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Word 功能介紹.

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Presentation on theme: "Word 功能介紹."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word 功能介紹

2 文件的頁首與頁尾 This chapter is going to describe... 頁首 頁尾
Chap Computer Science 頁首 This chapter is going to describe... 頁尾 225

3 加入頁首與頁尾的變化 首頁不同: [檢視][頁首/頁尾] 1 2 PART I VIDEO GAME X-Wing ........
SUN4 X-Wing ...... Princess II ..... PART I VIDEO GAME 1 2 All Right Reserved 第一張 第二張 第三張

4 註腳的編輯與檢視 註腳內容的修改: 註腳編號的修改: 註腳刪除: 「檢視」→「註腳」 選取欲修改註腳編號 「插入」→「註腳」 選擇註腳的方式
選取欲刪除註腳編號 按 DEL 鍵 How many road must a man walk down1 ? before he called him a man2. How many seas ? 註腳的編號 1 walk down means enpass 2 growing up 註腳的內容

5 目錄的製作 於文章設定標題一、標題二、標題三等 步驟:「插入」→「索引及目錄」 Content Ch. 1 aaa Ch. 2 bbb
Page 1 13 15 17 20 Ch. 1 aaa Ch. 2 bbb Ch. 3 ccc Ch. 4 ddd Ch. 5 eee

6 列印合併 開啟一文件檔案,建一表格為資料檔案 設定合併功能變數於文件檔中 進行合併列印 Dear zzz: Dear yyy:
1 walk down means enpass 2 growing up How many road must a man walk down1 ? before he called him a man2. How many seas ? Dear zzz: 1 walk down means enpass 2 growing up How many road must a man walk down1 ? before he called him a man2. How many seas ? Dear yyy: How many road must a man walk down1 ? before he called him a man2. How many seas ? 1 walk down means enpass 2 growing up xxx AAA 111 yyy BBB zzz CCC 1 walk down means enpass 2 growing up How many road must a man walk down1 ? before he called him a man2. How many seas ? Dear xxx:

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