有福了You’re Blessed 念這書上預言的和那些聽見又遵守其中所記載的,都是有福的,因為日期近了。

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Presentation on theme: "有福了You’re Blessed 念這書上預言的和那些聽見又遵守其中所記載的,都是有福的,因為日期近了。"— Presentation transcript:

1 有福了You’re Blessed 念這書上預言的和那些聽見又遵守其中所記載的,都是有福的,因為日期近了。
Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things which are written in it; for the time is near. 1:3 不可封了這書上的預言,因為日期近了。 Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near. 22:10 參太24:32,33; 賽13:6;雅5:8

2 三波漣漪 耶穌基督的啟示 末日的異象 龍 撒旦 七碗 獸 地中獸 七號 獸 海中獸 假先知 七印 巴比倫 大城 天上寶座 聖城新 耶路撒冷
給七教會的信 晨星 鐵杖管列國 權柄制列過 腳像銅 眼如火 白石新名 隱藏嗎哪 兩刃利劍 在父天使前認他 生命冊 穿白衣服 七星七靈 生命冠冕 死過活過 首先末後 神名神城名我名 神殿中柱子 拿大衛鑰匙 聖潔真實 生命樹果子 七星七燈台 與主同坐寶座 為元首 誠信真實做見證 阿們 人子的異象 七個金燈台 手拿七星 口出兩刃利劍 誠信做見證 為世上君王元首 眼如火 腳如銅 首先末後 死過又活 拿死亡陰間鑰匙 昔在今在永在神 寶座前七靈 耶穌基督的啟示

3 給七教會的信Letters to 7 churches 第一要悔改Repent
1.你若不悔改我就臨到你那裏,把你的燈台從原處挪去。 Repent or I’ll remove your lamp stand. 2:5 2. 你務要至死忠心,我就賜給你那生命的冠冕。Be faithful until death. 2:10 3.你當悔改,若不悔改我就快臨到你那裏用我口中的劍攻擊他。 Repent or I’ll fight you with sword in my mouth. 2:16

4 4.我曾給他悔改的機會他卻不肯悔改他的淫行,… 那些與他行淫的人若不悔改所行的,我要叫他們同受大患難。Repent of your immorality or I’ll throw you on a bed of sickness. 2:21,22 5.要回想你是怎樣領受怎樣聽見的。又要遵守並要悔改。 Remember what you have received and heard, and keep it, and repent. Or, I’ll come like a thief. 3:3

5 6.我必快來,你要持守你所有的免得人奪去你的冠冕。 I’m coming quickly; hold fast what you have, so that no one will take your crown. 3:11 7.凡我所疼愛的我就責備管教他,所以你要發熱心也要悔改。Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore be zealous and repent. 3:19

6 做個得勝者Be an overcomer 耶穌是得勝者Jesus overcomes
就如我得了勝在我父的寶座上與他同坐 He who overcomes, I’ll grant to him to sit down with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne. 3:21 猶大的獅子大衛的根他已得勝能展開書卷揭開七印 5:5 約翰是得勝者Apostle John overcomes 在耶穌的患難國度忍耐裏一同有份 為神的道並為給耶穌做的見證在拔摩海島上

7 做個得勝者Be an overcomer 得勝者 Overcomer 憑信至死忠心 Be faithful till death
堅忍不拔 威武不屈 富貴不淫 Perseverance 憑信至死忠心 Be faithful till death 教會要得勝 Church overcomes2:7,11,17,26,3:5,12,21 勝過逼迫Be victorious over persecution 勝過獸Be victorious over the beast 勝過罪Be victorious over sin

8 唱啟3:21 得勝的我要賜他在我父的寶座上同坐 就如我得了勝在我父的寶座上同坐 De Sheng De Wo Yao Ci Ta
Zai Wo Fu De Bao Zuo Shang Tong Zuo Jiu Ru Wo De Le Sheng He who overcomes, I will grant to him to sit down with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne. (NASB)

9 天上寶座A Throne in Heaven 天上有一個寶座 There is a throne in heaven
有一位坐在寶座上 One sits on the throne 寶座周圍有24位長老 24 elders 有閃電聲音雷轟從寶座發出 Thunder lightning 有7盞火燈在寶座前點著 7 lamps of fire 寶座中和寶座周圍有四活物 晝夜不停頌讚神 4 living creatures worship God 24長老也敬拜神 24 elders worship God

10 揭開七印Breaking the Seals (參但Dan.12:4,路Luke24:44-46)
七印是災難前的徵兆 7 seals is the beginning of birth pangs 太Matt.24:3-9 ( ) +1 四方、四面、四風 指全地 4 sides, 4 winds, 4 corners 四活物 4 living creatures (參結Ezek.1:5-10,啟Rev.4:6,7)

11 戰爭 動亂 饑荒 死亡 War,turmoil,hunger,death (參結Ezek.14:21,申Deut.28:15-68)
四匹馬、四騎士 白 紅 黑 灰 4 horses, 4 horsemen, white, red, black, pale (參亞Zech.1:8-11,6:2-6) 戰爭 動亂 饑荒 死亡 War,turmoil,hunger,death (參結Ezek.14:21,申Deut.28:15-68) 第五印 殉道者 5th seal martyrs 第六印 天象改變 changes of sky phenomena (144,000 初熟的果子 獻給神與羔羊 各國、各族、各民、各方穿白衣的人 144,000 are first fruits & countless white robes from all nations )

12 初熟的果子First Fruit (I Cor. 15)
耶穌從死裏復活 是睡了之人初熟的果子Jesus’ is the first fruit 林前15:20 (參利23:9正月16為初熟節) 眾人要在基督裏復活 Come alive in Christ 15:22 但各人按自己次序復活 In his own order 15:23a 初熟的是基督 以後是那些屬基督的 Christ first, the those who are Christ’s 14:23b

13 末期基督毀滅執政掌權的 把國交與父神 At the end, Christ hands over Kingdom to God 15:24
復活時 得著天上的形體 Receive heavenly bodies 15:39,40 榮耀的 強壯的 靈性的身體 Glorious, powerful, and spiritual bodies 15:43,44 在第1,2號之前印1444,000人的額 Seal the 144,000 before the 1st & 2nd trumpets(地與海與樹木earth, see, trees)

14 吹響七號Sound 7 trumpets 第8章Chapter 8
警告教會及世人 Warnings to the church ( ) +1 雹子與火攙血丟在地上1/3 hail & fire, 1/3 of earth 彷彿火燒著的山扔在海中1/3 fire, 1/3 of sea 燒著的大星從天上落下 落在江河水泉1/3 burning star, 1/3 rivers, springs of water 日月星被擊打 日月星1/3 黒暗 sky phenomena, 1/3 of sky darkened

15 住在地上的人禍哉禍哉禍哉Woe woe woe to those who dwell on the earth
無底坑裏蝗蟲螫人傷害額上無神印記的人第1禍Locusts from the pit hurt men don’t have God’s seals, 1st woe 伯拉大河四使者帶馬兵兩萬萬殺人1/3 第2禍 4 angels bounds at Euphrates lead 200,000,000 horsemen kill 1/3 of mankind 出埃及十災: 水變血 蛙 蝨 蠅 畜疫 雹 蝗 黑暗 殺長子 Ref. 10 plagues in Egypt water turn to blood, frog, gnats, flies, pestilence on livestock, hail, locusts, darkness, killing of first borns

16 6號與7號間插入(第10, 11章) Insertion between 6th &7th trumpet
第10章(參結Ezek.2:9-3:3) 天使拿小書卷Angel holds a little book 七雷要封上Seal up 7 peals of thunder (參但Dan.12:7) 聲音叫約翰吃小書卷Take and eat the little book 約翰吃小書卷John ate the little book 預備再發預言Preach and prophecy

17 量殿 (建立教會 有形與屬靈的)measure temple
第11章 量殿 (建立教會 有形與屬靈的)measure temple 外邦人踐踏聖城三年半 (42個月) trample holy city 3 ½ year 二見證人傳道 有權柄 做見證1260天 2 witnesses preach 就是2橄欖樹2燈台(參亞4:3,11-14) 2 olive trees 2 lamp stands

18 被「獸」殺死曝屍三天半 各民各族各方各國Killed by the beast died for 3 ½ days
三天半後二人復活 Resurrected after 3 ½ days 地震殺死7000人 Earthquake killed 7000 二見證人時多人得救 之後敵基督掌權In the time of 2 witnesses, many are saved. The antichrist reigned afterwards.

19 第7號(參書6:3-7) 在第七位天使吹號發聲的時候 神的奧祕就成全了 The mystery of God is finished when 7th trumpet is about to sound. 10:7 (奧祕解開 人可以明白 參但12:9) 第七位天使吹號 天上有大聲說 世上國成了我主和主基督國 他要做王直到永永遠遠 The Kingdom of the world has become the Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ when 7th trumpet sounded. 11:15

20 第7號(參書6:3-7) 神做王掌權 God reigns 審判死人 Judge the dead
聖徒得獎賞 Reward the saints 敗壞惡人 Destroy the destroyers 天上神殿開了 顯出約櫃 (神的約 神的話) Temple of God in heaven opened, the ark of the covenant appeared in the temple.

21 第12章懷孕婦人 婦人身披日頭腳踏月亮頭戴十二星冠冕A woman clothed with sun, moon, and the stars.(參37:9) 這婦人是以色列也就是教會She’s Israel and church 懷孕 (參賽66:7-13) 生出基督 以及眾聖徒 She gave birth to Christ and saints 大紅龍是魔鬼撒但有7頭10角 A great red dragon, 7 heads and 10 horns

22 聖民要受逼迫一載二載半載 Children of God will be persecuted for 3 ½ years (參但7:25,12:7)
教會要在曠野被煉淨 靠天上的靈糧被養活 Church will be purified in the desert, fed by the word of God 地救了婦人 The earth saved the woman 龍與婦人其餘的子女爭戰 The dragon will fight other children of the woman

23 第13章海中獸與地中獸2 beasts 第一獸 海中獸 敵基督 許多敵基督 末日敵基督The 1st beast from sea, antichrist, many antichrist in history, the Antichrist in the end time ˙7頭10角 有龍的權柄7 heads 10 horns with power of the dragon ˙形狀像豹 腳像熊 口像獅 Like a leopard, bear’s feet, lion’s mouth (參但7:3-7) ˙一頭受傷醫好 口褻瀆神 任意而行42月One of the heads slain, and healed, speak arrogant words, act for 42 months ˙勝過聖徒 不屬神的人都拜它 Overcame saints, ungodly men worshiped him

24 第二獸 地中獸 假先知 The 2nd beast from the earth, false prophet (16:13, 20:10), religious system
˙貌似溫柔 說話兇猛 Looked gentle with fierceful words ˙叫世人拜頭一獸 為獸造像 Lead people worship the beast ˙能行奇事 迷惑人 殺害不拜獸像的人 Performs miracles, deceives people, kills those who do not worship the image of the beast

25 海中獸與地中獸

26 第14章概述災難期事件 Chapter 14 A summary of the disasters
我觀看見羔羊站在錫安山及144,000人 v.1 144,000 and the lamb stood on Mt. Zion 2. 我又看見一位天使飛在空中 傳福音 v.6 An angel preaches the gospel 3. 又有第2位天使 巴比倫城傾倒了 v.8 The 2nd angel says, “Babylon is fallen” 4. 又有第3位天使 拜獸與獸像有獸印記者喝神忿怒之酒 v.9 The 3rd angel says, anyone worships the beast and his image receives mark of beast will drink the cup of God’s anger.

27 5. 我聽見天上有聲音說 在主裏死的人有福了Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. v.13
6. 我又觀看見白雲及人子 收割莊稼One sitting on the cloud reap the harvest with his sickle. v.14 7. 又有一位天使拿快鐮刀 與 又有一位管火天使 收取葡萄 發神忿怒Another angel gather grapes with his sickle. v.17

28 7碗之災15、16章 7 Bowls in Chapter 15,16 7天使掌管末了7災 神大怒在這7災中發盡了 7 angels have 7 plagues holding the wrath of God.15:1 得勝者在玻璃海上唱摩西的歌和羔羊的歌 Overcomers sang the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb.15:2,3 天上殿開 顯出存法櫃 殿充滿煙 無人可入The temple in heaven opened, the ark of the covenant appeared, the temple was filled with smoke, no one can enter. 7天使拿著7金碗 盛滿神大怒 降下7災Seven angles pour out 7 bowls of plagues.

29 ( ) + 1 地上(毒瘡) 海裏(血) 江河(血) 日頭 (火烤) Earth, sea, river, sun 獸座位(黑暗)The seat of the the beast 伯拉大河(水乾 3污靈聚集天下眾王爭戰)Euphrates dried up, 3 unclean spirits, gather kings to fight (人要警醒自潔) Insertion: Be alert.15:15,16 第7碗後 神說成了God says, it is done, after the 7th bowl.

30 巴比倫大城傾倒了17-19:6 The fall of city of Babylon
大淫婦的異象Vision of the harlot 誰是大淫婦—管轄地上眾王的大城 The great city that reigns over the kings of the earth17:18 騎在朱紅色7頭10角的獸上Riding on a beast with 7 heads and 10 horns. 7頭是7王7座山 7 kings and 7 mountains. 10王與獸一時之間同得權柄 將權柄給那獸 10 kings will receive power with the beast and turn over their power to the beast

31 他們與羔羊爭戰 羔羊與聖徒必勝過他們They fight with the Lamb and the saints
他們與羔羊爭戰 羔羊與聖徒必勝過他們They fight with the Lamb and the saints. The lamb overcomes them. 獸與十角恨淫婦The beast and 10 horns hate the woman. 哀哉Woe18:10,16,19 一時之間In one hour 18:10,17,19 決不能再(聽見、看見)Will not be found any longer 18:21,22..,23. 哈利路亞榮耀頌 19:1-6 頌讚神的公義審判Hallelujah, celebrate God’s judgement

32 大淫婦

33 第19章神做王掌權了 God reigns 慶賀淫婦被毀滅 Celebrate the destruction of the Harlot
羔羊婚宴 The Lamb’s wedding feast 主是萬王之王萬主之主 He is the King of kings and Lord of lords 飛鳥也來赴宴 Birds are invited to the feast 獸與假先之被扔在火湖裏 The beast and the false prophet are thrown into the lake of fire

34 第20章千禧年與白色大寶座 Millennium and white throne
撒但被捆綁1000年 Satan bound for 1000 years (沒有撒但的誘惑) 聖徒與基督做王1000年 Saints reign with Christ for 1000 years(參賽2:1-4,11:1-12) 撒但聯合列國與聖徒爭戰 戰敗 Satan and all nations fight with the saints. 撒但被扔到燒著硫磺的火湖裏 Satan thrown into the lake of fire.

35 神在白色大寶座上審判死了的人 God judge the dead on the great white throne
死亡陰間也被扔在火湖裏 Death and hell thrown into the lake of fire 人名字不在生命冊上的被扔在火湖裏 People’s name not recorded on the book of life are thrown into the lake of fire

36 第21章1-8新天新地 New heaven and earth
一個新天新地 A new heaven and earth(參3:10-13) 聖城新耶路撒冷由天而降 Jerusalem coming down from heaven 沒有海 No more sea 神與人同住 God dwell among men 不在有哭泣死亡悲哀 No more tears, death, grief 神將一切都更新了 God makes all things new 得勝者得神為業 He who overcomes will inherit these things and I will be his God and he will be my son.

37 第21章9-27聖城新耶路撒冷 Jerusalem the Holy City
天使又把城中生命河指給我看River of Life 22:1 天使對我說:這些話是真的 These words are faithful and true. 22:6 他說:不可拜我 Do not bow and worship me. 22:9 他又說:不可封了這書上的預言 Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book. 22:10

38 城裏有神的榮耀 有高大的牆 有12門 Glory of God, tall walls, 12 gates
城的尺寸 街道是精金的 Measurements of the city, street was pure gold 城中無殿 城中無點著的燈 城門白天不關 No need for temple, no need for natural light, doors are never closed

39 主耶穌的急切 Jesus is eager to return
看哪我必快來 Behold, I’m coming quickly 22:7 看哪我必快來 Behold, I’m coming quickly 22:12 是了我必快來 Yes, I’m coming quickly 22:20 約翰說:主耶穌啊我願你來John says, Amen, come Lord, Jesus.

40 珍珠門

41 生命水的河




45 The stone is dedicated to the God whom man worships under many names and in many forms

46 會幕

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