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EFCI Co-worker Training 2013 愛恩教會同工訓練

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Presentation on theme: "EFCI Co-worker Training 2013 愛恩教會同工訓練"— Presentation transcript:

1 EFCI Co-worker Training 2013 愛恩教會同工訓練

2 開場白Opening Word 1988-2013, EFCI愛恩25周年Anniversary
2013 Theme 與祢有約 “Remember the Covenant” (Genesis創世紀 9:16) 2013Master Calendar 行事曆 名牌New Name tag (always put it on) $5 6大牧區2013“6 Zone” Pastor, Elder, Deacon, Team leader, T. member, Counselor, Advisor, Director, Zone Leader, small group leader…

3 2013六大牧區 “6 Shepherd Zone” Children0-12 EM 13-50 1.5G 16-39 40-64 N.人數
Mandarin 26-64 Taiwanese 40-64 Taiwanese 65+ N.人數 70 to 90 80 to 100 120 to140 100 to 130 90+ Caring 關懷 牧養 團契 小組 Tim Wu Deacon Mark T.Leader P. Lum Paul Shaw Counselor P. Chen Andy Amy Wang P. Hu James Lin Max Lin P. Lin Chris Kuo J. Lee FM Liang Joseph J Z. Leader Worship Sheila Shaun Miles Shelia Michael EK Education Vivian Edwin Albert Max Kevin Joseph Mission Simon James Jacob Joe SGL Account

4 今日計畫Plan for Today →9:10-9:20 歡迎與介紹Welcome →9:20-10:10 新目標、新行動New Goal, New Action →10:10-10:20 休息Break →10:20-11:10 DVD—Bill Hybels →11:20-12:30分組討論 X 6 Group Discussion →12:30-1:30 午餐Lunch →1:30-2:30 Q & A

5 新目標、新行動 New Goal, New Action

6 一、2012回應Response 台語堂T:關心照顧、九區聯誼活動強化小組、團契、活動參與Caring, Activities
華語堂M:幫助同工靈命成熟、強化更新小組、歡迎新人New Small Group, new comer 1.5G:門徒訓練、輔導投入Discipleship T. 英文堂EM:社會青年、大學生之門徒訓練Young professional & college ministry 兒童堂C:牧養牧者、Children Pastor

7 二、2013新異象 New Vision 1.使用已飽和、新堂最後五年期限( ) Reynolds Building last 5 years term 2.經討論、未來可能模式Possible future Plan A.購買新堂、改建(5 Acre), Purchase another new building in Irvine for →500萬. B.購買土地、設計10年計畫 Purchase a (10 acre) new land close to Irvine for →1,000萬. 3.建堂募款New Church Fund raising,50→500萬



10 三、理想教堂4-C Campus Church
1.Classical Chapel古典主堂(管風琴Organ) 2.Contemporary Theater現代化新堂 3.Community, Caring, Gym, Mission center 社區訓練中心 (餐廳書店Restaurant & Bookstore) 4.Children, Education & Training center全人教育中心 (托兒、公園化遊樂場)

11 2018--EFCI 30th Anniversary

12 四、2013 Goal目標 6堂會各小組2013成長10%目標(人數、品質、場地活用)6 Ministry 10% Growing/yearly 五年讀經計畫5 years Bible Reading Plan 2/10和會Congregation Meeting, start 4 new committee (1. Building search. 2. Fund raising, 3. Church Design 4. Spiritual grow) 5/25-27 San Diego EFC Retreat聯合靈修會 9/18/2013, EFCI 25th Anniversary Celebration 四建堂委員會開始行動Take action for Vision

13 五、完成新異象步驟5 Steps 1.清楚的異象Definite Vision—Why? 2.明確的目標Clear Goal—What? 3.靈活的計畫Nimble Plan—How? 4.障礙的突破Obstacle Breakthrough—Who, Where? 5.勇敢的開始Brave Start– When?

14 50 years ago….Rev. Hu’s Family

15 Vision—Why? Motivation動機?
Local church is the Hope of the world教會是世界的希望!

16 Jesus: Matthew馬太16:18-19 18 我還告訴你,你是彼得,我要把我的教會建造在這磐石上;陰間的權柄,不能勝過他19 我要把天國的鑰匙給你,凡你在地上所捆綁的,在天上也要捆綁;凡你在地上所釋放的,在天上也要釋放。 18 And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my CHURCH, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

17 六、回應 : 3P 禱告to Pray 預備to Prepare 投入to Participate

18 討論大綱 Group Discussion Assign one to take note & give it to leader
1.What’s our ministry urgent need? 2.Response New vision, 2013 ministry priority, 10% growing Goal? 3.What’s our action Item Q&A 1:30-2:30

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