Application and Development of Technical Communication 技术信息传播(TC)的应用和发展 TC in Europe 欧洲TC介绍 Carsten Mende, Standardization Committee member, tekom.

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Presentation on theme: "Application and Development of Technical Communication 技术信息传播(TC)的应用和发展 TC in Europe 欧洲TC介绍 Carsten Mende, Standardization Committee member, tekom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Application and Development of Technical Communication 技术信息传播(TC)的应用和发展
TC in Europe 欧洲TC介绍 Carsten Mende, Standardization Committee member, tekom tekom 标准化委员会委员

2 Professional framework
TC in Europe Legal framework Industry overview Professional framework Language dimension Tool landscape Resume Legal framework Industry overview Professional framework Language dimension Tool landscape

3 Background 背景 Free movement of goods in the inland market 内地市场上的商品自由流通
Legal framework Industry overview Professional framework Language dimension Tool landscape Resume 法律体制 产业综述 从业人员架构 语言文字方面 工具图片 概述 Free movement of goods in the inland market 内地市场上的商品自由流通 Consumer protection 消费者保护 The standardization of TC has two main aims: to establish the free distribution of products in the European market on the one hand and the protection of consumers on the other hand. This is the reason why TC plays an important role for consumer products. The British ISTC was founded in 1948, the Swedish FTI in 1964.

4 Background 背景 Legal framework Industry overview Professional framework
Language dimension Tool landscape Resume 法律体制 产业综述 从业人员架构 语言文字方面 工具图片 概述 The standardization of TC has two main aims: to establish the free distribution of products in the European market on the one hand and the protection of consumers on the other hand. This is the reason why TC plays an important role for consumer products. The British ISTC was founded in 1948, the Swedish FTI in 1964. Source: Ferlein, Harge,Technische Dokumentation für internationale Märkte, 2008

5 European legislation 欧洲的法律
Legal framework Industry overview Professional framework Language dimension Tool landscape Resume 法律体制 产业综述 从业人员架构 语言文字方面 工具图片 概述 European Economic Area (EEA): EU+EFTA Source:

6 European legislation 欧洲的法律
Legal framework Industry overview Professional framework Language dimension Tool landscape Resume 法律体制 产业综述 从业人员架构 语言文字方面 工具图片 概述 New Approach 新方法 Directives to be synchronized with national law (e.g. Machinery Directive – adaption of 82079) 指令与国家法律同步(如机械指令——82079版) Main tasks: user-friendly documentation and product safety 主要任务:用户容易掌握使用的说明书和产品安全 Especially for consumer goods the product safety is an important issue. The producer‘s liability for consumer goods is more strict than for industrial goods.

7 European standards 欧洲标准
Legal framework Industry overview Professional framework Language dimension Tool landscape Resume 法律体制 产业综述 从业人员架构 语言文字方面 工具图片 概述 Presumption of conformity: 符合性认定 According to the new Directive on Machinery (2006/42/EC) the producer can assume that his product meets the necessary requirements by following the harmonized standards. 根据新的机械指令(2006/42/EC),生产者可以假设其产品按照协调的标准生产,满足必需的要求。

8 Types of Industry in Germany 德国的产业类型
Legal framework Industry overview Professional framework Language dimension Tool landscape Resume 法律体制 产业综述 从业人员架构 语言文字方面 工具图片 概述 More than 80,000 working in TC 80000多人从事TC工作 More than 10,000 of them are service providers 其中10000多人是提供服务者 Due to the structure of the German industry the TC is mainly needed for industrial goods. 由于德国的产业结构特点,TC主要用于工业商品

9 Types of documentation 说明书的类型
Legal framework Industry overview Professional framework Language dimension Tool landscape Resume 法律体制 产业综述 从业人员架构 语言文字方面 工具图片 概述 Service manual 服务手册 UI description 用户界面描述 Commissioning instruction 调试说明 Maintenance manual 维护手册 Installation instruction 安装说明 Online help 在线帮助 Training data and information 培训资料和信息 Parts catalog 零件目录 Machine documentation 机器说明书 Sales documents 销售文件 According to the survey of 2009, page 30.

10 Product life cycle 产品寿命周期
Legal framework Industry overview Professional framework Language dimension Tool landscape Resume 法律体制 产业综述 从业人员架构 语言文字方面 工具图片 概述 TC shall cover the whole life cycle: TC应覆盖产品的整个寿命周期 Installation 安装 Operation 操作 Maintenance 维护 Troubleshooting 处理故障 Decommission 退出使用 See the index of the service manuals

11 Winner of the award „tekom-Dokupreis“ 2010
Best practice 最优方法 Legal framework Industry overview Professional framework Language dimension Tool landscape Resume 法律体制 产业综述 从业人员架构 语言文字方面 工具图片 概述 Winner of the award „tekom-Dokupreis“ 2010

12 Professional framework 产业人员架构
Three tasks: 三项任务 Warranty, i.e. the TC should enable the user to use the product 保证书,如TC应使用户能使用该产品 Product liablity, i.e. the user shall be protected from any harm 产品责任,如用户应受到保护而避免任何伤害 Market survelliance, i.d. the producer shall watch constantly the product, also after the introduction 市场监督,即生产者应密切留意该产品 You need specially trained technical editors 您需要受过专门训练的技术编辑 Legal framework Industry overview Professional framework Language dimension Tool landscape Resume 法律体制 产业综述 从业人员架构 语言文字方面 工具图片 概述 Based on the legal regulations the TC shall be use-cased oriented, and not feature-oriented. Therefore, specially trained technical editors, rather than the engineers who invented the product should write the TC to meet all the regulations.

13 Language dimension Legal framework Industry overview Professional framework Language dimension Tool landscape Resume Every TC shall be delivered in the official language of the target country. You also have to pay special attention to writing (and translating) TC. In the EU there are 23 official languages. BUL , CZE , DAN , DUT , ENG , EST , FIN , FRE , GER , GLE , GRE , HUN , ITA , LAV , LIT , MLT , POL , POR , RUM , SLO , SLV , SPA , SWE Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Svedish, Plus in 2004: Czech, Esthonian, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Maltese, Polnish, Slovak, Slovene And the last three new: Bulgarian, Irish, Romanian -> maybe the flag of the language??

14 Tool landscape 工具图片 CMS CAT PMT Legal framework Industry overview
Professional framework Language dimension Tool landscape Resume 法律体制 产业综述 从业人员架构 语言文字方面 工具图片 概述 CMS CAT PMT

15 Resume 概述 Legal framework Industry overview Professional framework Language dimension Tool landscape Resume 法律体制 产业综述 从业人员架构 语言文字方面 工具图片 概述 The ongoing synchronisation of national law and supranational legislation leads to a common European standard, keeping in mind the protection of consumers, the product safety and this applies to all 23 languages! 国家法律和超国家立法的同步进行得到了一个共同的欧洲标准,请记住:保护消费者,产品的安全性,这适用于所有23种语言!


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