Chapter 12 Dining 吃飯 Vocabulary 生詞

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1 Chapter 12 Dining 吃飯 Vocabulary 生詞
飯館 家常 餐巾 好像 豆腐 賣完 紙巾 位子 放/多/少 冰茶 冰水 服務員 桌子 盤/盤子 椅子 餃子 白菜 杯子 青菜 酸辣湯 筷子 素菜 味精 叉子 點菜 刀子 上菜 湯匙 菜單 胡椒

2 Chapter 12 Dining 吃飯 Char. bk p.9-15 (24) Restaurant: Salt: Cups:
To seem/like: Bok choy: Sugar: Seat: Just: Sweet: Service people Sold out: More/less: Table: Finished: Put too much salt: Order food: Green vegetable: Drink soup: Plate(N.): Iced tea: Chair: Dumplings: Iced water: Not enough: Vegetarian food: Thirsty: One table: Home-style: Some: Two Chairs: Tofu: Enough: Two bowls of soup: To put: Hungry: Two cups of tea Meat: Serving food: Bowl: Menu: Hot: Knife: Sour: Fork: Soup: Spoon: Hot and sour Paper Napkin: MSG: Chopsticks:

3 Quiz Chapter 12 Dining 吃飯 Restaurant: Bowl: To seem/like:
Hot Sour Soup: Seat: MSG: Service people Salt: Table: Some: Order food: Just now: Plate(N.): Sold out: Dumplings: Vegetable: Vegetarian food: Thirsty: Home-style: Enough: Tofu: Hungry: To put: Bok Choy: Meat:

4 Dinning Out-I 紙巾 桌子 椅子 盤子 碗 筷子 杯子 刀子 叉子 湯匙 餐巾 雙 張 一張桌子 一張椅子
Zhuō zi yĭ zi pán zi wăn kuài zi bēi zi dāo zi chā zi zhĭ jīn Tāng chi cān jīn 椅子 盤子 筷子 杯子 刀子 叉子 湯匙 餐巾 一張桌子 一張椅子

5 Dinning Out-I 紙巾 桌子 椅子 盤子 筷子 杯子 刀子 叉子 湯匙 餐巾 一張桌子 一張椅子

6 What do you see in here? Say it in Chinese.
Dinning Out-I

7 Dining Out-I 鹽 醋 酸 甜 糖 味精 辣 肉 餃子 青菜 茶 豆腐 湯
yán cù suān tián táng wèi jīng là ròu qīng cài chá jiăo zi dòu fu tāng 味精 餃子 青菜 豆腐

8 Dining Out-I 味精 餃子 青菜 豆腐

9 What do you see in here? Say it in Chinese.
Dining Out-I

10 中國菜 菜單 青菜 素菜 白菜 點菜 上菜 服務員 Cài dān Qīng Cài Sù Cài bái Cài Diăn Cài
Shàng Cài 服務員 Fú wù yuán

11 中國菜 菜單 青菜 素菜 白菜 點菜 上菜 服務員

12 What do you see in here? Say it in Chinese.
Dining Out-I

13 What do you see in here? Say it in Chinese.

14 飯館 fàn guăn 中國飯館 美國飯館 這家飯館 這家飯館好不好? 這家飯館怎麼樣? 你覺得這家飯館好不好? 美國飯館
restaurant 中國飯館 美國飯館 這家飯館 這家飯館好不好? EX. 林老師請我們去她家玩 這是誰的電話\ 這家飯館怎麼樣? 你覺得這家飯館好不好? 美國飯館

15 好像 hăo xiàng To seem/to be like 好像下雨了 好像下課了 好像沒有人

16 位子 wèi zi seat 沒有位子 我的位子 EX. 林老師請我們去她家玩 這是誰的電話\ 這是我的位子 誰的位子?

17 服務(員) fú wù (yuán) Service (person) 餐館服務員 公車服務員

18 點菜 Diăn cài Order food 你點菜 你點菜了嗎? 可以點菜了嗎?

19 家常 jiā cháng Family-style 家常菜 我的家常菜 EX. 林老師請我們去她家玩 這是誰的電話\ 這是我的家常菜

20 放/多/少 fàng duō shăo 放少一點兒 少放一點兒 不要放 請不要放味精 To put Lots/many less
EX. 林老師請我們去她家玩 這是誰的電話\ 不要放 請不要放味精

21 剛(P.)/剛才(P. & P.P.) gāng 她今年剛學中文 她剛才去上廁所了 我上個星期剛到 她剛才出去了 她剛才回家了 昨天剛下雨
A moment ago 我剛寫完功課 VS 我剛寫了功課 Just/lately/recently 她今年剛學中文 她剛才去上廁所了 我上個星期剛到 她剛才出去了 昨天剛下雨 她剛才回家了 Without “time words” 上個月剛下雨

22 sell/sold over/finish
賣/完 màin wán sell/sold over/finish 賣衣服 剛賣完 剛寫完 EX. 林老師請我們去她家玩 這是誰的電話\ 剛吃完

23 冰/冰塊 bīng ice Iced cube 冰茶 熱茶 一杯冰茶 兩杯熱茶 EX. 林老師請我們去她家玩 這是誰的電

24 渴/喝/餓 è hungry thirsty 喝水 餓了 口渴 渴了

25 些/夠 xiē gòu MW/some enough 請給我一些冰塊 這些夠不夠? 這些夠了/不夠.

26 Weather-I Identify the words
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 刀子 叉子 湯匙 桌子 椅子 盤子 冰茶 飯館 好像 白菜 青菜 素菜 上菜 餐巾 點菜 服務員 酸辣湯 豆腐 紙巾 家常 筷子 - 餃子 味精 位子 菜單 杯子

27 Weather-I BINGO 刀子 叉子 湯匙 桌子 椅子 盤子 冰茶 飯館 好像 白菜 青菜 素菜 上菜 渴 餓 餐巾 點菜 放 碗 酸
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 刀子 叉子 湯匙 桌子 椅子 盤子 冰茶 飯館 好像 白菜 青菜 素菜 上菜 餐巾 點菜 服務員 酸辣湯 豆腐 紙巾 家常 筷子 - 餃子 味精 位子 菜單 杯子

28 Chapter 12 Dining 吃飯 Not even one
Subj. +一+ MW+Obj.+…也/都+不/沒…+ V/adj. VS.Subj. +一+ MW+Obj.+…也/都+沒有(了) 一個服務員也沒(有)來. VS. 一個服務員也沒有 一個人也沒(有)來. 一個人也沒有 . Translate the following: Not even one table in here. Not even one single table is available Not even one pen on my table. I didn’t even spend one single dollar. Not even one paper. I don’t even has one single paper. He didn’t even read one book. She didn’t even drink one single cup of ice tea. I didn’t even read one chapter. I haven’t even gone to a (any) place at all.

29 Chapter 12 Dining 吃飯 Not at all
Subj. +一點兒也/都不 + adj. 我一點兒也不冷 一個服務員也不高. Translate the following: Weather here is not cold at all. This table is not big at all. This chair is not high at all. This clothes is not expensive at all. This pair of shoes is not cheap at all. Chinese class is not hard at all. Coffee does not taste good at all. This cup of ice tea is not icy at all. This restaurant’s food does not tasty at all. My hot and sour soup is not spicy at all.

30 Chapter 12 Dining 吃飯 More or less + V. 多找了…, 少找了…, 多寫了…, 少寫了…
Txbk P39 Chapter 12 Dining 吃飯 More or less + V. EX. “多放果汁,少放水”=(果汁多一點兒,水少一點兒), “多放冰塊,少放汽水” =( “冰塊多一點兒,汽水少一點兒”) 多找了…, 少找了…, 多寫了…, 少寫了… Apply the rule to the following words: 寫,說;去,去;看,看; 走路,坐車;坐,坐;吃,吃;喝,喝 EX. 中文學生要多練習寫中文,少出去玩.

31 Chapter 12 Dining 吃飯 剛 VS. 剛才才 剛 : duration of time, can not use 了
Txbk P40 剛 VS. 剛才才 剛 : duration of time, can not use 了 剛才:a moment ago, can use 了at the end 剛:她昨天剛到美國. 剛才:她剛才在這兒 Translate the following: I just took a shower. I’ve taken a shower moment ago. I just finished writing homework. I have written my homework a moment ago. He went to the office. He just arrived the library. We just finished the test. We were taking a test a moment ago. The waiter just ate. The waiter was eating meal a moment ago.

32 Test – Write an Essay Chapter 12 Dining - I 出去吃飯
Assignment: After eating out in a Chinese restaurant, write an essay to how you like the food you ordered. Focus: recommend or don’t recommend these food Explain: why you recommend it Ex. 很甜, 很辣,很多肉,… or why you don’t recommend it Ex. 放太多鹽, 不夠甜, 太辣,… 一點兒也不好吃

33 Focus: recommend or don’t recommend these food
Chapter 12 Dining - I出去吃飯 Introduce the class two of your favorite/not favorite dishes Assignment: Introduce the class two of your favorite/not favorite dishes, including look, taste, and ingredients Focus: recommend or don’t recommend these food Explain: why you recommend them Ex. 很甜, 很辣,很多肉,… or why you don’t recommend them Ex. 放太多鹽, 不夠甜, 太辣,… *Grading is based on how persuasive it is.

34 Wkbk P31 Chapter 12 Dining 吃飯 Convert the structure from the given one to the other If…then 要是…就不 VS 好了…才… 要是天氣不好,就不能出去滑冰 天氣好了,才能出去滑冰 condition consequence 要是功課沒有做完,就不能看電視. 洗好了澡才能看電視. 要是沒吃飯,就不能喝冰茶. 錢付好了,才能出去. 要是書沒有看,就不能看電影. 功課做好了,才能看電視 要是沒有洗澡就不能看電視. 吃好了飯,才 能喝冰茶 要是錢沒有付,就不能出去. 書看好了,才能看電影.

35 Chapter 12 Dining 吃飯 Rearrange the structure and make it meaningful
出去滑冰 要是 就不能 天氣不好, 要是 買衣服 就不要 你沒有錢, 看電視 今天下雨 就在家 要是 沒有冰茶 要是 熱茶 就喝 要是 就 去別家 沒有位子 飯館 出去玩 功課 才能 做好了 去你家 我才能 不下雪 下個週末 十塊錢 買餃子 我有 才能 喝完 上菜 我 才 酸辣湯 去 寫好了 朋友家 功課 才可以

36 Chapter 12 Dining 吃飯 Rearrange the structure and make it meaningful
出去滑冰 要是 就不能 天氣不好, 要是天氣不好,就不能出去滑冰 2. 要是 買衣服 就不要 你沒有錢, 要是你沒有錢,就不要買衣服 3.看電視 今天下雨 就在家 要是 要是今天下雨就在家看電視 4. 沒有冰茶 要是 熱茶 就喝 要是沒有冰茶就喝熱茶 5.要是 就 去別家 沒有位子 飯館 要是沒有位子就去別家飯館 6.出去玩 功課 才能 做好了 功課做好了才能出去玩 7.去你家 我才能 不下雪 下個週末 下個週末不下雪我才能去你家 8.十塊錢 買餃子 我有 才能 我有十塊錢才能買餃子 9.喝完 上菜 我 才 酸辣湯 我喝完酸辣湯才上菜

37 Translation Translate the following sentences into Chinese: 1. How many people? (Polite form) 2. Looks like not even one seat (left). 3. There is no one in that table. 4. What would you like to eat? 5. You would like to drink some of what? 6. Are you ready to order? (May I take your order?) 7. Please give me two glasses of iced tea first. 8. Other then Iced water, what else do you want? 9. Please give me some napkin. 10. I am vegetarian. 11. In that case, (we) don’t want meat. 12. Don’t put MSG, put a little bit more meat, put less salt. 13. Please give me a pair of chopsticks. 14. I also/still want some vegetable. 15. How much in total? 16. Please give me the bill.

38 Chapter Test: Chapter 12 Dining I出去吃飯
Acting out: “In a Chinese restaurant with your friend who is vegetarian.” Make sure you have all of the follow covered: 1. You thought there is no more seats left. 2.your friend couldn’t find any single table. 3. You ask if there are seats available. 4. Your friend finds a table empty. You request the following items: 5. One pair chopsticks, some napkin, fork, spoon, knife, two menus. 6. Your friend orders iced tea and coke, two plates of vegetarian dumplings for both of you. 7. You want one family style tofu and hot and sour soup for both of you. 8. You friend says that don’t put meat but more vegetable in her/his soup because she/he is vegetarian. 9. You call the waiter and ask him not to put MSG in your Hot and Sour soup and more ice less water in your iced tea. 10. You both are very thirsty so your friend asks the waiter to give you the iced water first. 11. You ask the waiter to serve the food sooner because both of you are hungry. 12. Your friend ask you what do you think about their food? 13. You think the food is a little too hot. 14. Your friend ask for the check. 15. You say that this restaurant not only the price is inexpensive at all but also no tips required.

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