西洋政治哲學概論 Plato’s The Republic (the regime, the best political life)

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1 西洋政治哲學概論 Plato’s The Republic (the regime, the best political life)
授課教師:陳嘉銘 【本著作除另有註明外,採取創用CC「姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享」台灣3.0版授權釋出】

2 Plato’s idea of the Ascent of love
the beautiful itself beautiful branches of knowledge (vast sea of the beautiful) beautiful laws and practices(ideal city) beautiful laws and practices of a particular city someone’s beautiful soul all beautiful bodies Someone’s beautiful body In each case, moving the lover up the ladder involves both addition and subtraction; and we must ask whether what is left at the end still contains what was originally valuable and wonderful in love, whether it is still erotic at all and still love at all.

3 Plato’s The Republic (the regime, the best political life) On Justice and the Ideal Regime
Concepts:justice, art, virtue, politeia(regime), polis(city), guardian(their job, education and life), noble lie, philosopher king, allegory of cave

4 Socratic Method Stick to what you have said, examine thoroughly, and tell us if you want to change. Insofar as several objects are called by a name, thus far they have a single nature. Assumption: Your reason already participating in the normative order of things (natural order).

5 Story of Edward Snowden 1. Is he a just man. 2
Story of Edward Snowden 1. Is he a just man? 2. Isn't justice the advantage of the stronger? 3. What is the reward of being just? (Is he happy? Does he have a good life?) 6:00

6 What is Justice? Justice as Formal reciprocity
Justice as Friendship (philoi) Justice as Moral Impartiality Justice as Human Dignity

7 Justice as the advantage of the stronger
1. Justice as legality. 2. Justice as the law laid down by the ruler for their own advantage. 3. Justice as the law laid down by the perfect ruler for their own advantage. (perfectly unjust ruler) 4. The unjust man is more wise(learned), virtuous, powerful and happier(more profitable). 5. Justice as social compact: Everyone naturally desires perfect injustice.

8 art(technê) 1. 一種可以傳授、教育的知識 (烹飪、航海、醫療、鞋匠…) 2
art(technê) 1.一種可以傳授、教育的知識 (烹飪、航海、醫療、鞋匠…) 2.有這個art知識,就有權威去統治(rule)你的art施行的對象,知道什麼最適當(most fitting)。 3.每個 art都生產出一種peculiar good。 4.Plato's thesis:art先以理性瞭解一個form(理型),把這個form加諸在某些材料(material)上,生產某個產品。 Skills of money-making, power-seeking是art嗎? Poetry是art嗎? Justice是art嗎?

9 Justice seeks the whole good. Justice is the master art of all arts.
The work of soul is to lead a life. Justice is excellence of the soul, the capacity to live well. Justice seeks the whole good. Justice is the master art of all arts.

10 “For the argument is not about just any question, but about the way one should live.” (Republic, 352d)

11 人們真正要的是最完美的不正義? (作最不正義的事,獲得最多的金錢、權力、正義的名聲、社會地位和滿足所有其他慾望)
Gyge’s Ring 人們真正要的是最完美的不正義? (作最不正義的事,獲得最多的金錢、權力、正義的名聲、社會地位和滿足所有其他慾望)

12 版權聲明 the beautiful itself ……Someone’s beautiful body 頁碼 作品 版權標示 作者/來源
1-14 本作品轉載自 設計範本,造訪日期:2016年09月13日 依據著作權法第 46、52、65 條合理使用 2 the beautiful itself ……Someone’s beautiful body 文字提供:國立臺灣大學 陳嘉銘 Pixabay / Author:Clker-Free-Vector ( visited. This picture is licensed under「CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication」.

13 版權聲明 頁碼 作品 版權標示 作者/來源 4 Stick to what you have said, examine thoroughly……in the normative order of things (natural order). 文字提供:國立臺灣大學 陳嘉銘 5 Is he a just man? Does he have a good life? 7 Justice as legality……Everyone naturally desires perfect injustice Plato, The Republic of Plato, trans. Allan Bloom (Basic Books, nd edition), Book I, pp.7-34 依據著作權法第 46、52、65 條合理使用 8 一種可以傳授、教育的知識……Justice是art嗎?

14 版權聲明 The work of soul ……master art of all arts
頁碼 作品 版權標示 作者/來源 9 The work of soul ……master art of all arts 文字提供:國立臺灣大學 陳嘉銘 10 For the ……the way one should live Plato, The Republic of Plato, trans. Allan Bloom (Basic Books, nd edition), Book I, pp.31 依據著作權法第 46、52、65 條合理使用 11 人們真正要的是最……社會地位和滿足所有其他慾望

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