羔羊的血洗白了袍 Whiten Your Robe in the Blood of Lamb

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1 羔羊的血洗白了袍 Whiten Your Robe in the Blood of Lamb
啟示錄 7:9-17

2 兩個問題 (Two Questions) 第一個: 誰能站立得住呢?(6:17) Who is able to stand?

3 第一組人 (7:1-8) 神的僕人,被天使印上了永生 神的印 The servants of God, sealed with the seal of the living God. 以色列人,十四萬四千人 The sons of Israel, the 144,000.

4 第二組人 (7:9-12) 許多的人,沒有人能數過來,從各 國各族各民各方來的 Innumerable, from nations, tribes, peoples, languages 站在寶座和羔羊面前,身穿白衣, 手拿棕樹枝 Standing before the throne and the Lamb 大聲稱頌神… Praising God

5 神的子民,真以色列人,蒙拯 救的,那些得勝的人
第一組人=第二組人 神的子民,真以色列人,蒙拯 救的,那些得勝的人 They are the people of God, the true Israelite, the saved, the conquerors.

6 兩個問題 (Two Questions) 第一個: 誰能站立得住呢?(6:17) Who is able to stand? 第二個: 這些穿白衣的是誰?是從哪裏 來的?(7:13) Who are these in white robes? From where have they come from?

7 究竟這些人是誰? 從大患難中出來 They came out of the great tribulation 洗了自己的衣袍 They have washed their robes 用羔羊的血洗白了袍 They have whitened them in the blood of the Lamb

8 白衣… Ch. 3,能穿白衣的人 22:14 那些洗淨自己衣服的有福 人(公義/聖潔/忠信/真實)。 6:11 白衣給為主見證殉道者 12:11 得勝是藉羔羊血與所見證 Ch ,000羔羊跟隨者

9 用羔羊的血洗白了袍 無論羔羊往哪裡去,緊緊跟隨 Follow the Lamb wherever he goes 堅忍持守他們主的忠信/聖潔/公 義/真實 Endure as their Lord 以至於死 Until death

10 若不能為主而活,就不能說是 為主而死;若不願意為主而死, 就不是在為主而活!
Not willing to live for the Lord, we are not to die for Him; not willing to die for the Lord, we are not to live for Him.

11 所以…(7:15-17) 他們在 神寶座前,晝夜在祂殿中事 奉祂。坐寶座的要用帳幕覆庇他們。 他們不再飢、不再渴,日頭和炎熱也 必不傷害他們。 Therefore they are before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple; and he who sits on the throne will shelter them with his presence. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst anymore; the sun shall not strike them, nor any scorching heat.

12 因為寶座中的羔羊必牧養他們,領他 們到生命水的泉源; 神也必擦去他 們一切的眼淚。 For the Lamb in the midst of the throne will be their shepherd, and he will guide them to springs of living water, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.

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