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Oxford English Module 3 Out and about 8 Visiting museums.

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1 Oxford English Module 3 Out and about 8 Visiting museums

2 What museum is it? Look and guess art museum science museum
insect museum Pre-task preparation 1: 活动内容:Look and guess 活动目的:单词复习。 操作方法:教师给出图片,学生回答博物馆名称。 car museum history museum

3 history museum railway museum art museum science museum insect museum
Look and say history museum railway museum art museum science museum car museum insect museum Pre-task preparation 1: 活动内容:Look and say 活动目的:单词复习。 操作方法:教师给出词条,学生朗读,拼读红色核心词。学生可以说出课本以外他们知道的博物馆。 film museum toy museum

4 Read the dialogue Pre-task preparation 2: 活动内容:Read the dialogue
活动目的:复习上节课的对话,巩固已学。 操作方法:集体朗读对话。

5 visited saw bought Which museum did you visit?
Write and say Date:__________ Pre-task preparation 3: 活动内容:Write and say 活动目的:口头说话复习,检查上一课时的作业。 操作方法:根据给出问题完成口头说话。 Which museum did you visit? What did you see at the museum? visited saw bought

6 science museum Children like this museum very much.
Read and guess Children like this museum very much. At this museum, people can see new technology. People can learn a lot at this museum. While-task procedure 1: 活动内容:Read and guess 活动目的:引出话题。 操作方法:教师一句句给出提示,学生猜是什么博物馆。 science museum

7 science museum Did you visit the science museum?
Think and say science museum 操作方法:教师给出提示问题,学生回答。 Did you visit the science museum? What did you see at the museum? How did you feel at that time?

8 教师可搜索并插入“会弹钢琴的机器人”片段视频。
Watch and say What can robots do? 教师可搜索并插入“会弹钢琴的机器人”片段视频。 While-task procedure 1: 活动内容:Watch and say 活动目的:引出话题。 操作方法:教师激发学生思维,思考机器人究竟能干什么。然后播放影片,引起学生对今日主题的兴趣。也可以请学生说一说感想。

9 What time does the science museum open?
While-task procedure 2: 活动内容:Look and read 活动目的:引入新的情景,锻炼学生听力与理解力。 操作方法:先给出问题,让学生听录音,初步理解后带着问题观赏动画。 What time does the science museum open? What did Ben and Kitty visit on the second floor? What did they see in “The World of Robots”? What can robots do there?

10 Step 1: Choose a question. Step 2: Read and answer. Step 3: Share.
While-task procedure 2: 活动内容:短文理解。 活动目的:锻炼学生阅读能力与协作能力。 操作方法:第二遍为小组合作阅读。每组四人,每人认领一个问题,然后在课本上把答案划出来。最后小组分享答案。 What time does the science museum open? What did Ben and Kitty visit on the second floor? What did they see in “The World of Robots”? What can robots do there?

11 What time does the science museum open?
Read and answer What time does the science museum open? It opens at ten o’clock in the morning every day. What did Ben and Kitty visit on the second floor? They visited “The World of Robots ”. What did they see in “The World of Robots”? They saw many kinds of robots there. What can robots do there? While-task procedure 2: 活动内容:短文理解。 活动目的:锻炼学生阅读能力。 操作方法:教师出示问题,每个小组问答一个问题。教师教授红色新词。 A robot was at the piano. He could play songs. His fingers moved fast. A robot was a dancer. He could move his head and arms.

12 It opens at ten o’clock in the morning every day.
Think and retell The science museum It opens at ten o’clock in the morning every day. They visited “The World of Robots ”. They saw many kinds of robots there. While-task procedure 3: 活动内容:短文概括。 活动目的:锻炼学生阅读与归纳能力。 操作方法:教师把所有的问题归结在一起,作为复述的主体部分,然后逐步引导学生找出复述的开头部分。 A robot was at the piano. He could play songs. His fingers moved fast. A robot was a dancer. He could move his head and arms.

13 How did Kitty and Ben feel after they visited the science museum?
Think and retell How did Kitty and Ben feel after they visited the science museum? 操作方法:通过问题帮助学生理解文章结尾。

14 It opens at ten o’clock in the morning every day.
Think and retell The science museum It opens at ten o’clock in the morning every day. They visited “The World of Robots ”. They saw many kinds of robots there. A robot was at the piano. He could play songs. His fingers moved fast. A robot was a dancer. He could move his head and arms. 操作方法:最后加入结尾部分,形成一篇完整的复述文章。让学生阅读复述短文。 They had a great time there.

15 They had a great time there.
Think and say 操作方法:教师给出头与尾,学生进行主体部分的复述。 The science museum … They had a great time there.

16 Look and read While-task procedure 4: 活动内容:Look and read
活动目的:加深对课文的理解。 操作方法:全班集体朗读加深对课文的理解与记忆。

17 Look and read

18 Look and read

19 Think and write Step 1: Think and write. Step 2: Share and check.
Step 3: Report. While-task procedure 5: 活动内容:Think and write 活动目的:巩固对课文的理解。 操作方法:学生两人一组,填空完成海报,然后全班核对。

20 Welcome to the insect museum!
Make a poster Step 1: Choose. Welcome to the insect museum! The insect museum opens at 9 o’clock every day. We can see many kinds of insects there. The museum also shows different kinds of butterflies. Kids like to visit the insect museum because they can learn a lot about different kinds of insects. They can get to know the names and the life cycles of those insects. Post-task activity 1: 活动内容: Make a poster 活动目的:锻炼语用能力。 操作方法:第一步:教师给出两篇文章,学生进行选择,并找到相同喜好的同学,四人为一组。 其他建议:短文供教师根据教学实际情况选择使用。

21 Welcome to the car museum!
Make a poster Step 1: Choose. Welcome to the car museum! The car museum opens from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. from Monday to Friday. There are many floors in the car museum. On the first floor, we can see the photo shows of cars. On the second floor, there are a lot of old cars. We can learn about the history of cars there. On the third floor, we can see 22 different brands(品牌)of cars. The "Future Show" is on the fourth floor. We can see some future cars. 操作方法:第二步:找到选择相同短文的同学。 Step 2: Find friends.

22 What can you see at the museum? What can you learn from the museum?
Make a poster Step 3: Underline and talk. What time does it open? What can you see at the museum? What can you learn from the museum? 操作方法:第三步:教师给出引导问题,学生以小组为单位划出答案,然后在小组内分享。

23 Step 4: Think and design. Make a poster
________________________________________________________________________________________________ 操作方法:第四步:设计海报。 其他建议:可作为回家作业。

24 Step 3: Underline and talk.
Make a poster In class Step 1: Choose. Step 2: Find friends. Step 3: Underline and talk. 操作方法:教师给出最后的学习任务。 其他建议:可作为回家作业。 After class Step 4: Think and design.

25 Read and say We're looking for some museum guides.
Please make sure that you know our museums very well, and you can introduce our museums to others. Do you want this job? Museum Union Post-task activity 2: 活动内容: Read and say 活动目的:锻炼口头说话能力。 操作方法:教师扮演Museum Union官员,为学生创设情景。让学生操练如何介绍博物馆。

26 Welcome to the car museum … On the … floor, we can see …
Think and say Welcome to the car museum … On the … floor, we can see … We can learn … Come and visit! You will have a great time! car museum 操作方法:根据提示,学生先在小组内进行介绍,然后可以由个人也可以由小组共同完成博物馆的介绍。最后请学生扮演应聘者,面对班级说一说。

27 Welcome to the insect museum …
Think and say insect museum Welcome to the insect museum … Children like to visit this museum because we can see … We can learn … Come and visit! You will have a great time!

28 Signs (don'ts) Look and say Post-task activity 3: 活动内容: Look and say
活动目的:了解博物馆中常见的禁令标志,进行德育教育。 操作方法:出示图片,让学生学习一些博物馆中常见的禁令标志,教育学生在博物馆中需要遵守的纪律。 Signs (don'ts)

29 Homework 1. Finish writing the poster.
2. Read Student’s Book pages 52 to 55. 3. Retell “Look and read”. 4. Tell something about the car museum and the insect museum. 5. Finish Workbook pages 45 and 47.

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