Overweight Population

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1 Overweight Population
HOT ISSUE 熱點事件 – 醫療美容事件 Overweight Population Back to LS Web ( Browse Content

2 Introduction According to the data released by the World Health Organisation (WHO), the world’s overweight population is on the rise. In particular, being overweight or obesity among children is getting more and more serious. As fatness will cause impact on personal health and the medical system, many governments attempt to control the growth of the obese population by regulating the personal eating habits of their citizens. Take New York City as an example, the ratio of overweight or obese adults and children are 60% and 40%, respectively. To tackle the rise of the obese population, the government accepted the recommendations of the Commission of Health to prohibit the selling of soft drinks of capacity of 16-ounce (about 450 grams) or above in all the restaurants, cooked food shops, theatres, cinemas, stadiums and street catering stalls, with the hope of resolving the problem effectively. (Continued on Next Page)

3 Introduction Apart from arousing people's concern about the problem of fatness, the New York City's prohibitive measure has also triggered a lot of controversies. Supporters of the prohibitive measure think that it could effectively control the growth of overweight population, thereby alleviating the personal health problems and the increased burden of medical care caused by fatness. The ban might also help a person improve his/her eating habits. However, those oppose the strategy consider that the prohibitive measure violates a person’s right to choose. Also, they argue that soft drinks and other sugary beverages and food are not the main cause of getting overweight. In Hong Kong, the 2011 data provided by the Department of Health reveal that 41.1% of adults belong to the categories of “overweight” or “obese”; amongst them 22.2% are classified as “obese”. These figures reflect an increase in the ratios of overweight or obese population, when compared with the figures of 39.2% and 21% in The figures also show that the rise of overweight population has gradually become a cause for concern to Hong Kong. As the issue of overweight population is pertaining to the quality of life and the public health policy of Hong Kong, the related problems are worthy of our attention and consideration.

4 Please Click the Icons Below for More Information
Background Information Enquiry Questions Some people opine that the consumption of junk food is one of the major causes for people being overweight. Do you agree? What important impacts does the issue of overweight population have on individuals and society? Take the stances and opinions of different stakeholders into consideration, and provide concrete suggestions on how to contain the issue of overweight population.

5 Reference – Background Information
(Last modified date:2012/12/31) 世界衛生組織(2012年5月)〈肥胖和超重〉。取自: (Chinese only) 〈胖學童越來越多〉(2012)。《大公報》,11月6日。(另見: (Chinese only) 華人健康網(2012年6月21日)〈罪魁禍首!美國眾多肥胖人口致地球失衡〉。取自: (Chinese only) 東北網(2012年5月17日)〈世衛組織報告認為非傳染性疾病是21世紀的主要威脅〉。取自 shtml (Chinese only) BBC中文網(2012年5月16日)〈世衛報告顯示全球健康狀況令人擔憂〉。取自 only) 人民網(2012年5月3日)〈美國肥胖人口過多損耗社會開支〉。取自: (Chinese only) Information /Background Relationship between junk food & obesity Important impact of obesity population on society Opinions of different stakeholders

6 Reference – Background Information
Introduction (Last modified date:2012/12/31) 〈英國肥胖人口比例居歐盟之首〉(2011)。《國際日報》,11月27日。(另見: (Chinese only) 長青網(2011年4月17日)〈我肥唔肥?〉。取自: (Chinese only) 香港衛生署(2011年4月)〈歐洲成年人體重指標〉。取自: (Chinese only) 香港衛生署(2011年4月)〈亞成年人體重指標〉。取自:  (Chinese only) 香港衛生署(2011年4月)〈行為風險因素調查〉。取自: (Chinese only) 〈世衛發指引管垃圾食物廣告兒童肥胖趨嚴重 上聯國議程〉(2011),《明報新聞網》,1月23日。(另見: (Chinese only) Information /Background Relationship between junk food & obesity Important impact of obesity population on society Opinions of different stakeholders

7 Reference – Background Information
(Last modified date:2012/12/31) 文滙通識專欄(2010年12月13日)〈倡脂肪稅遏癡肥 涉歧視惹爭議〉。取自: (Chinese only) 〈積極瘦身肥港女減少〉(2010)。《東方日報》,10月21日。(另見: (Chinese only) 〈有關肥胖概念〉(2010)。《大公報》2010年12月13日。(另見: (Chinese only) 〈超重癡肥:倡脂肪稅遏癡肥 涉歧視惹爭議〉(2010)。《大公報》2010年12月13日。(另見: (Chinese only) 台灣TVBS新聞網(2010年3月25日)〈三億人口過胖 陸肥胖人口全球第一〉。取自: >More Information Information /Background Relationship between junk food & obesity Important impact of obesity population on society Opinions of different stakeholders

8 Reference - Relationship between junk food and obesity
The consumption of junk food is one of the major causes for people being overweight. Do you agree? (Last modified date:2012/12/31) 〈快餐文化導致偏食痴肥〉(2012)。《大公報》,11月6日。(另見: (Chinese only) 大公網(2012年11月1日)〈世衛組織鼓勵各國對「垃圾食品」廣告做出限制〉。取自 (Chinese only) 〈兒童垃圾食物廣告 新加坡擬限播〉(2012),《中時電子報》,10月29日。(另見: (Chinese only) 台灣兒童福利聯盟文教基金會(2012年10月2日)〈防止兒童肥胖 限播垃圾食物廣告:2012年垃圾食物廣告調查報告〉。取自: (Chinese only) 〈改善兒童肥胖 先減少垃圾食物攝取〉(2012),《華人健康網》,5月27日。(另見 (Chinese only) 〈獎吃垃圾食物 助長子女偏食〉(2012),《新浪香港新聞網》,2月22日。(另見: (Chinese only) 〈世衞倡向垃圾食物徵脂肪稅〉(2010),《太陽報》,11月12日。(另見: (Chinese only) >More Information Information /Background Relationship between junk food & obesity Important impact of obesity population on society Opinions of different stakeholders

9 Reference - Relationship between junk food and obesity
The consumption of junk food is one of the major causes for people being overweight. Do you agree? (Last modified date:2012/12/31) 〈立法會四題:肥胖及過重〉(2010),《新聞公報》,10月20日。(另見: (Chinese only) 〈美兒童卡路里 4成來自垃圾食物〉(2010),《台灣醒報》,10月19日。(另見: (Chinese only) 〈總統下命令(增加運動 吃得健康) 貪吃垃圾食物肥胖兒童大增〉(2010),《頭條日報》,2月28日。(另見: (Chinese only) 〈10大不健康食物〉(2009),《東周網》,12月15日。 (另見: (Chinese only) 〈六成初中生常吃垃圾食物〉(2009),《文滙報》,10月16日。(另見: (Chinese only) >More Information Information /Background Relationship between junk food & obesity Important impact of obesity population on society Opinions of different stakeholders

10 Reference - Relationship between junk food and obesity
The consumption of junk food is one of the major causes for people being overweight. Do you agree? (Last modified date:2012/12/31) 香港新浪網(2012年5月23日)〈潛移默化 不斷吃不健康食品兒童癡肥 電視灌輸「有功」〉。取自: (Chinese only)  〈立法會十五題:兒童肥胖〉(2008),《新聞公報》,4月23日。(另見: (Chinese only)  〈垃圾食物充斥 兩成學童肥胖〉(2006),《文滙報》,9月16日。(另見: (Chinese only) >More Information Information /Background Relationship between junk food & obesity Important impact of obesity population on society Opinions of different stakeholders

11 Reference - Important impact of obesity population on society
What important impacts does the issue of overweight population have on individuals and society? (Last modified date:2012/12/31) 世界衛生組織在線問答(2012年12月28日)〈體重過重所帶來的健康後果是什麼?〉。取自: (Chinese only) 人民網(2011年5月19日)〈四大不健康飲食行為影響孩子健康〉。取自: (Chinese only) 蕃薯藤新聞(2010年11月2日)〈肥胖兒童糖尿病機率是一般兒童19倍 父母不可輕忽!〉。取自: (Chinese only) 〈麥當勞「肥仔餐」 如吃6碗飯〉,(2012)。《經濟日報》,2月24日。(另見: (Chinese only) 台灣財團法人國家政策研究基金會(2009年12月31日)〈含糖飲料等不健康食品應否課稅?〉取自: (Chinese only) >More Information Information /Background Relationship between junk food & obesity Important impact of obesity population on society Opinions of different stakeholders

12 Reference - Important impact of obesity population on society
What important impacts does the issue of overweight population have on individuals and society? (Last modified date:2012/12/31) 新浪全球新聞(2009年7月28日)〈肥胖問題年耗資1470億美元〉。取自: (Chinese only) 世界衛生組織(2012年9月)〈心血管疾病〉。取自: (Chinese only) >More Information Information /Background Relationship between junk food & obesity Important impact of obesity population on society Opinions of different stakeholders

13 Reference - Opinions of different stakeholders on obesity
Take the stances and opinions of different stakeholders into consideration, and provide concrete suggestions on how to contain the issue of overweight population. (Last modified date:2012/12/30) NewsMedical(2012年11月23日)〈研究評估飲食習慣如何可能影響在成人中的肥胖病趨勢〉。取自: (Chinese only) 雅虎香港新聞(2012年11月12日)〈丹麥撤銷「脂肪稅」保就業〉。取自: (Chinese only) 〈垃圾食物課稅 無益遏止肥胖〉,(2012)。《世界新聞網》,10月25日。(另見: (Chinese only) 雅虎香港新聞(2012年6月1日)〈紐約擬禁大汽水打擊痴肥〉。取自: (Chinese only) >More Information Information /Background Relationship between junk food & obesity Important impact of obesity population on society Opinions of different stakeholders

14 Reference - Opinions of different stakeholders on obesity
Take the stances and opinions of different stakeholders into consideration, and provide concrete suggestions on how to contain the issue of overweight population. (Last modified date:2012/12/30) 〈新加坡推行托兒所健康飲食計畫〉(2012)。《中國醫藥報》,5月10日。(另見: (Chinese only) 〈美立法改學校餐單 抗癡肥 大增蔬果穀物 減熱量鈉脂肪〉(2012)。《經濟日報》,1月27日。(另見: (Chinese only) 新浪新聞網(2011年10月19日)〈丹麥向不健康食品徵稅 專家擔心加劇貧富差距〉。取自: (Chinese only) 台灣董事基金會(2011年4月17日)《健康點心與垃圾食物》。取自: (Chinese only) 台灣董事基金會(2011年4月17日)《幫助孩童遠離不健康食物-「四不原則」》。取自: (Chinese only) 人民網(2011年1月25日)《世界衛生組織敦促控制向兒童推銷不健康食品》。取自: (Chinese only) >More Information Information /Background Relationship between junk food & obesity Important impact of obesity population on society Opinions of different stakeholders

15 Reference - Opinions of different stakeholders on obesity
Take the stances and opinions of different stakeholders into consideration, and provide concrete suggestions on how to contain the issue of overweight population. (Last modified date:2012/12/31) 世華媒體(2011年1月23日)〈世衛促管制垃圾食物廣告〉。取自: (Chinese only) 〈全球首例 不健康食品 台將課稅〉(2009)。《蘋果日報》,12月21日。(另見: (Chinese only) 新華網華訊(2007年8月17日)〈我國發佈首部《兒童青少年零食消費指南》〉。取自: Information /Background Relationship between junk food & obesity Important impact of obesity population on society Opinions of different stakeholders

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