台灣大地動力學國際合作研究計畫 總主持人:吳大銘 教授

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Presentation on theme: "台灣大地動力學國際合作研究計畫 總主持人:吳大銘 教授"— Presentation transcript:

1 台灣大地動力學國際合作研究計畫 總主持人:吳大銘 教授
TAIGER (TAiwan Integrated GEodynamics Research) Project for Testing Models of Taiwan Orogeny 台灣大地動力學國際合作研究計畫 總主持人:吳大銘 教授 報告人:王乾盈 教授

2 TAIGER 五項工作 1. 天然地震:陸地寬頻網 Land broadband instruments to enhance the existing broadband networks for recording both local earthquakes and teleseisms (Ongoing) 2. 天然地震:海底寬頻網 Marine broadband deployment around the island to increase the aperture of the available broadband networks (2007/10) 3. 人工震源:Land explosions for low-fold wide angle and CMP profile reflections across the island along three transects (2008/02)

3 How TAIGER (Ct’d) 4. 海陸聯炸:Marine MCS and reversed sea-land wide-angle profiling using airgun signals along six transects (2008/4) 5. 大地電磁:Magnetotellurics along several transects (Ongoing )

4 Passive Seismology (天然地震) 陸地地震儀: 60+100 海底地震儀: 60

5 Active Seismology (人工震源)
北中南三線:1000 kg shots along T4b, T5, T6 CDP線:30 Km (30 shots) CMP line across Lishan fault

6 Sea-Land Profiles (海陸聯炸)
Transects 1, 2, 3,4,5,6: MCS/OBS/airgun transects. 150 IRIS

7 人工震源:地利500kg 爆炸測試 500 Kg Dili Test Shot 60 m deep hole 150 Texans

8 炸藥炸孔設計

9 人工震源:地利500kg 爆炸測試

10 Moho?

11 地利實驗 West East Test shot recorded at Central Weather
Bureau SP seismic stations

12 Lateral P velocity variations in
the upper crust

13 Preliminary MT profile across Taiwan
Resistive Central Range Lower crustal conductive zone

14 高爆實驗 1) 北中南三條測線,1000kg。 2) 南北向布線二條。 3) 跨越台灣海峽震測實驗。

15 高爆實驗:北中南測線

16 高爆實驗:北線(N)


18 高爆實驗:中線(M)及南線(S)

19 高爆實驗:南北向布線 山區測線:340km 縱谷測線:160km 共500km,5km一站, 共100站。


21 海峽地殼:中薄邊厚

22 Sea-Land Profiles (海陸聯炸)
Transects ,4,5,6: 150 IRIS

23 Expanded TAIGER Marine MCS/OBS
Blue: TAICRUST Red: TAIGER Trans. Black: expanded



26 R/V

27 TAIGER Land Stations On Google Map (click on the following link)
On Google Earth Add  Network Link  Name: TAIGER Stations Link:

28 Current TAIGER Land Stations

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