那根繩子 這是一篇關於一位一心一意,想要登上世界第一高峰的登山者的故事。 在經過多年的準備之後,他開始了他的旅程。

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Presentation on theme: "那根繩子 這是一篇關於一位一心一意,想要登上世界第一高峰的登山者的故事。 在經過多年的準備之後,他開始了他的旅程。"— Presentation transcript:

1 那根繩子 這是一篇關於一位一心一意,想要登上世界第一高峰的登山者的故事。 在經過多年的準備之後,他開始了他的旅程。
The story tells about a mountain climber, who wanted to climb the highest mountain. He begun his adventure after many years of preparation, but since he wanted the glory just for himself, he decided to climb the mountain alone. 這是一篇關於一位一心一意,想要登上世界第一高峰的登山者的故事。 在經過多年的準備之後,他開始了他的旅程。 但是,由於他希望完全由自己獨得全部的榮耀,所以他決定獨自出發。

2 He started to climb but it begun to get very late,
and instead of preparing his tent to camp, he kept climbing until it got very dark. 他開始向上攀爬,但是時間已經開始變得有些晚了, 然而,他非但沒有停下來準備他露營的帳棚, 反而繼續向上攀登,直到四周變得非常黑暗。

3 山上的夜晚顯得格外的黑暗,這位登山者什麼都看不見。 到處都是黑漆漆的一片。 能見度 ―― 零,因為,月亮和星星又剛好被雲層給遮住了。
The night felt heavy in the heights of the mountain, and the man could not see anything. All was black. Zero visibility, and the moon and the stars were covered by the clouds. 山上的夜晚顯得格外的黑暗,這位登山者什麼都看不見。 到處都是黑漆漆的一片。 能見度 ―― 零,因為,月亮和星星又剛好被雲層給遮住了。

4 即使如此,這位登山者仍然繼續不斷的向上攀爬著。 就在離山頂只剩下幾呎的地方,他滑倒了,並且高速地跌了下去。
As he was climbing, only a few feet away from the top of the mountain, he slipped and fell into the air, falling at a great speed. The climber could only see black spots as he went down, and the terrible sensation of being sucked by gravity. He kept falling… and in those moments of great fear, it came to his mind all the good and bad episodes of his life. 即使如此,這位登山者仍然繼續不斷的向上攀爬著。 就在離山頂只剩下幾呎的地方,他滑倒了,並且高速地跌了下去。 跌落的過程中,他僅僅能看見一些個黑色的陰影,以及一種因為被地心引力吸住而快速向下墜落的恐怖感覺。 他不斷地下墜著…,而在這極其恐怖的時刻裡,他的一生,不論好與壞,也一幕幕地顯現在他的腦海中。

5 上帝啊!救救我!!! 當他一心一意地想著,此刻死亡是正在如何快速地接近他的時候, 突然間,他感到繫在腰間的繩子,重重地拉住了他。
He was thinking now about how close death was getting, when all of a sudden he felt the rope tied to his waist pull him very hard. His body was hanging in the air.. Only the rope was holding him, and in that moment of stillness he had no other choice but to scream: HELP ME GOD!! 他整個人被吊在半空中…,而那根繩子是唯一拉住他的東西。 在這種上不著天,下不著地,求助無門的的景況中,他一點辦法也沒有, 只好大聲呼叫: 上帝啊!救救我!!!

6 你要我做什麼? 突然間, 從天上有個低沈的聲音回答他說: - 上帝!!救救我!!!
All of a sudden, a deep voice coming from the sky answered: What do you want me to do? - Save me God!!

7 你真的相信我可以救你嗎? 我當然相信!!! Do you really think I can save you?
- Of course I believe You can

8 在短暫的寂靜之後; 登山者決定繼續全力抓住那根救命的繩子。
THEN CUT THE ROPE TIED TO YOUR WAIST…. There was a moment of silence; and the man decided to hold on to the rope with all his strength. 那就把繫在你腰間的繩子 割 斷。 在短暫的寂靜之後; 登山者決定繼續全力抓住那根救命的繩子。

9 The rescue team tells, that the next day a climber was found dead and frozen… his body hanging from a rope. His hands holding tight to it… ONLY 10 FEET AWAY FROM THE GROUND… 據搜救隊告訴我們, 他們在第二天發現了一個凍得僵硬的登山者遺體… 他的屍體掛在一根繩子上。 他的手也緊緊的抓著那根繩子…… 在距離地面僅僅十呎的地方……

10 至於你呢?我的朋友! 你有多依賴你的那根繩子?
And you? how attached are you to your rope? Will you let go? 至於你呢?我的朋友! 你有多依賴你的那根繩子? 你肯丟棄它嗎?!

11 如果這篇信息對你而言是一項祝福,請與你所愛的人分享!
捨與得 往往是最叫人掙扎的! 有時候就是要 能捨! Don’t ever doubt the things from God. You never should say that He has forgotten or abandoned you. Don’t ever think that He does not take care of you. Remember that He is always holding you with His right hand. Is. 41:13 – If this message was a blessing to you, share it with the ones you love. God Bless you... 如果這篇信息對你而言是一項祝福,請與你所愛的人分享! 祝福你...

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