客户服务 询盘惯例.

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Presentation on theme: "客户服务 询盘惯例."— Presentation transcript:

1 客户服务 询盘惯例

2 目录 询盘的概念 询盘的内容及来源 应对询盘的思路和策略 日常询盘回复模板

3 询盘的概念 询盘(enquiry)也叫咨询,是指交易的一方准备购买或出售某种商品的人向潜在的供货人或买主探寻该商品的成交条件或交易的可能性的业务行为,它不具有法律上的约束力。

4 传统贸易和电子商务的贸易不同? 1.level of competition 竞争者多 2.Not face to face 不见面的沟通
3.first impression counts 第一印象 4.Letter 信件

5 速卖通上的询盘内容以及来源 1. 速卖通上询盘的内容: 2. 询盘来源: 询价,询问物流方式,产品规格包装,数量,重量,品质等。 站内信

6 站内信询盘处理

7 国际旺旺询盘

8 如何吸引客户回复? How to Attract a Reply ? Ask: how much for … Answer:
Hello, Glad to receive your enquiry. According to your enquiry I do not know which style you need because we have so many types showing on the websites, can you please let me know the detailed model according to our websites ……? Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Rgds xxx

9 要在询盘中筛选客户 信息点:Importer, price list 筛选原则: A 公司:
Hello, I'm importer of various kinds of products in USA , I am interested in your whole product line, please will you send me a price list and some pics? Thank you 信息点:Importer, price list 筛选原则: 询盘不能说明一切 多了解潜在客户 接触过的客户都是你的资源 持续跟进

10 回复的思路 1.回复所有提问,面面俱到,给出肯定答复 2.简单介绍网站和自己的产品,突出产品的差异化优势 3.认知对方
4. 当询问你的产品缺货时,尽量引导客户买类似产品。

11 贴心和专业征服买家 了解买家账户页面

12 贴心和专业征服买家 My Aliexpress

13 客户可能存在的问题 Question 1: I had placed my order ,but I was out of the payment page, what should I do now? I cannot find my order, I need replaced new one? Answer 1: No need, my friend. You had placed your order , please go back to your account ,and find the button “my ali express” , then click it, you will see the button “payment required” your unpaid order is in it

14 客户可能存在的问题 Question 2: How to confirm the delivery?
Answer 2: Dear customer, Open the Aliexpress homepage and click on my Aliexpress. After logging with your account and password, you can click on my orders. Finally, Click on the Comfirm Goods Received.

15 客户可能存在的问题 Question 3: Where is my order, I had paid already.
Answer 3: Dear customer, Open the Aliexpress homepage and click on my Aliexpress. After logging with your account and passowrd, you can click on my orders.

16 Transactions 有些时候我们解决不了的 问题,比如说付款方面,可以借用这个客户服务中心。

17 Transactions

18 Transactions

19 如何修改和添加地址?

20 下单的过程 下不了单—没有选择尺码或颜色 Friend, there are length , unit weight and color option there, you should choose them all then press “buy now”

21 下单的过程 如何解释修改价格? After you “place” the order , leave your message in the message box like” I want the length ….. then please do not make payment at the payment page, after I adjust the price , you can make payment then, after 24 hours verification, you will get an tracking number from us.

22 日常回复询盘模板 Ask: how much for … Answer:
Hello, Glad to receive your enquiry. According to your enquiry I do not know which style you need, because we have so many types showing on the websites, can you please let me know the detailed model according to our websites ……? Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Rgds Your Name

23 注意事项 1.关于订单的问题一定要在旺旺上先说好。如果出现纠纷,平台的纠纷小组只认旺旺上的聊天证据和订单留言以及站内信的聊天证据。
2.切勿引导买家进行线下交易。 3.时差查询

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