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Unit 3 Goods Move. People Move. Ideas move. And Culture Change.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 3 Goods Move. People Move. Ideas move. And Culture Change."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 3 Goods Move. People Move. Ideas move. And Culture Change.

2 Text Organization Part I(p.1-3): Globalization is a reality but it is not something new. What is new is the speed and scope of changes. Part II(p.4-6):There are some different voices about globalization. Part III(p.7-9):Culture is unpredictable and teenagers are the most dynamic forces in it. Part IV(p.10-13):A cool hunter tells about trend.

3 Text Organization Part V(p.14-19): Fusion is the trend, as can be seen from Tom’s playing Mah-jongg with people from different places. Part VI(p.20-24):Culture changes and there is new trend in Shanghai. Part VII(p.25-28):Experience in Shanghai shows that change is at the level of ideas.

4 Text Organization Part VIII(p.29-34):Changes and order come from conflict. Part IX(p.35-39): Changes and transformation are omnipresent and are initiated by mutual understanding. Part X(p.40):Linking is humanity’s natural impulse.

5 Tectonic-adj.[建]构造的, 建筑的 Assortment-n.分类 Dislodge-v.驱逐
Part I(p.1-3): Globalization is a reality but it is not something new. What is new is the speed and scope of changes. In the throes of- 苦斗 Reformation-n.改革, 革新 Tectonic-adj.[建]构造的, 建筑的 Assortment-n.分类 Dislodge-v.驱逐 Clime-n.气候, 地方, 地域

6 Part I(p.1-3): Weave-vt.编织, 组合, 编排, 使迂回前进
Caravan-n.(商队, 游客经过沙漠时为安全起见而结队同行的)沙漠, 旅行队, 大篷车 Afield-adv.离开(家乡), 在战场上, 在田野 Intricate-adj.复杂的, 错综的, 难以理解的 Cellular-adj.细胞的 Jet-喷气机

7 Part II(p.4-6):There are some different voices about globalization.
Assault-n.攻击, 袭击 Agenda-议事日程, 待办事项(表) Equate-vi.等同 Flatten-vt.使平, 变平, 打倒, 使失去光泽 Crease-n.折缝, 折痕 Sprout-v.萌芽

8 Part II(p.4-6): Exploit-vt.开拓, 开发, 开采, 剥削 Xenophobia-n.仇外, 惧外者
Upper hand-n.优势,上风,有利地位 Denounce-vt.公开指责, 公然抨击, 谴责 Stereo-n.立体声系统, 立体声 Obligation-n.义务, 职责, 债务

9 Part III(p.7-9):Culture is unpredictable and teenagers are the most dynamic forces in it.
shot through with-充满...的 Inconsistency-n.矛盾 Populate-v.使人民居住, 移民 Bedfellow-n.同床者, 伙伴 Westernization…is a phenomenon shot through with inconsistency and populated by very strange bedfellows: I found that Westernization is a concept full of contradictions and held by people of very different background or views.

10 Part III(p.7-9): Blast-vt.爆炸, ,毁灭, 使枯萎, 损害,咒骂 Booster-n.<美俚>热心的拥护者, 后推的人, 支持者, 后援者 Salubrious-(空气/气候)有益健康的 Resilient-adj.弹回的, 有回弹力的 Ostensible-adj.可公开得, (指理由等)表面的, 虚假的

11 Part III(p.7-9): Fountainhead-n.根源 Degradation-n.降级, 降格, 退化 Orthodox-adj.正统的, 传统的, 习惯的, 保守的, 东正教的 Merge-v.合并, 并入, 结合, 吞没, 融合

12 Part IV(p.10-13):A cool hunter tells about trend.
Brocade-n.[纺]织有金银丝浮花的, 织锦 Smallish-adj.有点小的, 短小的 Diner-n.用餐者 Seedy-破旧的, 褴褛的, 不适的 Thrift-n.节俭, 节约 Fusion-n.熔化, 熔解, 熔合, 熔接 Blend-vt.混和

13 Part V(p.14-19): Fusion is the trend, as can be seen from Tom’s playing Mah-jongg with people from different places. Morph-(动植物的)变种, 变体,语子, 语素形式, 形素 Geek-(巡回杂耍团等中)做低级滑稽表演的人;怪诞可笑的人(通常指伪装者);令人讨厌的人 Fanatic-n.狂热者, 盲信者, 入迷者 Click-n.滴答声 Chunk-n.大块, Tile-n.瓦片, 瓷砖

14 Owl-n.[动]猫头鹰, 枭, 惯于晚上活动的人 Fiance-n.<法>未婚夫
Part V(p.14-19): Detached-adj.分开的, 分离的 Bounce-v.(使)反跳, 弹起, 弹跳 Owl-n.[动]猫头鹰, 枭, 惯于晚上活动的人 Fiance-n.<法>未婚夫 Cyber-[前缀]表示“计算机,计算机的”之义

15 Part VI(p.20-24):Culture changes and there is new trend in Shanghai.
Blur-v. 把(界线,视线等)弄得模糊不清 Unleash-v.释放 Urban-adj.城市的, 市内的 Drastically-adv.激烈地, 彻底地 Survey-n.测量, 调查, 概观, 纵览, 视察 Cosmopolitan-n.四海为家的人, 世界主义者 adj.世界性的,全球(各地)的

16 Part VI(p.20-24): Outlet-n.出口, 出路 Imposing-adj.使人难忘的, 壮丽的 Shot up-欣欣向荣; 猛跳; 高耸; 涨价 Jostle-v.挤, 推, 争夺 Cramp-vt.使抽筋, 以铁箍扣紧 Overpass-n.<美>天桥, 陆桥

17 Part VI(p.20-24): Boutique-n.专卖流行衣服的小商店 Dislocation-n.混乱, 断层, 脱臼 Ambiguity-n.含糊, 不明确

18 Part VII(p.25-28):Experience in Shanghai shows that change is at the level of ideas.
Potential-n.潜能, 潜力, 电压 Cantonese-n.广东人, 广东话 Witch-n.巫婆, 女巫, 迷人的女子 Whir-n.呼呼声 Strain-vt.扭伤, 损伤

19 Part VIII(p.29-34):Changes and order come from conflict.
Compass-n.罗盘, 指南针,圆规 Chaos-n.混乱, 混沌(宇宙未形成前的情形) Predominant-adj.卓越的, 支配的, 主要的, 突出的, 有影响的 Agrarian-adj.有关土地的, 耕地的 Transition-n.转变, 转换, 跃迁, 过渡, 变调

20 Part VIII(p.29-34): Midst-n.中间; prep.在...中间 Amount to-达到; 等于; 实际上是;
Outnumber-vt.数目超过, 比...多 Aviation-n.飞行, 航空, 航空学, 航空 Trisection-n.三分, 三等分 Smokestack-n.烟窗 Collide-vi.碰撞, 抵触 Foster-vt.养育, 抚育, 培养, 鼓励, 抱(希望)

21 Part IX(p.35-39): Changes and transformation are omnipresent and are initiated by mutual understanding. Ultimately-adv.最后, 终于, 根本, 基本上 Transform-vt.转换, 改变, 改造, 使...变形 Aspire-vi.热望, 立志 Sterile-adj.缺乏想象力的; 缺乏新意的 Atonement-n.赎罪, 弥补 Congregation-n.集合, 集会, [宗]圣会 Reflect-v.反射, 反映, 表现, 反省, 细想 Liturgy-n.圣餐仪式, 礼拜仪式 Intone-v.(以拖长的单调音)吟咏, 吟咏, 吟咏(圣歌) Penitence-n.悔罪

22 Part X(p.40):Linking is humanity’s natural impulse.
Impulse-n.推动, 刺激, 冲动, 推动力 Destiny-n.命运, 定数 Cord-n.绳索, 束缚

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