Crop Production -> Fruits

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1 Crop Production -> Fruits

2 “Strawberry Fairytale”
Experts carefully select healthy young seedlings and conduct soil preparation to provide clean and comfy environment. Seedling Selection & Soil Prep In September when sunshine is still sufficient, seedlings are planted in individual pot to make sure the soil is disease-free and pest-free Planting Organic fertilizer without chemical or pesticide is applied to seedlings. In November, yellow flowers come out among lush foliage Flowering Flowers last for several days. After pollination, petals fall, green baby strawberry come out from top of the receptacle. Baby Strawberry In December, juicy and delicious strawberries finally come out! Our U-pick season lasts from December to April . Princess Strawberry In early March, we prepare the soil and incorporate organic matter 我們給種子一個舒適的生長環境 The best loved of all summer fruits, their sweet red berries are irresistible to almost everyone. Very quick to produce their fruits, strawberry plants are an excellent crop for the amateur. 

3 “草莓成長記” 種苗 草莓寶寶 草莓公主 開花 選種與整地
專家們精心挑選最健康的種苗 。爲了給種苗提供乾淨舒適的生長環境 專家們早早的整理泥土 選種與整地 在日照較長溫度較高的九月种下種苗。每顆種苗都住在獨立乾淨的盆子裏,這樣才能保證土壤無病無蟲。 種苗 專家給種苗施不含農藥或殺蟲劑的有機肥。很快就到了11月,嬌小的種苗已經長成繁茂的枝葉,當中開出蛋黃色的小花。 開花 花開只有兩三天的時間,授粉之后,花瓣掉落,花托上便長出青色的小草莓 草莓寶寶 12月,又香又甜的草莓公主長成了!從12月一直到4月,都有旺盛的果實供遊客採摘 草莓公主 In early March, we prepare the soil and incorporate organic matter 我們給種子一個舒適的生長環境 The best loved of all summer fruits, their sweet red berries are irresistible to almost everyone. Very quick to produce their fruits, strawberry plants are an excellent crop for the amateur. 

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