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The kindness from your eyes are like stars high above

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Presentation on theme: "The kindness from your eyes are like stars high above"— Presentation transcript:

1 The kindness from your eyes are like stars high above
天上的星 / Stars above 天上的星就像媽媽您,溫柔的眼睛, 看我歡喜伴我傷悲, 帶我走過黑夜 The kindness from your eyes are like stars high above Always by my side through joy, sorrow, and dark night 1/6

2 天上的星就像媽媽您,美麗的眼睛 有時歡喜有時傷悲, 青春無悔歲月 The beauty of your eyes
有時歡喜有時傷悲, 青春無悔歲月 The beauty of your eyes are like stars high above Through moments of joy and sorrow, sacrifice with no regret 2/6

3 感謝您牽我的手 媽媽 天上最明亮的那顆星 彷彿就是媽媽您
感謝您牽我的手 媽媽 感謝您給我的愛 天上最明亮的那顆星 彷彿就是媽媽您 Thank you mom for holding my hands Thank you mom for giving me love You are forever The brightest star above  3/6

4 天上的星就像媽媽您,溫柔的眼睛, 看我歡喜伴我傷悲, 帶我走過黑夜
看我歡喜伴我傷悲, 帶我走過黑夜 The kindness from your eyes are like stars high above Always by my side through joy, sorrow, and dark night 4/6

5 Through moments of joy and sorrow, sacrifice with no regret
天上的星就像媽媽您,美麗的眼睛 有時歡喜有時傷悲, 青春無悔歲月 The beauty of your eyes are like stars high above Through moments of joy and sorrow, sacrifice with no regret 5/6

6 The brightest star above x 3
感謝您牽我的手 媽媽 感謝您給我的愛 天上最明亮的那顆星 彷彿就是媽媽您 x 3 Thank you mom for holding my hands Thank you mom for giving me love You are forever The brightest star above x 3 6/6

7 長輩會迦勒團契 + 詩班 聯合獻詩

8 Rock till the sun goes down,
搖子歌 ( 台語 ) / Lullaby I. 嬰子嬰嬰睏,一瞑大一寸 嬰子嬰嬰惜,一瞑大一尺 搖子日落山,抱子金金看 子是阮心肝,驚你受風寒 Sleep little baby sleep, grow inch by inch Sleep little baby sleep, grow foot by foot Rock till the sun goes down, hold you ever so close You are my precious, child be healthy and strong 1/6

9 輕輕叫著你的名,你的夢中有我的聲 日頭赤赤揹你走,月亮光光抱你看 到你大漢有年歲,我的愛猶原是按呢 到你年老頭毛白,你猶原是我的寶貝
As I whisper your dear name, may you hear me in your dream Carry you under the sun, hold you under the moon No matter how old you are, my love for you remains the same Even when your hairs turn gray, you will still be my babe 2/6

10 Even through trials and tests,
II. 你毌通驚惶,因為我永遠甲你作伴 我是你的上帝,我的手甲你牽作夥 你毌通驚惶,因為你永遠是我的 雖然經過水火,我的腳步在頭前走 Do not be afraid, I will always be by your side I am your God, I will hold your hand Do not be afraid, I will always be mine Even through trials and tests, I will stand before you 3/6

11 Rock till the sun goes down,
III. 嬰子嬰嬰睏,一瞑大一寸 嬰子嬰嬰惜,一瞑大一尺 搖子日落山,抱子金金看 子是阮心肝,驚你受風寒 Sleep little baby sleep, grow inch by inch Sleep little baby sleep, grow foot by foot Rock till the sun goes down, hold you ever so close You are my precious, child be healthy and strong 4/6

12 As I whisper your dear name,
IV. 嬰子嬰嬰睏,一瞑大一寸 嬰子嬰嬰惜,一瞑大一尺 輕輕叫著你的名,你的夢中有我的聲 日頭赤赤揹你走,月亮光光抱你看 Sleep little baby sleep, grow inch by inch Sleep little baby sleep, grow foot by foot As I whisper your dear name, may you hear me in your dream Carry you under the sun, hold you under the moon 5/6

13 No matter how old you are, Even when your hairs turn gray,
『到你大漢有年歲, 我的愛猶原是按呢 到你年老頭毛白, 你猶原是我的寶貝』 X 2 No matter how old you are, my love for you remains the same Even when your hairs turn gray, you will still be my babe x 2 6/6

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