God’s Kingdom Moves On “你在其中嗎?”

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1 God’s Kingdom Moves On “你在其中嗎?”
3/11/2018 BOLGPC 爾灣大公園靈糧堂 Rev. Joseph Chang 張玉明牧師

2 15耶和華對他說:你回去,從曠野往大馬色去。到了那裡,就 要膏哈薛作亞蘭王,16又膏寧示的孫子耶戶作以色列王,並膏 亞伯米何拉人沙法的兒子以利沙作先知接續你。17將來躲避哈 薛之刀的,必被耶戶所殺;躲避耶戶之刀的,必被以利沙所 殺。【王上 19:15-17】 15The LORD said to him, "Go back the way you came, and go to the Desert of Damascus. When you get there, anoint Hazael king over Aram. 16Also, anoint Jehu son of Nimshi king over Israel, and anoint Elisha son of Shaphat from Abel Meholah to succeed you as prophet. 17Jehu will put to death any who escape the sword of Hazael, and Elisha will put to death any who escape the sword of Jehu. 【1King 19:15-17】

3 18但我在以色列人中為自己留下七千人,是未曾向巴力屈 膝的,未曾與巴力親嘴的。【王上 19:18】 18Yet I reserve seven thousand in Israel--all whose knees have not bowed down to Baal and all whose mouths have not kissed him." 【1King 19:18】

4 19於是,以利亞離開那裡走了,遇見沙法的兒子以利沙耕 地;在他前頭有十二對牛,自己趕著第十二對。以利亞到 他那裡去,將自己的外衣搭在他身上。【王上 19:19】
19So Elijah went from there and found Elisha son of Shaphat. He was plowing with twelve yoke of oxen, and he himself was driving the twelfth pair. Elijah went up to him and threw his cloak around him. 【1King 19:19】

5 20以利沙就離開牛,跑到以利亞那裡,說:求你容我先與父母 親嘴,然後我便跟隨你。以利亞對他說:你回去罷,我向你 做了甚麼呢?21以利沙就離開他回去,宰了一對牛,用套牛的 器具煮肉給民吃,隨後就起身跟隨以利亞,服事他。【王上 19:20-21】 20Elisha then left his oxen and ran after Elijah. "Let me kiss my father and mother good-by," he said, "and then I will come with you." "Go back," Elijah replied. "What have I done to you?" 21So Elisha left him and went back. He took his yoke of oxen and slaughtered them. He burned the plowing equipment to cook the meat and gave it to the people, and they ate. Then he set out to follow Elijah and became his attendant. 【1King 19:20-21】

6 I. Elijah Quit! 以利亞不玩了! God asked Elijah to anoint 3 people/神要以利亞去膏三個人. When God asked his prophet to anoint someone, it means God gave him authority to become a priest/prophet/king. 在當時先知膏一個人, 代表神的權柄賜下來, 讓那個人成 為祭司, 先知, 或者是君王.

7 Mt. Carmel 迦密山 Jezreel 耶斯列 Beersheba別是巴 Mt. Horeb何烈山 Damascus大馬色
Ramoth Gilead 基列的拉末 Jezreel 耶斯列 Abel Meholah 亞伯米何拉 Beersheba別是巴 Mt. Horeb何烈山



10 HazaelKing of Aram/哈薛亞蘭王
Hazel was a general under Ben Hadad of Aram, a foolish king. 哈薛是亞蘭王便哈達手下的大將. 便哈達是一個昏君.

11 JehuKing of Israel/耶戶以色列王
Jehu is a trusted general of king Ahab/耶戶是亞哈王手下的 大將 (2 Kings 9:25)

12 Elisha 以利沙 Love his parents/愛父母 Love his servants/愛僕人
Diligent worker and boss/勤奮的農場主人 Do not look back/犁也燒了, 所以不會向後看 Good EQ/很好的EQ, 以利亞升天前的代言人.

13 Elijah were to anoint 3 people 以利亞必須膏3個人
An Enemy/一個敵人 A Betrayer/一個叛賊 A faithful, capable, and warm follower/一個忠心, 能幹, 又聰 明的跟隨者. Are you willing? 你願意嗎?

14 II. Why Elijah quit? 以利亞為什麼不玩了?
2X God asked Elijah/ 2 次神問以利亞: What are you doing here, Elijah? (1 Kings 19:9, 13) 以利亞啊, 你在這裡作甚麼?

15 Elijah answered 2X/以利亞2次回答:
I have been very zealous for the Lord God Almighty. The Israelites have rejected your covenant, broken down your altars, and put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too.” 我為耶和華萬軍之神大發熱心, 因為以色列人背棄了你的 約, 毀壞了你的壇, 用刀殺了你的先知, 只剩下我一個人, 他們還要尋索我的命.” (1 King 19:10, 14)

16 The Lord of Hosts/萬軍之耶和華 General of Mighty Army/偉大全能的大將軍

17 Elijah’s Accusation 以利亞的控述 Israel’s Action of Sin 以色列犯罪的事實 Elijah’s Action of Response 以利亞的回應行動 Rejected your covenant 背棄了你的約

18 Elijah’s Accusation 以利亞的控述 Israel’s Action of Sin 以色列犯罪的事實 Elijah’s Action of Response 以利亞的回應行動 Rejected your covenant 背棄了你的約 Ahab and his father’s family has rejected the Lord’s command and served Baal (1 Kings 18:18).亞哈和父家離棄耶和華的誡命(王上18:18).

19 Elijah’s Accusation 以利亞的控述 Israel’s Action of Sin 以色列犯罪的事實 Elijah’s Action of Response 以利亞的回應行動 Rejected your covenant 背棄了你的約 Ahab and his father’s family has rejected the Lord’s command and served Baal (1 Kings 18:18).亞哈和父家離棄耶和華的誡命(王上18:18). Elijah won the contest, the Israelites prostrated and cried out “The Lord is God! the Lord is God!” (1 Kings 18:39). 以利亞勝利, 民眾俯伏在地, 說, “耶和華是神! 耶和華是神!” (王上18:39).

20 Elijah’s Accusation 以利亞的控述 Israel’s Action of Sin 以色列犯罪的事實 Elijah’s Action of Response 以利亞的回應行動 Broken down your altars 毀壞了你的壇

21 Elijah’s Accusation 以利亞的控述 Israel’s Action of Sin 以色列犯罪的事實 Elijah’s Action of Response 以利亞的回應行動 Broken down your altars 毀壞了你的壇 The Lord’s altar was in ruins (1 Kings 18:30). 耶和華的壇已經毀壞(王上18:30).

22 Elijah’s Accusation 以利亞的控述 Israel’s Action of Sin 以色列犯罪的事實 Elijah’s Action of Response 以利亞的回應行動 Broken down your altars 毀壞了你的壇 The Lord’s altar was in ruins (1 Kings 18:30). 耶和華的壇已經毀壞(王上18:30). Elijah used 12 stones to build the altar for the Lord (1 Kings 18:31-32). 以利亞用12塊石頭為耶和華築壇(王上18:31-32).

23 Elijah’s Accusation 以利亞的控述 Israel’s Action of Sin 以色列犯罪的事實 Elijah’s Action of Response 以利亞的回應行動 Put prophets to death with swords 用刀殺了你的先知

24 Elijah’s Accusation 以利亞的控述 Israel’s Action of Sin 以色列犯罪的事實 Elijah’s Action of Response 以利亞的回應行動 Put prophets to death with swords 用刀殺了你的先知 Jezebel & Ahab were killing the Lord’s prophets (1 Kings 18:4,10,13). 耶洗別及亞哈王要殺盡耶和華的先知 (王上18:4,10,13).

25 Elijah’s Accusation 以利亞的控述 Israel’s Action of Sin 以色列犯罪的事實 Elijah’s Action of Response 以利亞的回應行動 Put prophets to death with swords 用刀殺了你的先知 Jezebel & Ahab were killing the Lord’s prophets (1 Kings 18:4,10,13). 耶洗別及亞哈王要殺盡耶和華的先知 (王上18:4,10,13). Elijah killed 450 Baal prophets (1 Kings 18:40). 以利亞殺了450個巴力先知 (王上18:40).

26 Elijah’s Accusation 以利亞的控述 Israel’s Action of Sin 以色列犯罪的事實 Elijah’s Action of Response 以利亞的回應行動 Now they are trying to kill me 他們仍要尋索我的命

27 Elijah’s Accusation 以利亞的控述 Israel’s Action of Sin 以色列犯罪的事實 Elijah’s Action of Response 以利亞的回應行動 Now they are trying to kill me 他們仍要尋索我的命 Jezebel swore to kill Elijah (1 Kings 19:2). 耶洗別起誓要殺以利亞 (王上19:2).

28 Elijah’s Accusation 以利亞的控述 Israel’s Action of Sin 以色列犯罪的事實 Elijah’s Action of Response 以利亞的回應行動 Now they are trying to kill me 他們仍要尋索我的命 Jezebel swore to kill Elijah (1 Kings 19:2). 耶洗別起誓要殺以利亞 (王上19:2). What do you do, Lord? For me? 耶和華啊! 你為我做了甚麼?

29 God, I have sacrificed so much for you, what have you done for me!?
神啊! 我已經為你犧牲了那麼多, 你這一點點都不能為我 做嗎?

30 God’s Response—2 X 神的回答—2 次
1X Object Lesson/第一次—實物教育 Not in Powerful Wind/不在烈風中 Not in Earthquake/不在地震裡 Not in Fire/不在大火中 But Gentle Whisper/而是微小的聲音

31 God’s Response—2 X 神的回答—2 次
2X Plain Words/第二次—白話文 Team Work of Hazael, Jehu, & Elisha/哈薛, 耶戶, 和以利沙 的團隊工作. Quiet and Persistent Work of 7,000 faithful Israelites/7,000 個忠心的以色列人, 安靜而持續的工作.

32 The Reasons that Elijah Quit 以利亞不玩了的原因
1. Elijah would not agree with God’s method/神工作的方式, 不是以利亞所認同的. 2. Elijah would not agree with people that God uses/神用的 人, 不是以利亞所認同的!

33 III. Do you quit? 你不玩了嗎? 20人若說我愛神,卻恨他的弟兄,就是說謊話的;不愛他 所看見的弟兄,就不能愛沒有看見的神(有古卷作:怎 能愛沒有看見的神呢)。【約一 4:20】 20If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. 【1John 4:20】 What does it mean to serve God? Serve the brothers & sisters. 甚麼叫做服事神? 服事弟兄姊妹.

34 A. Why God uses this people? 怎麼是這些人呢?
Saints under construction/施工中的聖徒 Smell test/味道試驗 2 Generations/兩代之間 Sound Equipment/音響 4家裡無牛,槽頭乾淨;土產加多乃憑牛力。【箴 14:4】 4Where there are no oxen, the manger is empty, but from the strength of an ox comes an abundant harvest. 【Prov 14:4】

35 B. Why God uses this approach? 怎麼用這種方法呢?
3/5/2018, The Seller’s loan has a prepayment penalty that gets reduce significantly if they pay it off after May 27th.  Currently our scheduled close date is April 27th.  So if timing works out that closing after May 27th is ok with your group then it would be very helpful to the Seller.  However, if you need to close on time or earlier, that’s possible too.  Regards, BJ Fell | Vice President Lee & Associates, Inc. - Irvine

36 B. Why God uses this approach? 怎麼用這種方法呢?
3/5/2018, The Seller’s loan has a prepayment penalty that gets reduce significantly if they pay it off after May 27th.  Currently our scheduled close date is April 27th.  So if timing works out that closing after May 27th is ok with your group then it would be very helpful to the Seller.  However, if you need to close on time or earlier, that’s possible too.  Regards, BJ Fell | Vice President Lee & Associates, Inc. - Irvine

37 B. Why God uses this approach? 怎麼用這種方法呢?
1. Church Prayers Answered/教會禱告蒙垂聽: Our church has opened the escrow on 11/27/2017 to purchase 2 Faraday for the price of $6,425, Please pray for this 120 days of escrow time that/教會在11/27/2017開 啟了2 Farady 的購買契約. 購買價格是 $6,425,000.購買契 約的期限是120天。讓我們禱告在這120天之中:

38 a). Sufficient Building Fund/我們能夠籌足建堂資金。
b). Speedy and smooth Condition Use Permit from City of Irvine/ 爾灣市政府能夠通過我們的CUP條件使用許可。 c) Good design and construction of our future home/好的建築設 計和施工。 d). Church office has been listed for sale, please pray for finding a good buyer and the smooth selling process!/ 教會辦公室已上市 出售中,請為能找到好的買主,順利出售代禱! e). A seamless transition from 2 Wrigley to 2 Faraday./ 教會聚會從 2 Wigley 轉到2 Faraday能夠無縫接軌。

39 a). Sufficient Building Fund/我們能夠籌足建堂資金。
b). Speedy and smooth Condition Use Permit from City of Irvine/ 爾灣市政府能夠通過我們的CUP條件使用許可。 c) Good design and construction of our future home/好的建築設 計和施工。 d). Church office has been listed for sale, please pray for finding a good buyer and the smooth selling process!/ 教會辦公室已上市 出售中,請為能找到好的買主,順利出售代禱! e). A seamless transition from 2 Wrigley to 2 Faraday./ 教會聚會從 2 Wigley 轉到2 Faraday能夠無縫接軌。

40 a). Sufficient Building Fund/我們能夠籌足建堂資金。
b). Speedy and smooth Condition Use Permit from City of Irvine/ 爾灣市政府能夠通過我們的CUP條件使用許可。 c) Good design and construction of our future home/好的建築設 計和施工。 d). Church office has been listed for sale, please pray for finding a good buyer and the smooth selling process!/ 教會辦公室已上市 出售中,請為能找到好的買主,順利出售代禱! e). A seamless transition from 2 Wrigley to 2 Faraday./ 教會聚會從 2 Wigley 轉到2 Faraday能夠無縫接軌。

41 B. Why God uses this approach? 怎麼用這種方法呢?
2. Giving Testimonies/弟兄姊妹的奉獻見證:

42 B. Why God uses this approach? 怎麼用這種方法呢?
3. Is God inviting you to participate? 神是不是要你參與呢? Prison Chapels/監獄中的教堂 Architect’s Church/建築師的教堂

43 Conclusion 結論 18又要囑咐他們行善,在好事上富足,甘心施捨,樂意供 給人(供給或作:體貼),19為自己積成美好的根基,預 備將來,叫他們持定那真正的生命。【提前 6:18~19】 18Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. 19In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life. 【1Tim 6:18~19】

44 Conclusion 結論 24有施散的,卻更增添;有吝惜過度的,反致窮乏。25好施 捨的,必得豐裕;滋潤人的,必得滋潤。【箴 11:24~25】 24One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. 25A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed. 【Prov 11:24~25】

45 Conclusion 結論 Money is the blessing from God, the reward of your work. Money is the best servant, the worst master. Use wisely today’s money for the investment of eternity. Give generously, it is the beautiful foundation of your eternity./財 富是神的祝福,工作的果效。金錢是最好的僕人,最壞 的主人。善用今生的錢財作永恆的投資。樂善好施,是 為自己在永恆裡積成美好的根基。

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