浙江安吉JW万豪酒店招聘岗位 联系人/电话: 李桁/ 邮箱:

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1 浙江安吉JW万豪酒店招聘岗位 联系人/电话: 李桁/15862674274 邮箱: ada.li@marriott.com
Asia Pacific 浙江安吉JW万豪酒店招聘岗位 Speaker: General Manager Timing: 4 minutes Resources/Preparation: You will need to download the video in advance of the session and play as a separate file. 酒店简介:浙江安吉JW万豪酒店地处超过1800年历史的古老县城安吉,距离杭州45分钟车程,距离上海、宁波2.5小时车程。酒店位于国际级的凤凰国际高尔夫俱乐部内,矗立于青翠竹林和雄伟山峦之间,是首家入驻安吉的国际酒店,也是万豪在中国开设的第1家度假型JW万豪酒店。酒店拥有228间风格典雅奢华设备齐全的客房以及套房,拥有两家高档餐厅提供地道的粤菜及环球美味。 部门: Sales & Marketing 市场营销部 职位: Secretary to DOM 市场总监秘书( 1人 ) 部门: Front Office 前厅部 职位: Front Desk Agent 前台接待员 ( 2人 ) 部门: Housekeeping 客房部 职位: Housekeeping Clerk 客房部文员( 1人 ) 部门: Food & Beverage Service 餐饮服务 职位: Lobby Lounge Waiter/Waitress 大堂吧服务员( 1人 ) JW Kitchen Waiter/Waitress 西餐厅服务员( 2人 ) FACILITATOR NOTE: Play video, A Message from Senior Leaders The video is available through Marriott Global Source Additional instructions are available within the Facilitator Guide Distribute copies of the Leader Video Transcript Handout in the required language KEY POINTS: As we learned in the last LOCV, our Company’s VISION is to be the number one hospitality company in the world Mr. Sorenson has been working with our leadership team to ensure we have a well defined strategy in place to help us achieve this goal To achieve our VISION, Arne and our leaders have developed a clearly defined PURPOSE, outlined our Company VALUES, and created an actionable STRATEGY TRANSITION: Let’s look at discuss each of these now… 联系人/电话: 李桁/ 邮箱: 2014 Living Our Core Values

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