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Sarah Davidson 黛莎 IT Power 英国可再生能源公司

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Presentation on theme: "Sarah Davidson 黛莎 IT Power 英国可再生能源公司"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sarah Davidson 黛莎 IT Power 英国可再生能源公司
Developing Gold Standard Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency CDM Projects in Brazil, China and the Philippines 在巴西,中国和菲律宾开发黄金标准的可再生能源和能源效率类的CDM项目 Sarah Davidson 黛莎 IT Power 英国可再生能源公司

2 IT Power – a brief introduction 简介
1981年始建于英国 国际咨询机构, 涉及能源,气候变化和国际发展项目 客户包括: 私营企业和银行业 联合国机构, 跨国财政机构 (世界银行,国际金融公司, 亚洲开发银行, 非洲开发银行, 国际美洲发展银行) 英国政府 欧盟及双边组织 全球70多位专家 International organisation consulting on energy, climate change & international development Clients include private companies and banks, UN Agencies, Multilateral Finance Institutions, UK Government, EU and Bilateral Agencies 70+ staff worldwide, Established 1981 in UK


4 Project Aim 项目目标 By assisting CDM developers in using the Gold Standard methodology enable more projects to achieve enhanced economic and environmental rewards 帮助CDM项目业主使用黄金标准方法学,从而使更多的项目加强经济效益和环境效益 …. more quality energy efficiency and renewable energy CDM projects 更多高质量的能源效率和可再生能源的CDM项目

5 The Project Team 项目团队 Supported by

6 Project activities: 项目活动: China, Brazil, Philippines中国,巴西,菲律宾
Rural development Planning design and installation Corporate consulting Climate change and strategy

7 What does the project offer? 项目提供什么?
Training on the Identification and Development of Gold Standard CDM Projects 黄金标准CDM项目的识别和开发培训 Support and coaching for Project Development 支持、指导项目开发 Assistance in attracting carbon finance for Gold Standard CDM projects 帮助黄金标准CDM项目寻求碳融资

8 9-10 August -Questions to be answered: 8月9-10日的课程将解决您如下疑问
Why Gold Standard? 什么是黄金标准 What are the requirements of the Gold Standard? 黄金标准的要求是什么 How can I achieve the Gold Standard for my project? 通过我的项目如何实现黄金标准 Opportunities for discussions about your projects 讨论你项目的机会

9 9-10 August 8月9-10 日 We are hoping for interactive discussions
期盼着互动式的讨论 Please: ask plenty of questions –don’t be shy! 多问问题-不要害羞 let us know if you would like to present your renewable energy or energy efficiency project this afternoon let us know if you would like to discuss your project tomorrow afternoon 请让我们知道您是否愿意在明天下午讨论您的项目

10 After this event 会后 无论CDM专家已经介入与否,我们都将为项目业主提供支持 FREE ADVICE!
On going support to selected projects to write Gold Standard PINs and PDDs 继续支持所选择的项目开发黄金标准的PIN 和 PDD Support is available to developers whether or not a CDM consultant is already involved. 无论CDM专家已经介入与否,我们都将为项目业主提供支持 FREE ADVICE!

11 After this event 会后 For general questions about the Gold Standard For expert opinion on your project send project details to Brief project overview Technology type Volume of CERs Development status Before 31 August 2006

12 After this event 会后 Assistance in attracting carbon finance to Gold Standard projects at an international “buyers forum” 帮助在国际交易会上寻找碳融资

13 Thank you Sarah Davidson

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