H584 與祢更親,我神 NEARER, MY GOD, TO THEE (1/5)

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1 H584 與祢更親,我神 NEARER, MY GOD, TO THEE (1/5)
與祢更親,我神,與祢更親; Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee; 雖然十架在身,不易前進; Even tho'it be a cross that raiseth me, 我的歌唱聲音,仍是與祢更親, Still all my song shall be nearer, my God, to Thee! 仍是與祢更親,與祢更親。 Nearer, my God, to Thee!Nearer to Thee!

2 雖在曠野飄泊,日已西墜, 黑暗四圍罩我,枕石而睡; 夢中我仍追尋,望能與祢更親, 望能與祢更親,與祢更親。
H584 (節2/5 頁1/1) 雖在曠野飄泊,日已西墜, Though like the wanderer, the sun gone down, 黑暗四圍罩我,枕石而睡; Darkness be over me, my rest a stone, 夢中我仍追尋,望能與祢更親, Yet in my dreams I'd be near, my God to Thee! 望能與祢更親,與祢更親。 Nearer, my God, to Thee!Nearer to Thee!

3 彷彿有路顯明,如梯通天, 凡我所遇事情,出祢恩憐; 似有天使來引,招我與祢更親, 招我與祢更親,與祢更親。
H584 (節3/5 頁1/1) 彷彿有路顯明,如梯通天, There let the way appear steps unto heaven; 凡我所遇事情,出祢恩憐; All that Thou sendest me in mercy given; 似有天使來引,招我與祢更親, Angels to beckon me nearer, My God, to Thee! 招我與祢更親,與祢更親。 Nearer, my God, to Thee!Nearer to Thee!

4 醒來,心思滿是新鮮感激, 從我憂苦之石,建伯特利; 我的所有艱辛,使我與祢更親, 使我與祢更親,與祢更親。
H584 (節4/5 頁1/1) 醒來,心思滿是新鮮感激, Then with waking thought bright with Thy praise, 從我憂苦之石,建伯特利; Out of my stony grieves Bethel I'll raise; 我的所有艱辛,使我與祢更親, So by my woes to be nearer, my God, to Thee! 使我與祢更親,與祢更親。 Nearer, my God, to Thee!Nearer to Thee!

5 假若喜樂生翼,忽然騰空, 日月星辰俱遺,仍然上沖: 我的歌唱聲音,仍是與祢更親, 仍是與祢更親,與祢更親。
H584 (節5/5 頁1/1) 假若喜樂生翼,忽然騰空, Or if on joyful wing cleaving the sky, 日月星辰俱遺,仍然上沖: Sun, moon, and stars forgot upward I fly, 我的歌唱聲音,仍是與祢更親, Still all my song shall be- nearer, my God, to Thee! 仍是與祢更親,與祢更親。 Nearer, my God, to Thee! Nearer to Thee!

6 神的羔羊與神的天梯 The Lamb of God and the Ladder of God
約John 1:35-37, 45-51, 2:1-10; 創Gen 28:10-19 1、主是神的羔羊 The Lord is the Lamb of God 2、主是天梯 The Lord is the Ladder 3、你倒把好酒留到如今 You have saved the best till now

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