Interference between and Bluetooth And coexistence mechanisms

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Presentation on theme: "Interference between and Bluetooth And coexistence mechanisms"— Presentation transcript:

1 Interference between 802.11 and Bluetooth And coexistence mechanisms
Adequacy Between Multimedia Application Requirements And Wireless Protocols Features 通工一 陳冠男

2 Outline What in present paper before Interference simulation
Coexistence Conclusion

3 What in present paper before
DSSS& FHSS 2.4GHz RTS&CTS frame High Cost Bluetooth Frequency hopping Low Cost 射頻通訊調變方法與使用頻率相同 討論上面兩點對interference影響

4 DSSS Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum

5 FHSS Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum

6 When coexistence 802.11與Bluetooth使用相同頻帶2.4GHz
802.11b use DSSS: 頻道附近有其他設備也再使用時,就會互相干擾。 Bluetooth use FHSS: 每秒1600次的頻率跳躍。 由於802.11的每一個頻道都會跨越四分之一寬的操作頻帶,因此藍芽的跳頻技術無論在任何頻道上,都有四分之一的機會與802.11重疊。

7 Interference simulation
透過AP連INTERNET 收3Mb檔案 Bluetooth Device Power on 4Meter 藍芽設備由離802.11設備10公尺遠到接近緊貼; 測量throuthput. Bluetooth Device Power on

8 Interference simulation

9 Simulation conclusion
10M~2M almost 0% 2M~80cm lose 0~2% 80cm~15cm lose 2~28% 15cm~close ~28% lose (Tsim/Tbase-1)*100%

10 Coexistence 如果Bluetooth要使用channel前,先偵測是否有其他device佔用,如果有就換其他channel,應該會減少干擾情形。 Survey Intel WCS架構,Bluetooth與Wi-Fi並存 Wi-Fi與Bluetooth的使用頻道資訊傳輸 卡上有四個pin,用來處理data Wi-Fi一直保持傳送,Bluetoo如遇到Wi-Fi使用的頻道,則採取暫停的方式閒歇傳送,讓兩種通訊技術同時使用,不會彼此干擾。

11 Conclusion Interference cause by frequency overlap and the power of device Coexistence mechanism

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