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Taking Pictures and Buying Cameras

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Presentation on theme: "Taking Pictures and Buying Cameras"— Presentation transcript:

1 Taking Pictures and Buying Cameras
By Ling

2 Vocabulary photograph pixel memory card

3 Vocabulary battery tripod battery charger

4 Camera shutter flash LCD =liquid crystal display lens

5 要求合照 Do you want to be in the pictures with us?

6 是否可以用閃光燈 May I use a flash?

7 沖洗尺寸 I want these pictures in size 5 by 7.

8 有無廣角鏡頭 Can the lens take wide angle shots?

9 按不下去 I can’t release the shutter.

10 At the Post Office By Ling

11 Vocabulary parcel stamp airmail

12 延伸字彙片語 postage 郵資 Postmark 郵戳 Fragile 易碎的 Sender 寄件人
Commemorative stamp 紀念郵票

13 延伸字彙片語 sender寄件人 Recipient 收件人 Surface mail 水陸郵件 Express mail快遞
Registered mail掛號

14 延伸字彙片語 Special mail 限時專送 Printed matter 印刷品

15 如何寫國內地址

16 國外寄信回國最簡單的方式是用中文寫 並在最後寫上 Taiwan R.O.C即可

17 如果要將中文翻成英文 切記英文是 由小的地方單位到大單位

18 1.室 Room(R) 6.段 section(Sec.) 2.樓 Floor (Fl) 7.街/路/大道 Street(St.)/ Road(Rd.)/ Boulevard(Blvd) 3.號number(No.) 4.弄alley 5.巷Lane

19 8.鄉/鎮/市/區Township/City/District
9.縣/市 County/ City 10.郵遞區號 Zip code

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