2当量减排年平均吨数(提报/核可) Average tones of CO2 equivalent reductions per year over the crediting period (estimated/approved) 美金 US$ (*) <= 15,000 5,000 > 15,000 and <= 50,000 10,000 > 50,000 and <= 100,000 15,000 > 100,000 and <= 200,000 20,000 > 200,000 30,000 2018/12/7

7 已注册的项目 Registered projects:
巴西Nova Gerar垃圾填埋场项目 Nova Gerar: Landfill, Brazil 洪都拉斯Rio Blanco小型水电项目 Rio Blanco, Small-scale hydropower : Honduras Cuyamapa, Small-scale hydropower: Honduras Ulsan HFC, Korea Gujarat HFC, India La Esperanza Hydroelectric Project, Honduras Salvador da Bahia Landfill Gas Management Project, Brazil Clarion 12MW (Gross) Renewable Sources Biomass Power Project, India 5 MW Dehar Grid-connected SHP in Himachal Pradesh, India Graneros Plant Fuel Switching Project, Chile Huitengxile Windfarm Project, China Santa Cruz landfill gas combustion project, Bolivia Cortecito and San Carlos Hydroelectric Project, Honduras Biomass in Rajasthan – Electricity generation from mustard crop residues, India e7 Bhutan Micro Hydro Power CDM Project 2018/12/7

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