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Presentation on theme: "世界三大瀑布."— Presentation transcript:

1 世界三大瀑布

2 What comes to your mind when you think about WATERFALLS?

3 NIAGARA FALLS Height 59 Mtrs

4 Or if You are an Indian JOG FALLS Height – 253 Mtrs

5 But certainly you don’t think of
Victoria, Angel and Iguazu Falls. So Lets see Why you should Think of These Waterfalls

6 So what is this? This is the aerial top view of the Victoria Falls

7 The Victoria Falls has a width of 1
The Victoria Falls has a width of 1.7 km (1 mile) and height of 108 m (360 ft), forming the largest sheet of falling water in the world.

8 The Victoria Falls are on the Zambezi river.
The falls are shared between Zambia and Zimbabwe.

9 What about this waterfall. How high do you think this fall is ?
The height of this waterfall is 979 Mtrs. Sixteen times higher than Niagara Falls. Three times the height of the Empire state building. ANGEL FALLS

10 世界最高的瀑布─天使瀑布(Angel Falls) 又名安赫尔瀑布或者丘伦梅鲁瀑布
瀑布在委内瑞拉与圭亚那的高原密林深处。这个地区的热带雨林非常茂密,人不可能步行抵达瀑布的底部。雨季时,河流因多雨而变深,人们可以乘船进入。在一年的其他时间里,只能从空中观赏瀑布。 天使瀑布位于卡罗尼河的源流丘伦河(Churun)上,河水从盖亚那高原奥扬特普伊山(Auyan Tepui)的陡壁直泻下来,瀑布可分为两段,一段大约先落下807米,落在一个岩架上,再从岩架上落下约172米,下面则是一个宽152米的大水池,这样的落差达979米,大约是尼亚加拉瀑布高度的16倍,可谓是世界上「落差最大」的瀑布。 而1937年,美国探险家詹姆斯•安赫尔(James Crawford Angel)在空中对瀑布进行考察时,但不幸墬机意外身亡,当地政府为了纪念他,因此把该瀑布命名为「安赫尔瀑布」,目前这里无陆路可通,只有搭乘飞机飞越上空才能一睹它神秘的风貌。





15 Angel Falls Indigenous name: Kerepakupay Vená
Angel Falls is the world's highest free-falling, freshwater waterfall at 979 m (3,212 ft), with an uninterrupted drop of 807 m (2,648 ft), located in the Canaima National Park, Venezuela.

16 From About 1 Km Below

17 When there is such cloud cover we can see only about one fourth of the fall.

18 This next waterfall consists of about 270 falls along 2
This next waterfall consists of about 270 falls along 2.7 kilometers of the Iguazu River. Some of the individual falls are up to 82 meters in height, though the majority are about 64 meters.



21 IGUAZU FALLS Panoramic View Iguazu Falls are the waterfalls of the Iguazu River located on the border of the Brazilian state of Paraná and the Argentine province of Misiones THE END

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