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Presentation on theme: "鯊魚黑幫."— Presentation transcript:

1 鯊魚黑幫

2 Hot on the heels of Shrek 2’s success, Dream-Works now brings us underwater[1]cartoon adventure---Shark Tale. This is a movie about the mafia, but the gangsters[2]are not Italians; they are sharks! The film tells the story of a young fish named Oscar (voiced by Will Smith), who convinces all the other fish that he killed the son of the shark mob[3]boss, Lino. Oscar becomes a hero and makes friends with Lino’s other son, a vegetarian[4] shark named Lenny. But Lino (voiced by Robert de Niro), does not appreciate Oscar’s interference[5] in his underworld[6]plans, and sets out to teach Oscar a lesson. The movie also features the voice talents of Renee Zellweger as Angie, a beautiful angelfish who is secretly in love with Oscar, and Angelina jolie as Lola, a sensuous[7] dragon fish who knows how to get what she wants. Shark Tale is an action-packed underwater feature that is sure to make a splash with adults and children alike in theaters this autumn.

3 1.underwater : 在水面下的 (文中指「在海底的」)
2.gangsters : (結眾且具有武器的) 歹徒;幫派份子 3.mob : 犯罪集團 4.vegetarian : 素食者;素食主義者(的) 5.interference : 介入;干涉;擾亂 6.underworld : 黑社會;犯罪社會 7.sensuous : 感官的;審美的;訴諸美感的(在此指「秀色可餐的 ; 悅目的」)

4 Note1 Hot on the heels of (something)緊跟在…後面;緊接在…之後
=At/on the heels of Following right on the heels of winning an Oscar , Nicole Kidman has just won another award. 妮可基嫚贏得奧斯卡獎之後,隨即又贏得其他獎項。

5 Note2 2. Set out to (do something) 打算;試圖
After seeing pictures of starving children on the news, she set out to make a difference in the world. 他在看到新聞中飢餓兒童的畫面後,便打算要做些事讓世界變的更好。

6 Note3 3.Make a splash 引起轟動;惹人注目
Splash 指「潑灑;飛濺(出的水,泥漿等)」可延伸指「轟動;引人注目的事物」, make a splash便指「某人受到矚目或是變得受歡迎 」。 The actor made such a splash in the TV show that he was offered a part in a movie. 那名演員在電視節目裡的表現相當受到矚目,因此得到演出電影的機會。


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