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Presentation on theme: "註:獲最多同學投票的老師及獲最多老師投票的老師會成為本校的「表揚老師計劃」代表"— Presentation transcript:

1 註:獲最多同學投票的老師及獲最多老師投票的老師會成為本校的「表揚老師計劃」代表
網上敬師選舉 目的: 和往年一樣,本校會派出兩位老師參加敬師運動委員會主辦的「第二十屆表揚教師計劃」。同學們及老師們可在網上投票選出最多兩位老師參加計劃。 程序: 1. 同學們可在6月3日至6月10日內,登入eClass 2. 開啟”網上敬師選舉”電郵 3. 依指引完成投票程序 註:獲最多同學投票的老師及獲最多老師投票的老師會成為本校的「表揚老師計劃」代表

2 e-Voting Teachers for Commendation
Aim: As in the past years, our school will nominate two teachers to participate in the Twentieth Teachers Commendation Scheme organized by the Committee on Respect Our Teachers Campaign. You can vote for at most TWO teachers. Voting procedure: 1. At any time from June 3th to June 10th, please log in eClass 2. Open the entitled “e-Voting Teachers for Commendation” 3. Complete the voting process. Remarks: The most popular teacher among students and the most popular teacher among teachers will become our schools’ representatives.

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