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multi-channel resonance and quantum routing

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1 multi-channel resonance and quantum routing
武汉物数所理论交叉学术交流系列报告 (第六十九期) Waveguide QED: multi-channel resonance and quantum routing 孙 昌 璞 院士 北京计算科学研究中心 2013年9月9日(星期一)上午10:30 — 12:00 频标楼四楼报告厅 主讲人简历: 理论物理学家。北京计算科学研究中心教授。1992年于南开大学获理学博士学位。2009年当选为中国科学院院士,2011 年当选为发展中国家(第三世界)科学院院士。  主要从事量子物理、数学物理和量子信息理论的研究。最近他在 基于超导量子循环和纳米机械共振固态系统的量子信息基础及其物理实现方面取得一系列创新性研究成果。他已在同行查阅的杂志发表论文260余篇,引用次数5800次,H因子41。 Abstract: Waveguide QED describes the strong coupling between a two ( or more )-level system and E.M. field confined in a waveguide with some transverse field modes,which provide coherent transport of single photon with multi-channels for quantum interference. There will emerge dramatic quantum optics effects, such as Fano-Feshbach resonance in guiding modes. Using the two-level system as an active controller, the waveguide QED system can behave as a single-photon device (quantum switch or single transistor) for quantum information processing and quantum network. In this talk, first I will give a brief review on the fundamental quantum physic of waveguide QED and the resonance characteristics of single photon scattering due to the existence of multichannel. I demonstrate the approaches of quantum field theory and scattering theory, developed recently by my group, to predict novel quantum resonance effects in the waveguide QED. I also show one of our most recent work on Quantum Routing of Single Photons based on waveguide QED , which will be published in PRL: A cyclic three-level atom embedded in quantum multi-channels composed of coupled-resonator waveguides can behave as an quantum router to extract a single photon fromthe incident channel, and then redirect it into another. 主办单位:武汉物数所理论与交叉研究部

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