基于Arduino单片机的简易示波器 Arduino Based Simple Oscilloscope

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Presentation on theme: "基于Arduino单片机的简易示波器 Arduino Based Simple Oscilloscope"— Presentation transcript:

1 基于Arduino单片机的简易示波器 Arduino Based Simple Oscilloscope
6/14/2017 1 / 21 Arduino Based Simple Oscilloscope 近 代 物 理 实 验 单 片 机 基于Arduino单片机的简易示波器 Arduino Based Simple Oscilloscope 熊雨渐

2 灵感与背景 原理与电路 程序编写 实际测试 总结 Arduino Based Simple Oscilloscope 近 代 物 理 实 验
算法设计与分析 单 片 机 课 程 设 计 灵感与背景 原理与电路 程序编写 实际测试 总结 My presentation is structured in the following way. 6/14/2017 2 / 21

3 灵感与背景 示波器于各类必做实验 示波器的性价比 近 代 物 理 实 验 数字信号处理 课 程 设 计 单 片 机
Solve some problems in phase retrieval. Phase retrieval is a process of… Given a complex signal… Currently, most phase …iterative methods. In a optical system,…. However, … Arduino Based Simple Oscilloscope Wavefront Approximation Method 6/14/2017 3 / 21

4 灵感与背景 单片机的性价比 单信道、极轻巧的简易示波器 近 代 物 理 实 验 数字信号处理 课 程 设 计 单 片 机
Solve some problems in phase retrieval. Phase retrieval is a process of… Given a complex signal… Currently, most phase …iterative methods. In a optical system,…. However, … Arduino Based Simple Oscilloscope Wavefront Approximation Method 6/14/2017 4 / 21

5 原理与电路 数据采集 AD转换 图形描绘 数值计算 近 代 物 理 实 验 数字信号处理 课 程 设 计 单 片 机
Solve some problems in phase retrieval. Phase retrieval is a process of… Given a complex signal… Currently, most phase …iterative methods. In a optical system,…. However, … Arduino Based Simple Oscilloscope Wavefront Approximation Method 6/14/2017 5 / 21

6 原理与电路 数据采集 近 代 物 理 实 验 数字信号处理 课 程 设 计 单 片 机
Solve some problems in phase retrieval. Phase retrieval is a process of… Given a complex signal… Currently, most phase …iterative methods. In a optical system,…. However, … Arduino Based Simple Oscilloscope Wavefront Approximation Method 6/14/2017 6 / 21

7 原理与电路 AD转换 Analog to digital converter 单片机内置ADC 专用ADC芯片? 近 代 物 理 实 验
数字信号处理 课 程 设 计 单 片 机 原理与电路 AD转换 Analog to digital converter 单片机内置ADC 专用ADC芯片? Solve some problems in phase retrieval. Phase retrieval is a process of… Given a complex signal… Currently, most phase …iterative methods. In a optical system,…. However, … Arduino Based Simple Oscilloscope Wavefront Approximation Method 6/14/2017 7 / 21

8 原理与电路 图形描绘 128x64的LCD屏 近 代 物 理 实 验 数字信号处理 课 程 设 计 单 片 机
Solve some problems in phase retrieval. Phase retrieval is a process of… Given a complex signal… Currently, most phase …iterative methods. In a optical system,…. However, … Arduino Based Simple Oscilloscope Wavefront Approximation Method 6/14/2017 8 / 21

9 原理与电路 数值计算 运算函数与缓冲数组 近 代 物 理 实 验 数字信号处理 课 程 设 计 单 片 机
数值计算 运算函数与缓冲数组 Solve some problems in phase retrieval. Phase retrieval is a process of… Given a complex signal… Currently, most phase …iterative methods. In a optical system,…. However, … Arduino Based Simple Oscilloscope Wavefront Approximation Method 6/14/2017 9 / 21

10 程序编写 单片机初始化 测量与缓存 输出图像 数值计算 按钮控制 近 代 物 理 实 验 数字信号处理 课 程 设 计 单 片 机
Solve some problems in phase retrieval. Phase retrieval is a process of… Given a complex signal… Currently, most phase …iterative methods. In a optical system,…. However, … Arduino Based Simple Oscilloscope Wavefront Approximation Method 6/14/2017 10 / 21

11 程序编写 单片机初始化 声明与Setup 近 代 物 理 实 验 数字信号处理 课 程 设 计 单 片 机
Solve some problems in phase retrieval. Phase retrieval is a process of… Given a complex signal… Currently, most phase …iterative methods. In a optical system,…. However, … Arduino Based Simple Oscilloscope Wavefront Approximation Method 6/14/2017 11 / 21

12 程序编写 测量与缓存 缓冲数组与测量时间 近 代 物 理 实 验 数字信号处理 课 程 设 计 单 片 机
测量与缓存 缓冲数组与测量时间 Solve some problems in phase retrieval. Phase retrieval is a process of… Given a complex signal… Currently, most phase …iterative methods. In a optical system,…. However, … Arduino Based Simple Oscilloscope Wavefront Approximation Method 6/14/2017 12 / 21

13 程序编写 输出图像 U8lib库的多个draw函数 近 代 物 理 实 验 数字信号处理 课 程 设 计 单 片 机
Solve some problems in phase retrieval. Phase retrieval is a process of… Given a complex signal… Currently, most phase …iterative methods. In a optical system,…. However, … Arduino Based Simple Oscilloscope Wavefront Approximation Method 6/14/2017 13 / 21

14 程序编写 数值计算 对缓存进行遍历,计算Vpp、频率等 近 代 物 理 实 验 数字信号处理 课 程 设 计 单 片 机
Solve some problems in phase retrieval. Phase retrieval is a process of… Given a complex signal… Currently, most phase …iterative methods. In a optical system,…. However, … Arduino Based Simple Oscilloscope Wavefront Approximation Method 6/14/2017 14 / 21

15 程序编写 按钮控制 Time钮、Stop钮 触发钮 近 代 物 理 实 验 数字信号处理 课 程 设 计 单 片 机
Solve some problems in phase retrieval. Phase retrieval is a process of… Given a complex signal… Currently, most phase …iterative methods. In a optical system,…. However, … Arduino Based Simple Oscilloscope Wavefront Approximation Method 6/14/2017 15 / 21

16 实际测试 实物图 近 代 物 理 实 验 数字信号处理 课 程 设 计 单 片 机
Solve some problems in phase retrieval. Phase retrieval is a process of… Given a complex signal… Currently, most phase …iterative methods. In a optical system,…. However, … Arduino Based Simple Oscilloscope Wavefront Approximation Method 6/14/2017 16 / 21

17 实际测试 三角波测试 用Arduino制作的信号发生器 近 代 物 理 实 验 数字信号处理 课 程 设 计 单 片 机
Solve some problems in phase retrieval. Phase retrieval is a process of… Given a complex signal… Currently, most phase …iterative methods. In a optical system,…. However, … Arduino Based Simple Oscilloscope Wavefront Approximation Method 6/14/2017 17 / 21

18 总结 示波器参数: 频率响应10-50K Hz;上升沿触发; 扫描速度0.02-10 ms/div; 参数和普通示波器的误差约为9%
近 代 物 理 实 验 数字信号处理 课 程 设 计 单 片 机 总结 示波器参数: 频率响应10-50K Hz;上升沿触发; 扫描速度 ms/div; 参数和普通示波器的误差约为9% Solve some problems in phase retrieval. Phase retrieval is a process of… Given a complex signal… Currently, most phase …iterative methods. In a optical system,…. However, … Arduino Based Simple Oscilloscope Wavefront Approximation Method 6/14/2017 18 / 21

19 参考文献 虚拟示波器研究与设计[D]. 朱晓莲.河北师范大学 2007
近 代 物 理 实 验 数字信号处理 课 程 设 计 单 片 机 参考文献 虚拟示波器研究与设计[D]. 朱晓莲.河北师范大学 2007 模数及数模转换中的精度问题分析[J]. 彭灿明,曾德胜,潘日明. 电脑知识与技术 玩转Arduino电子制作[M]. 吴汉清. 机械工业出版社 Solve some problems in phase retrieval. Phase retrieval is a process of… Given a complex signal… Currently, most phase …iterative methods. In a optical system,…. However, … Arduino Based Simple Oscilloscope Wavefront Approximation Method 6/14/2017 19 / 21

20 Thanks 近 代 物 理 实 验 数字信号处理 课 程 设 计 单 片 机
Solve some problems in phase retrieval. Phase retrieval is a process of… Given a complex signal… Currently, most phase …iterative methods. In a optical system,…. However, … Arduino Based Simple Oscilloscope Wavefront Approximation Method 6/14/2017 20 / 21

21 Q & A 近 代 物 理 实 验 数字信号处理 课 程 设 计 单 片 机
Solve some problems in phase retrieval. Phase retrieval is a process of… Given a complex signal… Currently, most phase …iterative methods. In a optical system,…. However, … Arduino Based Simple Oscilloscope Wavefront Approximation Method 6/14/2017 21 / 21

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