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Project 1 Job Application & Job Interview 工作申请&面试

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1 Project 1 Job Application & Job Interview 工作申请&面试
English visual - audio - oral class

2 Quote 引言 Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember.
Involve me and I learn. 给我讲过,我很快就忘记; 给我讲解,我会记住; 让我参与,我真正学会。 ——富兰克林 Benjamin Franklin 美国著名科学家 本杰明·富兰克林

3 Picture Show Job Hunting 求职

4 How can we stand out (脱颖而出)from the crowd of job applicants(求职者)?
Facing the fierce competition in the job market面对人才市场的激烈竞争

5 How can we stand out ? An effective job application letter (一封有效的求职信) A satisfactory resume (一份令人满意的简历) An appropriate job interview (良好的面试)

6 Job Interview 面试 Objectives(教学目标):
Students can understand and grasp the useful expressions of describing jobs, abilities and personality. 理解并掌握关于描述工作、能力、性格的表达形式 Students can ask and answer job interview questions. 能提问并且回答面试问题

7 Teaching Procedure教学过程
Case Analysis 案列分析 Video Watching 视频观看 Oral Practice口语练习 Review & Assignment 回顾&作业

8 Case Analysis 案列分析 The Devil Wears Prada 穿普拉达的恶魔 穿普拉达的恶魔

9 Assistant助理 Andy Chief Editor of “Runway” “天桥”时尚杂志主编 Miranda(Andy’ boss)

10 Watch the movie clip and think
Dose Andy do a good job in that job interview? Andy在面试中的表现好吗?

11 Movie Script (电影剧本) Andy: My name is Andy Sachs. I recently graduated from Northwestern University(我刚从西北大学毕业). Miranda: What are you doing here? Andy: Well, I think I could do a good job as your assistant(助理). I came to New York to be a journalist and sent letters out everywhere……我来纽约想成为一名记者并四处投信 Miranda: So you don’t read “Runway”你从未看过“天桥”杂志 Andy: Uh-No! Miranda: And before today, you had never heard of me.在此之前,你从未听过我的名字 Andy: No! Miranda: You have no style or sense of fashion.你对时尚品味一无所知

12 Preparations for Job Interview 面试准备
Collection of relevant Information 收集相关信息 1 Preparation for Necessary Materials 准备必要的材料 2 Anticipation of Interview Contents 预测面试内容 3

13 Necessary Materials 必要的材料
certification资格证书 resume简历 diploma 毕业文凭

14 What questions do you think the interviewers will probably ask
Would you please make a self-introduction? Why did you leave your last job? What do you know about our company? What salary do you expect? How would your friends and colleagues(同事) describe you? Why do you think you are qualified with this job?你为什么认为你能胜任这份工作?

15 Video Watching Main Characters 主要人物 Benjamin Yang Cathy and George

16 True (T) or False (F). Then write down the key words to support your answers.
Benjamin will graduate from college very soon and he has no work experience at all. 2. The relationship between Cathy and George is interviewer and interviewee. False He has worked at Nova Co. for three years. False Both of them are interviewers.

17 multinational company
Word Bank 单词库 multinational company 跨国公司 self-motivated 自我激励 salesperson 销售员

18 salesperson 3 accomplishment record falling
Please watch the video about a job interview and fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions. (Benjamin Yang is being interviewed by Cathy Jensen and George Cotton.) Cathy: Good morning, Mr. Yang. Please take a seat. Benjamin: Thank you! Cathy: Mr. Yang, I learned from your resume that you’ve been working as a _________________. Benjamin: Yes, I have worked with Nova for _________ years. George: What would you say was your biggest _________________ at Nova? Benjamin: Increasing our sales _________each year in spite of the __________ economy. salesperson 3 accomplishment record falling

19 development multinational pressure communication skills
Please watch the video about a job interview and fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions. Cathy: Sounds great. But if things were going well, why did you leave Nova? Benjamin: Simply because I couldn’t see any chance of career ____________ there. D&G is a large ____________ company. If I could work here, I would have much more scope to demonstrate my ability. George: Why do you think you are qualified for the position of sales representative? Benjamin: I’m enthusiastic and self-motivated. I can work well under _____________. Besides, I have excellent_________________________. Cathy: Thank you, Mr. Yang. We’ll inform you of our decision later this week. Benjamin: Thank you. I’ll be waiting for your call. development multinational pressure communication skills

20 Language Summary 语言汇总 面试开始 Good morning. Mr./Miss… Please take a seat…
面试中 I’ve worked with this company… I am enthusiastic and self-motivated. …work under pressure… …excellent communication skills 面试结束 Thank you…We’ll inform you of our decision…. I’ll be waiting for your call.

21 Role-Play 角色扮演 4-5 students in one group and role play a job interview. Interviewers:Your company wants to hire(雇佣) a (n)…. Now you are interviewing an applicant. Interviewees: You have just graduated from college, and now looking for a job as an accountant/electrician/mechanic. Now you are being interviewed. accountant 会计 electrician电工 mechanic 机修工

22 Steps 步骤 Interviewers and interviewees greet with each other.
Interviewer: Would you please tell me a little bit about yourself? Interviewee: My name is … I am…years old. I graduated from.... My major is.... I am looking for a job as…… Interviewer: Could you please tell me why you are qualified with this job? Interviewee: I’m good at..., ….work under pressure, I think …… Interviewer: How would you friends describe you? Interviewee: easy-going, hardworking... Interviewer: That’s impressive. We will call you.... Interviewee: Thank you. I’ll be waiting for your call.

23 Review回顾 Collection of relevant information
preparation for necessary materials Anticipation of interview questions Plan for appearance 整理仪表 Being punctual 准时 Keeping to the point 切题,扣住主题 Being confident and quick-witted 充满自信,且机智敏捷

24 Assignment 1.Memorize the new words and sentence patterns we learned today. 2.Practice the role-play job interview after class. 3.Watch the TV reality show(电视真人秀)


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