Agrobacterium –mediated GUS gene transformation of tobacco

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1 Agrobacterium –mediated GUS gene transformation of tobacco
根癌农杆菌介导烟草 GUS基因转化 Agrobacterium –mediated GUS gene transformation of tobacco

2 根癌农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)介导转化法

3 A. tumefaciens is a gram-negative soil bacterium which naturally transforms plant cells, resulting in crown gall (cancer) tumors. Tumor formation is the result of the transfer, integration and expression of genes on a specific segment of tumefaciens plasmid DNA called the T-DNA (transferred DNA). The T-DNA resides on a large plasmid called Ti (tumor inducing) found in A. tumefaciens.


5 Ti-Plasmid

6 Ti质粒可分为4个区: 1、T-DNA区 (transferred-DNA regions) 转移DNA
2、Vir区 (virulence region) 激活T-DNA转移 3、Con区 (regions encoding conjugations) 转移编码区,调控Ti质粒在农杆菌之间的转移。 4、Ori区 (origin of replication) 调控Ti质粒的自我复制。




10 Triparential mating

11 Agrobacterium-mediated plant transformation



14 GUS检测

15 荧光检测 luciferase GFP

16 Chances in lab ……

17 本周实验安排: 烟草叶片组织培养与芽的再生 1. MS培养基的配制 ( 2-3h ) 1)母液配制 2)烟草愈伤组织诱导与芽再生培养基 MS + 2,4 D BAP (请同时准备下周要用的培养基) 2. 培养基高压灭菌 ( 2-3h ) 3. 叶片外植体接种 ( 2-3h)

18 下周实验安排: 1. 烟草叶片组织与根癌农杆菌共培养 感染(2-3h)→共培养(2-3d)→瞬时表达检测 2. GUS基因瞬时表达的组织化学检测(3-4h)

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