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SDM 120 软件开发项目管理中 运用敏捷模式的实践指南

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1 SDM 120 软件开发项目管理中 运用敏捷模式的实践指南

2 课程内容概述 引言:从传统项目管理说开去…

3 引言:从传统项目管理说开去…

4 引言:从传统项目管理说开去… 软件开发项目管理成功的关键 将商业远景正确地转换为产品的开发战略 奉行项目管理的最基本的原则和指南
尊重软件开发的特性、做好开发运作流程的管理 做好完善的需求分析和使用方案的总结 制定完整的设计规范,包括使用界面、控制行为、错误信息等等的详细的设计 制定符合实际的时间表、开发里程碑、及发行通过标准 将功能的开发与支持使用方案连接起来 将开发时间表用里程碑来代表 采用多次重复、循环渐进的方式推动开发周期的进展 执行严格的质量、更改控制、和发行的管理 Ask the class: Does anyone know what their vision is? Challenge the class to learn the vision in the next 2-4 weeks. The goal is to ensure everything they are working on aligns to the goals.

5 项目管理的十大工作在软件开发项目中的运用
决定项目的启动 确定项目的范围 制定项目任务的重要性和优先顺序 确定具体的项目工作任务和工作单元 分配项目资源 估算完成工作任务单元的时间 制定项目时间表 计算并管理项目的费用 项目执行的管理 质量管理–测试 追踪进度 项目状态通报 执行更改控制 执行风险管理 执行发行管理 项目的结束和收尾 

6 完善的软件开发项目管理的执行顺序和工作总结

7 如何进行有效的更改控制管理(Change Control)

8 更改控制管理的管理数据的属性和选择

9 做好项目管理执行的关键 制定清晰的开发目的、并定出相应的优先顺序 开发团队成员的工作目的和努力方向与项目的总体目的保持一致和吻合
根据开发目的的重要性和优先权妥善地分配各项资源 确定对每项具体的开发工作的个人责任以及检验标准 对开发中可能出现的风险和依赖因素有清晰的分析和认识、并制定相应的对应策略和计划 定期沟通汇报项目的进展、保持项目进度状态的透明度 使用一致的实践规章和统一的项目管理工具 实践规章的一致性体现在:组织、方法、和工具 统一工具的使用需要从规章开始,逐渐成为企业文化

10 如何将开发项目进行分解

11 软件开发的工程层面和流向 软件的开发可以分为三个独立的工作流向层面: 产品 项目 功能
产品: 整个软件产品或系统的总体远景目标、所需提供的功能或服务 项目:为达到产品的总体远景所进行的各个局部功能或局部开发阶段所做的开发工作任务 功能:为完成产品或系统的开发所进行的局部的功能组件或分部系统的开发任务 C B A 产品 (Product) 项目 (Project) 功能 (Feature) Design the system so that work can make progress in any of these streams without blocking another stream of work. Different levels in the organization own the various streams. Product: Sets the long-term, multi-release direction (~5 years) for the product. Project: Mechanism for bringing value to the market in actionable chunks. Feature: Guided by product and project goals and represents the actual implementation of the product vision. Focus of project execution is on the project and feature streams. The product stream is for context and needs to set direction. Optional Draw this as a timeline on the whiteboard, indicating the Product, Project and Feature timelines. Question: How does this differ from what you do today?

12 三个开发层面和流向的工作细节 Project Workflow notes:
Note that there are Exit Criteria and or Quality Gates. Teams set specific criteria that needs to be met before they can move onto the next milestone. This might be influenced by dates, features or quality. Feature Workflow notes: Individual features are scheduled and assigned to the appropriate milestone Feature schedule must not be artificially adjusted to meet the milestone schedule Features no more than 3 months worth of work Feature schedule quality evolves starts out as a list, then to swag estimates, accuracy continues to increase as implemented Individual feature schedules are updated on a regular basis (<=monthly) to provide project transparency Two methods of scheduling- List and burn down or features estimated and scheduled Features broken down into work item approximately one week granularity. Features are checked into the overall project when the required deliverables and quality bars have been achieved Illustrate where the top-down and bottom-up schedules are made.

13 产品的远景目标和开发里程碑 产品远景目、市场战略、客户利益 将远景划分为更细小的局部 主题 (Themes)
使用方案 (Scenarios) M1 M2 M3 里程碑 The product vision is broken down to more granular levels. This work should drive the milestone and feature scheduling. This diagram shows how the vision and value proposition should break down into different levels of work. A tool like this will help the Individual Contributor, working on a specific feature, understand the impact of their work. Talking points: The Vision and Value Prop. drive the targeted themes or experiences and high level scenarios the product should enable. The team focuses on the specific improvements or features that support those scenarios. Ask the class for themes and scenarios the participants are working on. Be sure to ask more than one participant. 具体功能 (Feature) Features

14 审核和循环往复 在每个项目的里程碑末端进行阶段性的审核 同时在功能开发的层面进行短期性的不断审核 对完成的工作对照项目的目标进行评估
进行必要的时间表的调节 项目目标的设定 开发 维护和服务 项目 M1 M2 M3 M4 Project management is an iterative process. Iteration improves understanding of the work to be done. Reviewing status regularly enables decision making. Work processes are reviewed and refined, creating efficiency. Ask the class: What should the team be working on for each checkpoint along the way? This is where you define that information and review what is accomplished. 循环往复 质量把关 设计规范书 功能 规范书审核 测试代码 程序开发 代码完成

15 不同层面的问题需要不同的计划 产品 使用方案 功能 组件 局部工作 依赖性 Loc Exec System Test Architect
UE 功能 Central Feature Team 组件 Build UX Remember, one size doesn’t fit all. Top down plans are good at the product level but gets too heavy as you approach the feature level Bottom up agility is great until you start dealing with billion dollar projects, huge product lines, and contractual agreements between corporations and governments. Release PM Dev 局部工作 依赖性

16 如何利用敏捷模式的实践

17 如何利用敏捷模式的实践

18 总结

19 计算机系统和软件构架 计算机及软件的构架和设计 Ar·chi·tec·ture [áarki tèkchər]
Structure of computer system: the design, structure, and behavior of a computer system, microprocessor, or system program, including the characteristics of individual components and how they interact 计算机及软件的构架和设计 计算机系统构架:计算机系统、机芯、和系统程序的设计、结构、和行为,包括组件的特征和它们之间的互动 软件构架:软件系统的结构和风格设计、使用方案和行为的设计,以及软件功能组件的区分、归类、组件接口和它们之间数据交换的规范和标准

20 进一步参照 由笔者所著、由上海交大出版社于2005年8月出版的“软件开发项目管理”一书 书本销售: 批量廉价订购联系: 各地新华书店
互动网上书店: 当当网上书店: 批量廉价订购联系: 上海交通大学出版社发行科 地址:上海市番禺路877号 [200230] 电话: , 联系人:常韶伟( );李辉( ) 

21 社区资源 参加中国项目管理俱乐部的社区论坛讨论 阅读作者和其他读者的留言 向作者提问及提供反馈意见 交流学习心得

22 问答 谢 谢 大 家 ! 微软公司 中国事务办公室 首席项目经理 栾跃



25 Add link to external Community website
List top 3 newsgroups related to this slide 1 2 3 Advise when your next chat is Next user group meeting you will be at Add Other related 3rd party sites

26 讲师的Chalk Talk和其他Session

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