Chapter 6 Asking for Directions I

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1 Chapter 6 Asking for Directions I
Objectives: By the end of this d chapter, you will be able to Describe locations of different rooms inside a building. Ask questions for certain places’ locations. Apply correct measure words on buildings and rooms. Carry out the conversation about “Looking for a place inside a building”.

2 Connection Check Sound with Symbol
miàn biān páng qián zuŏ yòu jiào tīng lóu dōu zhè suŏ cān hòu xiào shì xiào wài zài shàng yuē zhī dào hái chú men jiā jiān gāo

3 Asking for Directions I VOCABULARY
above/up 上面 Shàng miàn below/down 下面 xià miàn Left side 左邊zuŏ biān Right side 右邊 yòu biān behind/back 後面 hòu miàn front 前面qián miàn beside 旁邊páng biān inside 裏面 lĭ miàn outside 外面 wài miàn School 學校 xué xiào classroom 教室  jiào shì dining room/ Cafeteria 餐廳 Cān tīng restroom 廁所 Cè suŏ

4 在 zài 都 謝謝 不客氣 in/at/on… both/all upstairs 樓上 樓下 在哪兒? …在那兒 zài nà er
dōu in/at/on… both/all upstairs 樓上 lóu shàng downstairs 樓下 lóu xià 謝謝 Xiè xie …at/in where? … at/in there …at/in here 不客氣 Bú kè qì 在哪兒? zài nă er …在那兒 zài nà er …在這兒 zài zhè er

5 Asking for Directions I VOCABULARY
above/up below/ down left right /behind front beside inside outside School classroom dining room/ Cafeteria restroom

6 在 zài 都 謝謝 不客氣 in/at/on… both/all upstairs 樓上 樓下 在哪兒? …在那兒 zài nà er
dōu in/at/on… both/all upstairs 樓上 lóu shàng downstairs 樓下 lóu xià 謝謝 Xiè xie …at/in where? … at/in there …at/in here 不客氣 Bú kè qì 在哪兒? zài nă er …在那兒 zài nà er …在這兒 zài zhè er

7 Asking for Directions I Say it in Chinese (click on the picture)

8 Read and translate the words to English
上面 學校 謝謝 Above/up School Thanks Below/down Classroom You’re welcome Left side In/at/on Both Right side Where Dining room/Cafe Behind/back Here Front There Upstairs Beside In where Downstairs Insides At here Outside On there Restroom 下面 教室 不客氣 左邊 右邊 哪兒 後面 餐廳 這兒 前面 那兒 樓上 旁邊 在哪兒 樓下 裏面 在這兒 外面 在那兒 廁所

9 Translate the words to Chinese
上面 學校 謝謝 Above/up School Thanks Below/down Classroom You’re welcome Left side In/at/on Both Right side Where Dining room/Cafe Behind/back Here Front There Upstairs Beside In where Downstairs Insides At here Outside On there Restroom 下面 教室 不客氣 左邊 右邊 哪兒 後面 餐廳 這兒 前面 那兒 樓上 旁邊 在哪兒 樓下 裏面 在這兒 外面 在那兒 廁所

10 Inside and outside, above and below
Asking Directions Inside and outside, above and below Use 7 different direction words to locate each object. Blue ball Yellow ball American painting Red ball Chinese painting green ball Three balls …在哪兒?/…呢?

11 Chapter 6 Asking for Directions - I Speaking practice
餐廳厅 217 教室 餐廳 218 教室 102 教室 辦公室 104 禮堂 Auditorium 三樓楼 男廁厕所 女廁厕所 女廁厕所 男廁厕所 一樓楼 You are inside the office and how do you locate the following places using different direction words: 餐廳, 辦公室,120 教室, 217 教室, 2nd floor 女廁所

12 VIII. Read the instructions below, draw the picture and label it accordingly: 一、A在E的右邊,B在E的左邊,D在B的左邊,F在A的右邊C的左邊。 二、E在D的前面C的後面,F在A的前面B的後面,B在D的後面。 D E F

13 1 前面 廁所 哪兒 不客氣 2 後面 裏面 學校 這兒 都 3 上面 外面 教室 謝謝 樓上 4 下面 旁邊 在 在那兒 樓下 5 左邊
1 前面 右邊 廁所 哪兒 不客氣 2 後面 裏面 學校 這兒 3 上面 外面 教室 謝謝 樓上 4 下面 旁邊 在那兒 樓下 5 左邊 餐廳 那兒 在哪兒 在這兒 Front Right side Rest-room Where You’re welcome Back/behind Inside Both/all School Here Up/above Outside Classroom Thanks Up-stairs Down/below beside In/at/on In there Down-stairs Left side Cafeteria There At where On here

14 Did you know… 1.樓lóu = floor. 一 樓 = the first floor 二樓 = the 2nd floor 幾樓= How many floors/which floor? (哪一樓) 家jiā is a measure word for buildings. 一家餐廳=One restaurant 間jiān is a measure word for rooms. 一間餐廳=One cafeteria 都dōu = all or both, 都有 = all have. 都是 = all are. Word order: The main factors or the major events are placed in the front of a sentence/question. E.x.廁所在樓上。Restroom is the focus in this sentence. 樓下也有女廁所This sentence emphasizes that there is a girls room downstairs, too.

15 Chapter 6 Asking for Directions I
EXPANDING DRILL Replace一家餐廳 with一所學校,一間廁所with一間jiān教室 餐廳 廁所 一家/間餐廳 一間廁所 有一家/間餐廳 沒有廁所 樓上有一家/間餐廳 樓上沒有廁所 樓下也有一家/間餐廳 樓下也沒有廁所 樓上樓下都有一家/間餐廳 樓上樓下都沒有廁所

16 Chapter 6 Asking for Directions I
ORAL DRILL I. 在precedes a place. 在家 在學校 在教室 在餐廳(in the cafeteria) II. Replace the underlined word with the given words. 前面有家餐廳 (Upstairs, downstairs, behind, beside, inside.) III. Replace 廁所 with other places. A: 廁所在哪兒? B: 廁所在餐廳右邊。(Sample directions 你的前面,你的右邊,樓上)

17 IX. Answer the questions in Chinese or describe the positions for each one of the facilities in your school/campus. 1.你知道學校有幾(間)學生餐廳? 2.你的餐廳在哪兒(downstairs or upstairs)? 3.廁所在哪兒(from your classroom)? 4. 餐廳裏面有没有廁所? 5. 你家餐廳在哪兒(from your kitchen )? 6你家樓上廁所在哪兒(from the living room)?

18 Chapter 6 Asking for Directions - I (Textbook)TRANSLATION tp.65
May I ask where is the Sun-Moon College? There is a school in the front. I don’t know if it is the Sun-Moon College. Chinese class is beside the cafeteria. Is there a restroom here? Restroom is inside the cafeteria. There is a dinner room upstairs. There is a dinner room downstairs, too. Right of the classroom is the cafeteria left is the restroom. Do both schools have cafeterias?

Listen to the conversation and write your answers in English, and say it in Chinese. The following conversation takes place in the Airport: 男﹕對对不起,請请問问餐廳厅在哪兒儿? 女﹕這这兒儿有兩两家餐廳厅;一家是中國国餐廳厅,一家是美國国餐廳厅。 男﹕中國国餐廳厅在二樓楼嗎吗? 女﹕中國国餐廳厅在二樓楼,美國国餐廳厅在一樓楼。 男:中國国餐廳厅裏里面有廁厕所嗎吗? 女﹕中國国餐廳厅和美國国餐廳厅裏里面都沒有廁厕所。 男﹕請请問问哪兒儿有廁厕所? 女﹕樓楼上、樓楼下都有廁厕所。 男﹕樓楼上、樓楼下都有男廁厕所和女廁厕所嗎吗? 女﹕樓楼上是男廁厕所,在中國国餐廳厅左邊边。樓楼下是女廁厕所, 在美國国餐廳厅旁邊边。 男﹕謝谢謝谢你, 女﹕不客氣气。

20 Chapter dialogue “Direction I” #34 (tp.63)
A: American C: Chinese F: Foreigner A:對不起,請問中文大學在哪兒? C:前面有個學校,我不知道 是不是中文大學? A:對不起,請問206教室 在哪兒? C:206教室在餐廳旁邊。 F:對不起,請問這兒有廁所 嗎? C:廁所在餐廳裏面。 F﹕餐廳在哪兒? C﹕樓上有一家餐廳,樓下也有一家餐廳。 F﹕兩家餐廳都有廁所嗎? C﹕是的,兩家餐廳都有廁所。 F﹕謝謝你! C﹕不客氣。

21 Read chapter dialogue I and answer the questions in English (Convert your answers into Chinese orally) 1. What is the American looking for in the beginning? 2. Does the Chinese person know exactly where the school is? 3. Where is classroom 206? 4. Where are the restaurants? 5. Which restaurant has the restroom?

22 Write a dialogue and act it out “Where is the Chinese classroom”
Write a dialogue based on the following scenario: (Use the map on slide #11 to give the direction.) This is your first day in a Chinese school and you are looking for your classroom 218. 1. The first person (B) you ask doesn’t know where the Chinese class is. (Use the question, “Do you know where is 218 classroom?” (A) ) 2. The 2nd person (C) tells you it is on the side of cafeteria. (Use the question, “May I ask where is 218 classroom?” (A) ) 3. You went to the 3rd floor café and can’t find it, so you ask the 3rd person (D) if she/he knows. (Use the question, “Is 218 classroom inside the café?” (A) 4. He/she tells you it is between the downstairs café and lady’s room. (D) 5. You are in the 218 room now and your classmate sees you have a map so asks you how many restroom in school, both upstairs and downstairs have bathroom, and where is each one of them located? (E) 6 Answer the questions accordingly. (A)

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