Rev. Joseph Chang 張玉明牧師 5/21/2017 BOLGPC 爾灣大公園靈糧堂

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1 Rev. Joseph Chang 張玉明牧師 5/21/2017 BOLGPC 爾灣大公園靈糧堂
Suffering 患難 Rev. Joseph Chang 張玉明牧師 5/21/2017 BOLGPC 爾灣大公園靈糧堂

2 Korean War 韓戰 ( )

3 Korean War 韓戰 ( )

4 Korean War 韓戰 ( )

5 Korean War 韓戰 (1950-1953) 將肉體的需要, 昇華到心靈的層次, 使人的生命因心靈的滿足, 取代對肉體生命需要的渴求.
Elevate the physical need to spiritual level. Let the satisfaction of spiritual need replaces the physical hunger and thirst.

6 Korean War 韓戰 (1950-1953) 祈禱就是力量; 分享就是神蹟!
Praying is power, Sharing is miracle!

7 Romans (羅馬書) 5:1-5 1我們既因信稱義,就藉著我們的主耶穌基督得與神相和。2我們又藉著他,因信得進入現在所站的這恩典中,並且歡歡喜喜盼望神的榮耀。 1Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.

8 Romans (羅馬書) 5:1-5 3不但如此,就是在患難中也是歡歡喜喜的;因為知道患難生忍耐,4忍耐生老練,老練生盼望;5盼望不至於羞恥,因為所賜給我們的聖靈將神的愛澆灌在我們心裡。 3Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.

9 I. Suffering Produces Perseverance. 患難生忍耐 (5:3b).



12 Rattan 藤條

13 Psalm (詩篇 58:3-6) 3惡人一出母胎就與 神疏遠,一離母腹便走錯路,說謊話。4他們的毒氣好像蛇的毒氣;他們好像塞耳的聾虺,   神啊,求你敲碎他們口中的牙;耶和華啊,求你敲掉少壯獅子的大牙! 3Even from birth the wicked go astray; from the womb they are wayward and speak lies. 4Their venom is like the venom of a snake, like that of a cobra that has stopped its ears, Break the teeth in their mouths, O God; tear out, O LORD, the fangs of the lions!

14 II. Perseverance produces character. 忍耐生老練 (5:4a).

15 III. Character produces hope not disappointing
III. Character produces hope not disappointing. 老練產生那不讓我們失望的盼望 (5:4b-5a). 71我受苦是與我有益,為要使我學習你的律例。【詩 119:71】 71It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees. 【Ps 119:71】

16 We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.
我們必須接受暫時的失望, 但是不能丟掉永遠的盼望. --Martin Luther King Jr.

17 IV. God pours out his love on us while we are suffering
IV. God pours out his love on us while we are suffering. 在整個患難的過程裡面, 神的愛充滿祂所愛的兒女 (羅5:5b).

18 Angola giraffe 安哥拉長頸鹿

19 Conclusion 結論

20 Conclusion 結論 Faith信心

21 Conclusion 結論 Faith信心  Hope 盼望

22 Conclusion 結論 Faith信心  Hope 盼望 Love 愛

23 Conclusion 結論 Faith信心  Hope 盼望 Love 愛 Sufferings 患難

24 Conclusion 結論 Faith信心  Hope 盼望 Love 愛 Sufferings 患難Perseverance 忍耐

25 Conclusion 結論 Faith信心  Hope 盼望 Love 愛
Sufferings 患難Perseverance 忍耐 Character老練

26 Conclusion 結論 Faith信心  Hope 盼望 Love 愛
Sufferings 患難Perseverance 忍耐 Character老練 Hope 盼望

27 Conclusion 結論 Faith信心  Hope 盼望 Love 愛
Sufferings 患難Perseverance 忍耐 Character老練 Hope 盼望 God’s love accompanies us in our suffering 在我們受患難的時候, 神的愛圍繞在我們的週圍.

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