Social Ethics Project for Preschool Children 建立幼兒社群倫理價值觀

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2 Social Ethics Project for Preschool Children 建立幼兒社群倫理價值觀
Project Leader: Maria Lee HK Institute of Vocational Education(Lee Wai Lee) Participants: Child Education & Services Department (IVE/LWL) Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Fong Shu Chuen Day Nursery Ng Sheung Nan Day Nursery Chan Han Day Nursery Lions Club of the Peak, HK, Day Nursery Lo Wong Pik Shan Day Nursery Fong Siu Yee Day Nursery

3 Phase I: Training on Social Ethics Values
Phase II: Training on Project Approach Phase III: Brainstorming with children Phase IV: Social ethics value project with children Phase V: Project Documentation & exhibition

4 同理心的培養 (人喜己喜,人悲己悲的感覺) 建立孩子的個人道德標準
Phase I Workshop One 道德,倫理與社會倫理 劉玉女士主講 道德價值標準的發展 (無律、他律、自主) 成規層次、內化過程 同理心的培養 (人喜己喜,人悲己悲的感覺) 建立孩子的個人道德標準

5 勇敢面對心裡的恐懼 教導勇敢的方法 倫理價值﹕ 民主的理想-自由與責任 公平、和諧共處、交流、包容、尊重 正直﹕誠實、守信、忍耐、自律
Phase I Workshop 道德,倫理與社會倫理 劉玉女士主講 勇敢面對心裡的恐懼 教導勇敢的方法 倫理價值﹕ 民主的理想-自由與責任 公平、和諧共處、交流、包容、尊重 正直﹕誠實、守信、忍耐、自律 愛﹕憐憫、友愛、寬恕、慷慨、服務

6 Phase I: Workshop Three
幫助小孩子學習道德行為的途徑 劉雪霞女士主講 道德倫理的一些特徵 道德教育不是…. 道德教育的目標 小孩子不道德行為背後的原因 道德教育的態度 小孩子學習道德行為的途徑

7 培養同理心﹕放下主觀、設身處地、反映感受 建立孩子道德標準﹕ 喜歡好行為、強化好行為 引發遵守道德的動機﹕ 建立正面的自我形像
Phase I: Workshop Four 幫助小孩子學習道德行為的途徑 劉雪霞女士主講 有模仿對像 培養同理心﹕放下主觀、設身處地、反映感受 建立孩子道德標準﹕ 喜歡好行為、強化好行為 引發遵守道德的動機﹕ 建立正面的自我形像

8 What would you like to do with… What would you like to try using…
Phase II : Project Approach Workshop One Principles & Brainstorming Mrs. Mary Jane Elliot What would you like to do with… What would you like to try using… What would you like to wash using… What experiments would you like to do with… What questions do you have about… (Questions begin with words like “Where does..” “How does…” )

9 Skills: Knowledge: Phase II: Project Approach Workshop Two
Skills, Knowledge, Disposition, Feelings By Mrs. Mary Jane Elliot Skills: Social- working together Handwriting Drawing Sorting Painting Brainstorming Interviewing Reporting orally Making connections Knowledge: Recorded learning in journals New vocabulary Learned about the “topic” Different uses of the “topic” Use of scientific method Learned process of making…. Books had lots of information Learned to make a book

10 Disposition: Feelings: Problem solving Creativity
Cooperation & team work Determination Questioning Curiosity Feelings: Success Confident Self-esteem One of the class Highly motivated & engaged Disappointed, but let’s try again

11 Phase II: Project Approach Workshop Three
Portfolio & Documentation By Miss Rose Ho & Salvation Army Child Care Services Phase II: Project Approach Workshop Four Sharing of Project Expertise & Experience By Miss Rose Ho & Salvation Army Child Care Services

12 愛心、關心 幫助別人、憐憫、慷慨 責任感、珍惜 中國文化、孝順、尊重 自信、堅毅 Phase III, IV, V Projects in
Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Child Care Centres Social Ethics Values selected by children : 愛心、關心 幫助別人、憐憫、慷慨 責任感、珍惜 中國文化、孝順、尊重 自信、堅毅

13 Product Deliverables for sharing
1 CD rom- children’s work (Powerpoint) 12 setsVCD - training workshops 1 VCD project work - TWGH Fong Shu Chuen Day Nursery 2 Books - Children’s art representations on two projects: 我有一個幫人的夢想 因為我怕蛋BB受傷 16 Postcards- children’s art work and their dialogue QEF Project Exhibition & Highlights can be viewed on

14 對人要付出愛心、關心 嘗試了解則別人 做事要有毅力、恒心 培養責任感、擔
Values that should be developed at an early age: Love and concern for others 對人要付出愛心、關心 Understanding of people 嘗試了解則別人 Perseverance 做事要有毅力、恒心 Sense of responsibility 培養責任感、擔

15 思考及解決問技巧 會欣賞及享受生命 會欣賞及了解中國文化財產及特徵 認識及建立中國人的形像、身份
Problem solving skills 思考及解決問技巧 Appreciation of life 會欣賞及享受生命 Understand Chinese cultural heritage 會欣賞及了解中國文化財產及特徵 Establish Chinese identity 認識及建立中國人的形像、身份

16 Tips for conducting Social Ethics Project:
VCDs on social ethics values – training for schools’ staff VCDs on project approach by Mrs. Mary Jane Elliot - For teachers before using the project approach

17 Social ethics projects will need:
Financial resources for children’s activities, e.g. Material, equipment, documentation, exhibition of children’s works Extra staffing resources: Mentors for project approach Special speakers on selected topics Special help for documentation

18 Resources needed for: Reproduction of documentation of children’s art work and dialogue Exhibition of projects for parents and public, enable adults to better understand how children develop their values

19 Appreciation should be given to Quality Education Fund
Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Child Care Services Staff and Students of Department of Child Education & Services HK Institute of Vocational Education Lee Wai Lee Campus

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