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智慧之言 Wisdom 4 Students I would like to share with you some wisdom from lessons a man who lived 3000 years ago learned and that I have re-learned by experience!

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Presentation on theme: "智慧之言 Wisdom 4 Students I would like to share with you some wisdom from lessons a man who lived 3000 years ago learned and that I have re-learned by experience!"— Presentation transcript:

1 智慧之言 Wisdom 4 Students I would like to share with you some wisdom from lessons a man who lived 3000 years ago learned and that I have re-learned by experience! I hope that these lessons will help you not have to learn them by experience.

2 與智慧人同行的,必得智慧; 和愚昧人作伴的,必受虧損。
箴言13章20節 (Proverbs 13:20 GNB) 與智慧人同行的,必得智慧; 和愚昧人作伴的,必受虧損。 与yu3 智慧zhi4hui4 人ren2 同行tong2xing2 的de , 必bi4 得de 智慧zhi4hui4 。 和he2 愚昧yu2mei4 人ren2 作伴zuo4ban4 的de5 , 必bi4 受shou4 亏损kui1sun3 。 Keep company with the wise and you will become wise. If you make friends with stupid people, you will be ruined. As you start this school year, you will be choosing your friends. Choose well, and you time in YZU will be successful. Choose poorly, and you might find you are struggling. University example: friend in drugs, partying. He passed, all his friends failed the year and left school.

3 懶惰人羨慕,卻無所得; 殷勤人 必得豐裕。 懒惰lan3duo4 人ren2 羡慕xian4mu4 ,
箴言13章4節 (Proverbs 13:4 GNB) 懶惰人羨慕,卻無所得; 殷勤人 必得豐裕。 懒惰lan3duo4 人ren2 羡慕xian4mu4 , 却que4 无wu2 所得suo3de2 。 殷勤yin1qin2 人ren2 必bi4 得de 丰裕feng1yu4 。 No matter how much a lazy person may want something, he will never get it. A hard worker will get everything he wants. Hard work is 1 of the 3 components of success: $$$, DRIVE, BRAINS. If you have 2/3 you will do well.

4 耕種自己田地的,必得飽食; 追隨虛浮的, 卻是無知。
箴言12章11節(Proverbs 12:11 GNB) 耕種自己田地的,必得飽食; 追隨虛浮的, 卻是無知。 耕种geng1zhong4 自己zi4ji3 田地tian2di4 的de , 必bi4 得de 饱bao3 食shi2 。 追随zhui1sui2 虚浮xu1fu2 的de5 , 却que4 是shi4 无知wu2zhi1 。 A hard-working farmer has plenty to eat, but it is stupid to waste time on useless projects. Time Management. -- many things that you can do, and then can take up your time (clubs, girls, sex, drugs, drinking, Facebook, Twitter, LINE) -- do the work you are supposed to do: study to pass your course.

5 無智謀,民就敗落; 謀士多,人便安居。 无wu2 智谋zhi4mou2 , 民min2 就jiu4 败落bai4luo4 。
箴言11章14節 (Proverbs 11:14 GNB) 無智謀,民就敗落; 謀士多,人便安居。 无wu2 智谋zhi4mou2 , 民min2 就jiu4 败落bai4luo4 。 谋士mou2shi4 多duo1 , 人ren2 便bian4 安居an1ju1 。 Without good direction, people lose their way; the more wise counsel you follow, the better your chances. Get advice. Why are you studying this department? Is this the best choice for your future? What classes should you take.? Don’t hesitate to get advice from many different perspectives: Parents. Teachers, classmates, upper year students… Then you must weight it. COMMON JOKE: A man is driving in circles and lost but is too proud to ask for directions. MENTOR: Fann Wunshain (Very successful researcher at Tai Da): Ask questions. Don’t be afraid to look like a fool.

6 智慧之子 使父親歡樂; 愚昧之子 叫母親擔憂。
箴言10章1節 (Proverbs 10:1 MSG) 智慧之子 使父親歡樂; 愚昧之子 叫母親擔憂。 智慧zhi4hui4 之zhi1 子zi3 , 使shi3 父亲fu4qin5 欢乐huan1le4 。 愚昧yu2mei4 之zhi1 子zi3 , 叫jiao4 母亲mu3qin5 担忧dan1you1 。 Wise son, glad father; stupid son, sad mother. As a father, what do I want to see in my children? As a son, how do I make my parents proud of me? -- The key is not how smart you are but whether you are making wise decisions, becoming independent, self-supporting. Which are you? Are you going to be a son who makes your parents proud? Are you going to be a daughter that makes her parents cry?

7 寧可住在房頂的角上, 不在寬闊的房屋 與爭吵的婦人同住。
箴言21章9節 (Proverbs 21:9 MSG) 寧可住在房頂的角上, 不在寬闊的房屋 與爭吵的婦人同住。 宁可ning4ke3 住zhu4 在zai4 房顶fang2ding3 的de5 角jiao3 上shang4 , 不bu4 在zai4 宽阔kuan1kuo4 的de5 房屋fang2wu1 , 与yu3 争吵zheng1chao3 的de5 妇人fu4ren2 同tong2 住zhu4 。 Better to live alone in a tumbledown shack than share a mansion with a nagging spouse. Are you enthralled by beauty? Is the girls sexuality so attractive? -- look for her character. -- Does she arrive at class on time?  Responsible. -- Is she conscientious in her studies? -- Does she care about others? -- Does she care about her parents? Marriage can bring you great joy or sorrow…

8 敬畏耶和華是知識的開端; 寧可住在房頂的角上, 箴言一章七節
敬畏jing4wei4 耶和华ye1he2hua2 是shi4 知识zhi1shi5 的de 开端kai1duan1 。 愚妄yu2wang4 人ren2 藐视miao3shi4 智慧zhi4hui4 和he2 训诲xun4hui4 。 (箴言zhen1yan2 1:7) The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; but the foolish despise wisdom and discipline. (Pr1:7 JPS) To have knowledge, you must first have reverence for the LORD. Stupid people have no respect for wisdom and refuse to learn. (Pr1:7 GNB) Step 1 to Wisdom: For people who want wisdom: Fear Lord. Respect God. Another type of person laughs at wisdom and what I am saying. They refuse to learn. -- Do you laugh at wisdom and knowledge? Do you refuse to learn? The writer of proverbs says this is just being stupid

9 敬畏耶和华在乎恨恶邪恶; 那骄傲、狂妄,并恶道, 以及乖谬的口,都为我所恨恶。 箴言八章十三節
敬畏jing4wei4 耶和华ye1he2hua2 , 在乎zai4hu5 恨恶hen4wu4 邪恶xie2e4 。 那na4 骄傲jiao1ao4 , 狂妄kuang2wang4 , 并bing4 恶e4 道dao4 , 以及yi3ji2 乖谬guai1miu4 的de5 口kou3 , 都dou1 为wei4 我wo3 所suo3 恨恶hen4wu4 (箴言zhen1yan2 8:13) The fear of the LORD is hatred of evil. Pride and arrogance and the way of evil and perverted speech I hate. (Pr8:13 ESV) The Fear-of-GOD means hating Evil, whose ways I hate with a passion -- pride and arrogance and crooked talk. (Pr8:13 MSG) What does it mean to fear God? Hate evil. What is evil? Pride, arrogance, lying and cheating. (some of you will want to cheat on exams. I want to help you If caught, you fail the course. Encourage you not to cheat.)

10 我兒, 要聽你父親的訓誨, 不可 離棄你母親的法則; 因為這要作你 頭上的華冠, 你項上的金鍊。 箴言一章八到九節 我wo3 儿er2 ,
我兒, 要聽你父親的訓誨, 不可 離棄你母親的法則; 因為這要作你 頭上的華冠, 你項上的金鍊。 箴言一章八到九節 我wo3 儿er2 , 要yao4 听ting1 你ni3 父亲fu4qin5 的de 训诲xun4hui4 , 不可bu4ke3 离弃li2qi4 你ni3 母亲mu3qin5 的de 法则fa3ze2 。 因为yin1wei5 这zhe4 要yao4 作为zuo4wei2 你ni3 头tou2 上shang4 的de5 华冠hua1guan1 , 项xiang4 上shang4 的de5 金jin1 链lian4 。(箴言zhen1yan2 1:8-9) Hear, my son, the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the teaching of thy mother; For they shall be a chaplet of grace unto thy head, and chains about thy neck. (Pr1:8-9 JPS) My child, pay attention to what your father and mother tell you. Their teaching will improve your character as a handsome turban or a necklace improves your appearance. (Pr1:8-9 GNB) Step 2 to Wisdom Respect your parents. Their teaching and wisdom from experience will improve your character just as dressing nicely improves your appearance. 1) God then 2) Parents. IN THIS ORDER.

11 你手若有行善的力量, 不可推辭 , 箴言三章二十七節
你ni3 手shou3 若ruo4 有you3 行xing2 善shan4 的de 力量li4liang5 , 不可bu4ke3 推辞tui1ci2 。 (箴言zhen1yan2 3:27a) Withhold not good from him to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thy hand to do it. (Pr3:27a ESV) Whenever you possibly can, do good to those who need it. (Pr3:27a GNB) How do we live each day? When a person needs help, how do we respond? Are we too busy, from Malaysia, a joke. A student found a solution book in the library that the teacher was taking the physics questions from. What does he do? Tell the class Signs out the book and shares the answers with his friends. Reads the answer, hides the book in the Chinese history section of the library for his own use. How often do I not help someone?

12 不要自以為有智慧; 要 敬畏耶和華, 遠離惡事。箴言三章七節
要 敬畏耶和華, 遠離惡事。箴言三章七節 不要bu2yao4 自zi4 以为yi3wei2 有you3 智慧zhi4hui4 。 要yao4 敬畏jing4wei4 耶和华ye1he2hua2 , 远离yuan3li2 恶e4 事shi4 。 (箴言zhen1yan2 3:7) Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD, and turn away from evil. (Pr3:7 ESV) Never let yourself think that you are wiser than you are; simply obey the LORD and refuse to do wrong. (Pr3:7 GNB) God, my parents think this is wrong for to do BUT they are stupid, I know better. FEAR GOD = OPPOSE EVIL I know it is wrong to cheat but… I know it is wrong to liu-chan but if she gets pregnant that is her problem.

13 生死在舌頭的權下, 喜愛它的必吃它所結的果子。 箴言十八章二十一節
生死sheng1si3 在zai4 舌头she2tou5 的de 权quan2 下xia4 。 喜爱xi3ai4 他的ta1de5 必bi4 吃chi1 他ta1 所suo3 结jie1 的de 果子guo3zi5 。 (箴言zhen1yan2 18:21) Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits. (Pr18:21 ESV) Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit—you choose. (Pr18:21 MSG) Our tongue is very powerful. If a parent continuously tells a child he is worthless, the child feels worthless. If a continuously encourage my child when he is successful, he will try harder each time. If I say: “I got to go to school” then I resent university. If I say: “I get to go to university” then I will appreciate university

14 以色列王大衛兒子 所羅門的箴言:要 使人曉得智慧和訓誨, 分辨通達的言語, 使人處事領受智慧、 仁義、公平、正直的訓誨, 使愚人靈明,
使少年人有知識和謀略, 使智慧人聽見,增長學問, 使聰明人得著智謀, 使人明白箴言和譬喻, 懂得智慧人的言詞和謎語。 箴言一章一到六節 Proverbs – the book: Ever wonder by 8,000,000 people ethnic group can be so powerful, have so many Nobel prizes, be so rich? This book is required study for them from small childhood. If you want to be successful, suggest you study this book. Read it again and again. First time won’t understand much – at least I didn’t but as read again and again, I find I learn truth. This is why it is written and who can benefit – which category do you fall in? It seems there is something for everyone 智慧人 – dong shi 聰明人 – kao de hao

15 惟獨歸你一人, 不可與外人同用。箴言五章十七節 惟独wei2du2 归gui1 你ni3 一yi1 人ren2 ,
不可bu4ke3 与yu3 外人wai4ren2 同tong2 用yong4 。 (箴言zhen1yan2 5:17) Let them be only thine own, and not strangers' with thee. (Pr5:17 JPS) Guard your heart. More important than money – once your heart is taken, you can be hurt very easily. Trust your heart to one who really cares for you: God.

16 惟獨歸你一人, 不可與外人同用。箴言五章十七節 惟独wei2du2 归gui1 你ni3 一yi1 人ren2 ,
不可bu4ke3 与yu3 外人wai4ren2 同tong2 用yong4 。 (箴言zhen1yan2 5:17) Let them be only thine own, and not strangers' with thee. (Pr5:17 JPS) On Sex, Don’t share your girlfriend. Don’t share your friend’s girlfriend - Love one girl and use her only - goes on to tell you to enjoy only your girlfriends breasts. Some things we share, other things we shouldn’t.

17 Index Making Friends at University Necessity and Reward of Hard Work
Importance of Time Management Getting Advice, Planning your Future Parents Your Family & Choice of Spouse Step 1: Beginning of Wisdom (Pr1#7) Fear God means… (Pr8#13) Step 2: Listen & Learn from Parents (Pr1#8-9) Do all the good you can do (Pr3#27) Don’t think you know it all, (Pr 3#7) The Power of Words (Pr18:21) Proverbs – the book – read it. (Pr 1#1-6) -- On what is important (Pr4#23-24) -- On Sex (Pr5#17)

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